Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

sometimes towns sell space for advertising-----it is a way to
raise revenue-----rented out for a fee kind of thing-----
you never lived in the sticks---did you?

And sometimes unicorns fart glitter. That was not the case here, they were not "sold" the light pole, it was part of a volunteer program to plant flowers in medians.

oh excuse me-----similar kind of thing----program for the
benefit of the town -----SO SORRY did I offend you?---
-------I do find your allusion to a unicorn FARTING IN PUBLIC-----offensive
Are you claiming there was something done that was illegal in some way? Post proof or STFU.

No, I was claiming the opposite. Nobody's sensibilities should be ruffled. Ask nicely to take sign down, sign was taken down. Nobody rioted, nobody took any government action. No controversy (except by those that want to make it one)
I do not blame you that you do not know----most people
do not know. The muslim woman who complained about
the sign saying "bacon" did not come out of thin air. She is
the product of 14 centuries of Islamic "culture" Her culture
includes a sense of absolute perquisites for muslims and only for muslims.
The concept that muslims are SUPREME ---
ISLAM IS SUPREME and anything a muslim wants is
SUPREME describes shariah law. For people who are
taught from infancy that shariah law describes "god's" will---
and for those who believe it ---and even those who do not
believe -----it means ANYTHING that is remotely
"NOT MUSLIM"---------is shit and muslims have a right to get
rid of it.
A scenario for comparison. Lets say a muslim lays a little
rug or piece of cardboard on the sidewalk and plops down and sticks his ass up in the air as I approach whilst
walking my dog------and the muslim JUMPS up and
insists I cross the street to get out of his way-----do I
get to complain? Lets say some storefront "mosque"--
developes in my neighborhood and five times per day---
a garble of Arabic gets blasted from a loudspeaker
attached to the place----do I get to have it removed?

I can assure you-----according to Islamic more's------my
actions would be capital crimes People "brought up" that
way do not easily overcome the depravity

Mmmmmmm, hyperbole flakes.

This happened in the United States. Asked nicely, done.

But no, Fox viewers must make this a controversy.

"fox viewers" I do not watch "fox"-----however I see the issue here-----it is a definite expression of ISLAMIC
PEREQUISITE It is a phenomenon I first noticed about
more than 45 years ago when I came into contact with LOTS OF YOUNG EDUCATED muslims -----who came to the US
for advanced studies----along with lots of other kinds of
people ---like hindus and Sikhs and Christians-----I have been
noticing it ever since---------it is likely you were not exposed to
this phenomenon It is a definite manifestation of Islamic
ethos. A bacon sign would not be allowed under shariah law. A cross on the door of a church is not------forget about a steeple and <gasp> bells Try not to be so dim
The sign should have been taken down and replaced with a platter of fresh hot bacon......the smell would have been better advertising than a sign and prolly would have made that muslim bitch gag.
Are you claiming there was something done that was illegal in some way? Post proof or STFU.

No, I was claiming the opposite. Nobody's sensibilities should be ruffled. Ask nicely to take sign down, sign was taken down. Nobody rioted, nobody took any government action. No controversy (except by those that want to make it one)
Do we have to bring down any sign that mentions "fudge" now?
Vermont diner takes down bacon sign after it offends Muslim residents
The Sneakers Bistro in Winooski, Vt. put up a sign that read 'YIELD FOR BACON' after planting flowers in a traffic median along Main Street, but a comment by a Muslim woman prompted its removal because it offended those who don’t eat pork, she claimed.

It wasn’t a greasy slab of bacon that stirred up controversy for a Vermont diner, but a road sign advertising that offended a member of the town’s Muslim community.

The Sneakers Bistro got its pick of a sign to stake into a prime traffic median along Winooski’s Main Street after dolling up the bed with annual flowers for the city of Winooski’s “Operation Bloom” volunteer program.

The sign that read “YIELD FOR BACON” was installed in June, according to a cached Facebook post, but it wasn’t until August that a Muslim resident of Winooski claimed the sign was insensitive to those who do not consume pork.

The diner simply took a cue from the thick-cuts, Canadian-style and even turkey bacon listed on their breakfast and lunch menu for the sign’s inspiration.

Vermont diner takes down bacon sign after it offends Muslim residents - NY Daily News




Well, are we officially under sharia law?

Let us watch folks, how the liberals defend the poor muslim offended by the word....


There was no legal force here,so if a private company chooses to respond to a customer's wishes so be it.

By the same token no one should complain in a similar situation if a company declines to remove the sign.
The sign should have been taken down and replaced with a platter of fresh hot bacon......the smell would have been better advertising than a sign and prolly would have made that muslim bitch gag.

NLT------PUHLEEEEZE-----I do not do bacon----hubby would
be horrified------I DON'T need to be reminded of that which
I am MISSING (., sob>)
Mind you, seawytch is the same type of scumbag who attacks Christians when Christians express that they are offended by an "artist" titling a piece called "Piss Christ." Putting a photo of the crucifix in his own piss, was the "artists artistic expression" and the liberals find it just "fascinating."

The same brown scumbags of the anti-Christ religion call for beheadings when someone put what may have been a likeness of Muhammad on South Park or a comic strip. Muhammad, mind you is not god according to these brown anti-Christ scumbags. He is a "prophet." Yet, it is "blasphemy" when someone makes a drawing of him.

Liberals like the slut seawytch are so indoctrinated into their anti-Christian vernacular that they see anyone that is anti-Christ (or brown) as just a good person that needs to be defended or an automatic perpetual victim or whitey righty America, or both.

