Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Yep, they're free to go either way, and if their like the typical American of 2014, they'll bend over and grab their ankles for the whining and noisy minority.

Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks
So now serving bacon is akin to denying Blacks service.
It is a negative example of business conforming to the desires of their customers
Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider

hint goyim boy, Jews also don't eat bacon and pork,

And how many Jews go out getting their panties in a bunch over a bacon sign?
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Yep, they're free to go either way, and if their like the typical American of 2014, they'll bend over and grab their ankles for the whining and noisy minority.

Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks
So now serving bacon is akin to denying Blacks service.
It is a negative example of business conforming to the desires of their customers
Here's the thing, if you don't like to be around bacon, pictures of bacon, or signs with the word bacon on them then don't patronize establishments that sell bacon.

It really is that simple.

I am offended by people who are easily offended.
Apparently the town allows businesses who upkeep this area, to put a sign up. Too bad the pussies caved when confronted. No wonder the Islamic world gives us no respect.

It's simply more tolerating of the intolerant.

Still, I'd rather live this way since it's a choice and that frees the owner to make their own choice.

In the country where the intolerant came from?

There's not much tolerance there.
An owner in a heavily Muslim area may decide it is best for business to remove signage they find offensive

It is up to the business to decide

Indeed...a matter or survival.
While I agree its stupid, and the Muslim should get the fuck over it or move back to that hell hole over there........

It is the business owner's right to take it down if she wants.

Of course, it's the business owner's right. The OP doesn't address that. The OP criticizes the wisdom of allowing Muslims to Islamize us . The methodology of the Muslim Brotherhood is to destroy western civilization from within, by using us Americans to do it to ourselves (if/whenever we're dumb enough to allow it). Every time another American caves in to Muslim demands, it is another step in the road to Isalmization of America, as the Muslim Brotherhood plans it, and sees it.

"The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Proecess" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. (Mohamed Akram, An Explanatory Memorandum on the Strategic Goal for the Group in North America, May 22. 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).
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I'm almost certain that the woman in question's veganism was more the cause of any "offense", rather than her "Muslim household".

I know plenty of Muslims, none of them give a shit about bacon, other than not eating it themselves.

Vegans, on the other hand, tend to get offended at nearly everything.
Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks
Might know you'd bring race into the thread. You're a Sharp One, Sharpton!

So now serving bacon is akin to denying Blacks service.

Now saying that you are offended by signs of bacon is akin to saying you are offended by the presence of blacks.

Go figure!

Righwinger, like Obama, Jackson and Sharpton, is a race baiter.
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign
OFF TOPIC! This isn't about rights . It's about propriety. The store would be more proper to accomodate American culture, and Americans who DO like the sign, and who like bacon, and not cowtow to rude, pushy people, Muslim or not.
Removing the sign was another victory on the road to making America a muslim nation.

Without the evil of bacon western civilization will crumble and the infidels will flock to Islam. ..... :cool:
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Yep, they're free to go either way, and if their like the typical American of 2014, they'll bend over and grab their ankles for the whining and noisy minority.

Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks
OFF TOPIC! Thread is about Islamization, not racial discrimination.
Speaking of bacon;



Texas Man Stages Pig Races to Protest Islamic Neighbor's Plans to Build Mosque

KATY, Texas – When an Islamic group moved in next door and told Craig Baker the pigs on his family's 200-year-old Texas farm had to go, he and his swine decided to fight back.

Baker, 46, a stone-shop owner whose family has owned the farm for two centuries, says the association knew about the pigs when they bought the property, and it's not fair for them to ask him to get rid of the animals.

"I am just defending my rights and my property," Baker said. "They totally disrespected me and my family."

"That was the last straw for me ... calling me a liar, especially in front of three or four hundred people at that meeting," Baker said. "Mr. Fotouh said it would be a good idea if I considered packing up my stuff and moving out further to the country."
I'm almost certain that the woman in question's veganism was more the cause of any "offense", rather than her "Muslim household".

I know plenty of Muslims, none of them give a shit about bacon, other than not eating it themselves.

Vegans, on the other hand, tend to get offended at nearly everything.
I'm almost certain that you're not almost certain. Islamist Muslims have been fighting against all sorts of western cultural practices that they deem unIslamic. This has been going on for years. You never heard of Lina Morales ?
Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider

Talk about skewed reporting!
The sign was in a garden, not inside the diner (although to be fair to Fox News, they reported this part correctly in your linked article).

The town manager also said
City Manager Decarreau said the city has no plans to make a policy decision on the advertisement, though she will be asking the Winooski Coalition for a Safe and Peaceful Community for advice.

"Like I said, it's an issue of free speech, and I'm not sure where city government gets involved," Decarreau said.
The diner removed a sign in an outside garden because in their judgement offending a section of the population in a culturally diverse town might be bad for business.
That's a private business decision.
Conservatives and Libertarians should applaud this private company's right to decide what's right for their business.

This is the quality of comment from some on Facebook
"Please try to tell as many people as you can around there about this ISIS loving anti-American business," wrote one commenter. "Let's run them out of business and then run the owners out if the USA. They can go open a place in Palestine."
I'm almost certain that the woman in question's veganism was more the cause of any "offense", rather than her "Muslim household".

I know plenty of Muslims, none of them give a shit about bacon, other than not eating it themselves.

Vegans, on the other hand, tend to get offended at nearly everything.
I'm almost certain that you're not almost certain. Islamist Muslims have been fighting against all sorts of western cultural practices that they deem unIslamic. This has been going on for years. You never heard of Lina Morales ?

Do you think there are a lot of "Islamist Muslims" in Winooski, Vermont?

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