Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

The restaurateur is well trained. Notice he remarked about violence. When a Muslim complains about something we all know that there is a real world possibility of violence backing that complaint.

This guy would rather be spineless than risk having Muslim vengeance visitited upon him. Muslims use this to their great advantage.
I'm not a "native" Vermonter, but I own a home there, and have lived there part time for decades - and I've found that "native" Vermonters are in fact incredibly welcoming and open to "out of staters".

Why would they want to bite the hand that feeds them?
The restaurateur is well trained. Notice he remarked about violence. When a Muslim complains about something we all know that there is a real world possibility of violence backing that complaint.

This guy would rather be spineless than risk having Muslim vengeance visitited upon him. Muslims use this to their great advantage.


You think that the owner of the restaurant is afraid of "Muslim vengeance" in Winooski, Vermont?
From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.
What makes you think the woman who voiced the complaint wasn't a town resident?

I am not saying she wasn't a resident. I am simply betting she was not born in VT.

Ask any native Vermonter. If you weren't born there, you are an out-of-stater for life.

I'm not a "native" Vermonter, but I own a home there, and have lived there part time for decades - and I've found that "native" Vermonters are in fact incredibly welcoming and open to "out of staters".

They are indeed! Vermonters are a warm & friendly people. But the most of the ones I have known in Rutland, Clarendon, Burlington and other places, are also not likely to change their ways do to out-of-staters.

I would say that most Vermonters that I know wouldn't consider a tiny sign about bacon to be an important part of "their ways", and wouldn't give the slightest little shit about whether it was removed or not.

Only from teh standpoint of them being a rather independent lot.

I can hear them saying "Jeezum crow that was stupid".
The restaurateur is well trained. Notice he remarked about violence. When a Muslim complains about something we all know that there is a real world possibility of violence backing that complaint.

This guy would rather be spineless than risk having Muslim vengeance visitited upon him. Muslims use this to their great advantage.
I can't see anything about violence anywhere in the article.
From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.
What makes you think the woman who voiced the complaint wasn't a town resident?

I am not saying she wasn't a resident. I am simply betting she was not born in VT.

Ask any native Vermonter. If you weren't born there, you are an out-of-stater for life.

I'm not a "native" Vermonter, but I own a home there, and have lived there part time for decades - and I've found that "native" Vermonters are in fact incredibly welcoming and open to "out of staters".

They are indeed! Vermonters are a warm & friendly people. But the most of the ones I have known in Rutland, Clarendon, Burlington and other places, are also not likely to change their ways do to out-of-staters.

I would say that most Vermonters that I know wouldn't consider a tiny sign about bacon to be an important part of "their ways", and wouldn't give the slightest little shit about whether it was removed or not.

Only from teh standpoint of them being a rather independent lot.

I can hear them saying "Jeezum crow that was stupid".

Oh, of course. I can hear that too - followed by them turning around and getting back to work, giving it not a moment's further thought, and caring not in the slightest.

People on the internet, on the other hand...
The restaurateur is well trained. Notice he remarked about violence. When a Muslim complains about something we all know that there is a real world possibility of violence backing that complaint.

This guy would rather be spineless than risk having Muslim vengeance visitited upon him. Muslims use this to their great advantage.


You think that the owner of the restaurant is afraid of "Muslim vengeance" in Winooski, Vermont?

Now THAT is funny!
The restaurateur is well trained. Notice he remarked about violence. When a Muslim complains about something we all know that there is a real world possibility of violence backing that complaint.

This guy would rather be spineless than risk having Muslim vengeance visitited upon him. Muslims use this to their great advantage.


You think that the owner of the restaurant is afraid of "Muslim vengeance" in Winooski, Vermont?

Um yeah. From the restaurant owner's facebook statement:

The national outrage seemed to cause angst among the owners of the diner. They posted a message on Facebook:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​
The restaurateur is well trained. Notice he remarked about violence. When a Muslim complains about something we all know that there is a real world possibility of violence backing that complaint.

This guy would rather be spineless than risk having Muslim vengeance visitited upon him. Muslims use this to their great advantage.


You think that the owner of the restaurant is afraid of "Muslim vengeance" in Winooski, Vermont?

Um yeah. From the restaurant owner's facebook statement:

The national outrage seemed to cause angst among the owners of the diner. They posted a message on Facebook:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

You see what you want to see in their statement, but the fact of the matter is there are less than 500 Muslims in the entire state. I think you're projecting your personal fear of Muslims on to them.
Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider

The bottom line is that we have allowed those in the minority to call the shots for a long time so that those in the majority won't be seen as "tyrants". The result is that the minority preference has become tyrannical.

Bacon = off the menu. Period. No tolerance for bacon
Cross erected to honor a death = cannot be in public view. No tolerance for the sign of a cross.
Someone wearing a cross necklace to school = suspended. See above.
Someone wants to wear a burka in her drivers license picture = She can do it (and can't now be identified)

It is not just about Sharia Law creeping in (though that is part of it). The majority of the people in this country are now being expected to kowtow to the increasingly intolerant and tyrannical minority groups.

Don't expect it to stop any time soon.
It's just going to be worse.
Stock up on bacon then be prepared to eat it really fast when you hear "they" are coming around to inspect freezers for hidden pork products.