Yes, they are that fucking pathetic and that fucking simplistic.
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The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Yep, they're free to go either way, and if their like the typical American of 2014, they'll bend over and grab their ankles for the whining and noisy minority.

Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks

Apples and drywall screws bub... not even close.
The point is the restaurant capitulating to these scumbags. Of course the real point is seeing how the liberals do not attack the muslim like they do Christians when Christians are offended by certain things.

They yell and yap about how Christians are humorless scumbags when a movie like Dogma is put out or when some artist puts a crucifix in his own piss, and when Scorcese makes a movie depicting Christ having sex. All of a sudden it does not matter one fucking bit about Christians. They are the bad ones for standing against any artistic expression.

That is the true point about this.
The point is the restaurant capitulating to these scumbags. Of course the real point is seeing how the liberals do not attack the muslim like they do Christians when Christians are offended by certain things.

They yell and yap about how Christians are humorless scumbags when a movie like Dogma is put out or when some artist puts a crucifix in his own piss, and when Scorcese makes a movie depicting Christ having sex. All of a sudden it does not matter one fucking bit about Christians. They are the bad ones for standing against any artistic expression.

That is the true point about this.
It's been a great week for the muslim people of the world.

First the victory of Hamas over Israel in Gaza.

And now the removal of an offensive Bacon sign in a small town of Vermont. ..... :thup:
Are you claiming there was something done that was illegal in some way? Post proof or STFU.

No, I was claiming the opposite. Nobody's sensibilities should be ruffled. Ask nicely to take sign down, sign was taken down. Nobody rioted, nobody took any government action. No controversy (except by those that want to make it one)
You dont see de facto censorship as a problem?
Vermont diner takes down bacon sign after it offends Muslim residents
The Sneakers Bistro in Winooski, Vt. put up a sign that read 'YIELD FOR BACON' after planting flowers in a traffic median along Main Street, but a comment by a Muslim woman prompted its removal because it offended those who don’t eat pork, she claimed.

It wasn’t a greasy slab of bacon that stirred up controversy for a Vermont diner, but a road sign advertising that offended a member of the town’s Muslim community.

The Sneakers Bistro got its pick of a sign to stake into a prime traffic median along Winooski’s Main Street after dolling up the bed with annual flowers for the city of Winooski’s “Operation Bloom” volunteer program.

The sign that read “YIELD FOR BACON” was installed in June, according to a cached Facebook post, but it wasn’t until August that a Muslim resident of Winooski claimed the sign was insensitive to those who do not consume pork.

The diner simply took a cue from the thick-cuts, Canadian-style and even turkey bacon listed on their breakfast and lunch menu for the sign’s inspiration.

Vermont diner takes down bacon sign after it offends Muslim residents - NY Daily News




Well, are we officially under sharia law?

Let us watch folks, how the liberals defend the poor muslim offended by the word....


There was no legal force here,so if a private company chooses to respond to a customer's wishes so be it.

By the same token no one should complain in a similar situation if a company declines to remove the sign.
As if some carpet kissing whore is going to be a customer of theirs.
Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider
Posting the same garbage across multiple forums used to be considered spam.
It's been a great week for the muslim people of the world.

And now the removal of an offensive Bacon sign in a small town of Vermont. ..... :thup:
Oh the humanity

:lol: making a mockery of your own values, priceless.

Pretty funny to see all the lefties on this thread deflecting to the (obvious) "rights" involved and not on the cultural/societal ramifications of this.

They're so pro-business ("it's up to the business to decide to take the sign down") when it involves PC. On pretty much anything ELSE, though, F-U-C-K the business.

Also amusing to see them being so supportive of the sensitivity of a religion - when it's the right religion.



I'm Jewish and I'm not offended. I simply don't eat bacon. Someone else wants to? Great, go for it.
The problem isn't the Muslim being offended. He can be as offended as he likes. The problem is the store owner caving in to it.

I agree with half of your comment. I agree the bistro were pussies for caving, but I also blame the Muslim woman. She knows "bacon" is throughout our culture here, and a staple of the American diet. She should either accept that, or move. We shouldn't have to bend to her wills simply because she was offended. Especially when you consider what a tiny minority Muslims are here.

And by the way, if Muslims TRULY want to be accepted by all Americans, and viewed along side all of us as just being another American, this sure the hell was not the way to go about it. This will only make other Americans resent Muslims even more than they already do.
The point is the restaurant capitulating to these scumbags. Of course the real point is seeing how the liberals do not attack the muslim like they do Christians when Christians are offended by certain things.

They yell and yap about how Christians are humorless scumbags when a movie like Dogma is put out or when some artist puts a crucifix in his own piss, and when Scorcese makes a movie depicting Christ having sex. All of a sudden it does not matter one fucking bit about Christians. They are the bad ones for standing against any artistic expression.

That is the true point about this.
It's been a great week for the muslim people of the world.

First the victory of Hamas over Israel in Gaza.

And now the removal of an offensive Bacon sign in a small town of Vermont. ..... :thup:

Gonna be a great weekend this weekend to be a Southern boy. I've got 3 pork tenderloins that will be smoked Sunday, to go with the Chicken and BBQ pulled pork, all for eatin on Monday!

And I'm sure we will start the day off with the best pork sausage known to man, that's Swaggerty's, cause it makes the best gravy. Bisquits n gravy, sausage, bacon, some country ham, eggs, and homemade brown sugar syrup.

Now that's good eatin!

American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Yep, they're free to go either way, and if their like the typical American of 2014, they'll bend over and grab their ankles for the whining and noisy minority.

Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks

Good God a Bacon Cheeseburger or a BLT is now equal to racism.

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