Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

View attachment 31392 I'm sure the woman in the OP will find this Bacon Nativity Scene especially horrible.


Dear poster, please remove this 'offensive' picture from the board. I am married to a piece of meat and I find this to be extremely offensive.

Thank you, and keep those hands where I can see them.
You're missing the point. It's about Muslims bringing a foreign sick culture to the US, and IMPOSING it on Americans, and expecting us to adapt to THEM (AKA Islamization)

I disagree, It's about censorship and forcing everyone into compliance what me almighty believes on a personal level.
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Sorry. I disagree.

What about all those who LIKE the sign?

If the Muslim is offended she can shop somewhere else. Hopefully it will be a bacon free somewhere else.

Burka Babe needs to fuck off.
I bet the only thing he's got left in his restaurant are crickets. What a fucking pussy.
I bet the only thing he's got left in his restaurant are crickets. What a fucking pussy.

I don't really blame the store owner - they remove adds all the time that offend people, but here's a little hint, if you sell meat, don't listen to vegans AT ALL. They will suggest that you serve nothing but rice and then never once stop by your place to patronize it.
I bet the only thing he's got left in his restaurant are crickets. What a fucking pussy.

Dear store owner:

I find crickets offensive; please remove them from the menu as in my country, crickets are considered to be former politicians reincarnated, as a form of divine retribution.
Uh, tax payers sponsored "Piss Christ"...we didn't pay for the Bacon sign.

Piss Christ is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist's urine. The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition,[1] which was sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, a United States Government agency that offers support and funding for artistic projects, without controlling content.

Piss Christ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That doesn't change the facts of my statement. One was on a public sign, the other a private gallery. The stories are in no way related.
Uh, tax payers sponsored "Piss Christ"...we didn't pay for the Bacon sign.

Piss Christ is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist's urine. The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition,[1] which was sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, a United States Government agency that offers support and funding for artistic projects, without controlling content.

Piss Christ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That doesn't change the facts of my statement. One was on a public sign, the other a private gallery. The stories are in no way related.

I guess the 1st Amendment really doesn't mean anything to you. Thanks for clearing that up.
Wasn't under the impression the US liked Muslims enough to let em get away with this petty nonsense?

If ya don't like a sign don't look at it. Turn the tv channel, close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and hum a happy tune. But if you make a legal case out of it you're gonna catch some hell fo rit. And it's not like Muslims are so beloved they have currency to burn. They exist in the US at the pleasure of the American people. Start making yourself even more annoying that the minority of you and you're headed for a cliff.
I'm going to side with the business owner on this one. It's America and she can do whatever she wants. If she feels she can make more money by taking down the sign then what's the issue? That's about as American as it gets. If she loses money, then she's just another loser business owner.
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Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider

Another reason why the majority of Americans are overweight, fat sacks of shit.
Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider

It in all likelihood did not have all that much significance and was just an every day act of kindness.
Many non-Muslims believe that all Muslims are offended at the mere sight of pork, but this is pure fable. Some Muslims believe that even a temporary proximity to pork will endanger their salvation but this is all poppy cock !! The Qur'an even permits the eating of pork for those who are truly hungry. Here are the relevant ayat from the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir Translation, all highlights are my own):

[2.173] He has only forbidden you what dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that over which any other (name) than (that of) Allah has been invoked; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring, nor exceeding the limit, no sin shall be upon him; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[5.3] Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten, except what you slaughter, and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows; that is a transgression. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion, so fear them not, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion; but whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining willfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[6.145] Say: I do not find in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden for an eater to eat of except that it be what has died of itself, or blood poured forth, or flesh of swine-- for that surely is unclean-- or that which is a transgression, other than (the name of) Allah having been invoked on it; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.

[16.115] He has only forbidden you what dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

To Muslims everywhere: None of you will face the wrath of Allah if you visit a restaurant that serves pork. If I am wrong, prove it by showing where in the Muslim Holy Book, such a foolish assertion is made. If you are offended by the mere mention of swine, perhaps you should throw your Qur'an in the trash as you obviously do not believe in what it says. Let me break it down to all you novice Muslims: The Qur'an says you should abstain from pork whenever possible, but in the event you are truly hungry you may partake without fear of unpleasant consequences. Got it??

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