(sarcasm present in this post)
Um yeah. From the restaurant owner's facebook statement:

The national outrage seemed to cause angst among the owners of the diner. They posted a message on Facebook:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​
Do you not think that they might be referring to the complainant's original letter which suggested that the sign itself was in an unsafe place?
"Given the large number of Muslim families in Winooski, as well as many others who do not eat pork for a variety of reasons, it seems unnecessary for this insensitive business sign to be at the city's main crosswalk," she wrote. The woman also complained that the sign "clutters an already dangerous crosswalk."
Regarding the owner's statement:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

Why wasn't this a difficult decision? This is giving in to the Heckler's Veto. The owner OBVIOUSLY thought the sign was a good idea when he put it up. What is his standard here? Only one person objecting and he backtracks? If one person complalned about eggs would he submit to that person's Heckler's Veto? I doubt it. The key here is that a Muslim did the complaining - that's what made removal "not a difficult decision." Don't offend the Muslims and they won't attack you. He though is safe in ignoring a Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended.
The restaurateur is well trained. Notice he remarked about violence. When a Muslim complains about something we all know that there is a real world possibility of violence backing that complaint.

This guy would rather be spineless than risk having Muslim vengeance visitited upon him. Muslims use this to their great advantage.


You think that the owner of the restaurant is afraid of "Muslim vengeance" in Winooski, Vermont?

Um yeah. From the restaurant owner's facebook statement:

The national outrage seemed to cause angst among the owners of the diner. They posted a message on Facebook:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

You see what you want to see in their statement, but the fact of the matter is there are less than 500 Muslims in the entire state. I think you're projecting your personal fear of Muslims on to them.
There are only 2 mosques in the entire state of Vermont and both of them are located in Burlington which is just a couple of miles down the road from Winooski. ........ :cool:
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Regarding the owner's statement:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

Why wasn't this a difficult decision? This is giving in to the Heckler's Veto. The owner OBVIOUSLY thought the sign was a good idea when he put it up. What is his standard here? Only one person objecting and he backtracks? If one person complalned about eggs would he submit to that person's Heckler's Veto? I doubt it. The key here is that a Muslim did the complaining - that's what made removal "not a difficult decision." Don't offend the Muslims and they won't attack you. He though is safe in ignoring a Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended.
He's still serving bacon on his property.
He's removed a sign out in the street which is what the complaint was about.
Where were the Vegans in the article?
Regarding the owner's statement:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

Why wasn't this a difficult decision? This is giving in to the Heckler's Veto. The owner OBVIOUSLY thought the sign was a good idea when he put it up. What is his standard here? Only one person objecting and he backtracks? If one person complalned about eggs would he submit to that person's Heckler's Veto? I doubt it. The key here is that a Muslim did the complaining - that's what made removal "not a difficult decision." Don't offend the Muslims and they won't attack you. He though is safe in ignoring a Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended.

Well, according to the owner, it wasn't a "difficult decision" because the sign had been made irrelevant due to changes in traffic patterns.

Sneakers owner Marc Dysinger replied that the sign was meant to be fun and to show that the restaurant cares about Winooski and the gardens, but that it had lost its "relevance" due to recent traffic changes at the rotary. He apologized for the controversy.
Regarding the owner's statement:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

Why wasn't this a difficult decision? This is giving in to the Heckler's Veto. The owner OBVIOUSLY thought the sign was a good idea when he put it up. What is his standard here? Only one person objecting and he backtracks? If one person complalned about eggs would he submit to that person's Heckler's Veto? I doubt it. The key here is that a Muslim did the complaining - that's what made removal "not a difficult decision." Don't offend the Muslims and they won't attack you. He though is safe in ignoring a Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended.
He's still serving bacon on his property.
He's removed a sign out in the street which is what the complaint was about.
Where were the Vegans in the article?

The woman who complained identified herself as "a vegan and a member of a Muslim household".
Regarding the owner's statement:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

Why wasn't this a difficult decision? This is giving in to the Heckler's Veto. The owner OBVIOUSLY thought the sign was a good idea when he put it up. What is his standard here? Only one person objecting and he backtracks? If one person complalned about eggs would he submit to that person's Heckler's Veto? I doubt it. The key here is that a Muslim did the complaining - that's what made removal "not a difficult decision." Don't offend the Muslims and they won't attack you. He though is safe in ignoring a Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended.
He's still serving bacon on his property.
He's removed a sign out in the street which is what the complaint was about.
Where were the Vegans in the article?

The woman who complained identified herself as "a vegan and a member of a Muslim household".
Granted, I'll expand...where was the "Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended."?
Regarding the owner's statement:

“We are here to serve people BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community. There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please have the political conversation elsewhere.”​

Why wasn't this a difficult decision? This is giving in to the Heckler's Veto. The owner OBVIOUSLY thought the sign was a good idea when he put it up. What is his standard here? Only one person objecting and he backtracks? If one person complalned about eggs would he submit to that person's Heckler's Veto? I doubt it. The key here is that a Muslim did the complaining - that's what made removal "not a difficult decision." Don't offend the Muslims and they won't attack you. He though is safe in ignoring a Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended.
He's still serving bacon on his property.
He's removed a sign out in the street which is what the complaint was about.
Where were the Vegans in the article?

The woman who complained identified herself as "a vegan and a member of a Muslim household".
Granted, I'll expand...where was the "Vegan's call to not serve eggs or meat because the Vegan is offended."?

Don't ask me.

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