Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

THAT must be why it only lasted a scant 17 seasons... :bsflag:

"In 1989, Terry Rakolta, a housewife from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, led a boycott[28] of the show after viewing the episode "Her Cups Runneth Over".[29] Offended by the images of an old man wearing a woman's garter and stockings, the scene where Steve touches the pasties of a mannequin dressed in S&M gear, a homosexual man wearing a tiara on his head (and Al's line "...and they wonder why we call them 'queens'"), and a half-nude woman who takes off her bra in front of Al (and is shown with her arms covering her bare chest in the next shot), Rakolta began a letter-writing campaign to advertisers, demanding they boycott the show."
Married... with Children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You were saying crap for brains?

Oh, they banned the show then? No, it only became more popular as the left mocked and laughed at Christians.

Funny, how you just unwittingly proved my point.

televison shows and pop culture as a substitute for intelligence and common sense in america.

we've truly become an idiocracy.



Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider
Posting the same garbage across multiple forums used to be considered spam.

Run tell then, little girl...or address the issue..whichever..
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

True, and the offended individual can look away, or take a different route, in most instances.
This is a very important subject. I am amazed that we haven't has more threads about it!

More important than gay marriage or the name Redskins.

You stupid typical fucking hypocrite.

Remember everyone when Christians expressed they were offended by the crucifix put in urine (the piece was called Piss Christ) and the same liberals that defend some brown muslim being offended by the word bacon, were all yapping about freedom of expression?

I sure as shit do.

They defended that along with the photo of the Mary being surrounded by female genitalia and elephant shit. The liberals defend the "art" and crush Christians for being offended by it. None of them say it should be taken down just because childish Christians are offended by expression.

When it comes to ONE muslim being offended by the word bacon? They defend the muslim that is offended by the word bacon.

There is no reason at all to treat, refer, or communicate with liberals with any respect whatsoever. None.

Yeah, this needs to be repeated.
Yeah, this needs to be repeated.

Why? The instances are completely dissimilar. If the "art" were displayed on a light pole in a public square and not in a private art gallery, you might have an argument. It wasn't.

Oh fuck you, you fraud. No Khmer Rouge democrat would EVER create or allow to be displayed any art or depiction that offends your Muslim allies.

You will ONLY attack Christians - PERIOD.

9/11 made Islam the life-long love of the democratic party - they are everything you aspire to be.

Oh fuck you, you fraud. No Khmer Rouge democrat would EVER create or allow to be displayed any art or depiction that offends your Muslim allies.

You will ONLY attack Christians - PERIOD.

9/11 made Islam the life-long love of the democratic party - they are everything you aspire to be.


Who attacked a Christian? Are you confused about what the manufactured outrage is about?
Who attacked a Christian? Are you confused about what the manufactured outrage is about?

So you don't even grasp that pisschrist and the Virgin Mary in elephant shit is an attack on Christians? You just think it's how people act?

Yeah, bullshit.

You leftists don't create a "Piss Muhammad" because the Muslims are savages and you fear that your head will be separated from your body on Al Jazeera with a dull knife, if you treat your allies the way you treat Christians.
Yeah, this needs to be repeated.

Why? The instances are completely dissimilar. If the "art" were displayed on a light pole in a public square and not in a private art gallery, you might have an argument. It wasn't.

Oh really? This is not in public? I love it. A restaurant puts bacon, and they were perfectly with in their right to advertise. That museum where the cocksucking piece of shit put the crucifix in his piss was open to the PUBLIC.


Do not tell me the libs and perverted do not openly flaunt their perversions and mock Christians. You fucking liar.
This one's a TWOfer - will make the overly sensitive types as well as the anti-gun nuts heads explode. Although, some of the jihadists might have conflicting emotions...
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