Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

I would have (bacon) made every item (bacon) on the menu include a (bacon) product of some sort.

Well, I guess that's a difference between you and the owners of this restaurant.

They're more interested in being friendly and community-oriented than making ridiculous petty "statements".

From the looks of the backlash, the community favors my sense of humor over some petty whining by a single person.

If the word "Bacon" on a sign offends you, you are beyond overly sensitive.

The "backlash" is coming from idiots like Todd Starnes, not "the community".
FALSE! Not only did the community of the town get offended by this, they got a backlash from people all over the country, and to enough degree that prompted them to issue a Facebook statement in response. And then, that Facebook post generated even more anger and response, causing the diner to take the message out of Facebook. You're talking nonsense.
I would have (bacon) made every item (bacon) on the menu include a (bacon) product of some sort.

Well, I guess that's a difference between you and the owners of this restaurant.

They're more interested in being friendly and community-oriented than making ridiculous petty "statements".

From the looks of the backlash, the community favors my sense of humor over some petty whining by a single person.

If the word "Bacon" on a sign offends you, you are beyond overly sensitive.

The "backlash" is coming from idiots like Todd Starnes, not "the community".

It seems to me, from the articles I have read, that the backlash came from all over. From letters, emails, phone calls and yes, even FaceBook.

But, once again, if you are offended by the word "Bacon" on a sign in front a restaurant specializing in breakfast, you are far too sensitive. I would call it lunacy, but that would be insulting to the insane everywhere.

"From all over" is exactly my point.

"Backlash" from hysterical butt-hurt people all over the country who will never find themselves in a diner in Winooski Vermont anyway isn't from "the community".

"The community" consists of the 7,000 or so people who live in Winooski - and I haven't seen a single complaint about the sign being removed from anyone who actually lives there, and actually visits the restaurant in question.
I would have (bacon) made every item (bacon) on the menu include a (bacon) product of some sort.

Well, I guess that's a difference between you and the owners of this restaurant.

They're more interested in being friendly and community-oriented than making ridiculous petty "statements".

From the looks of the backlash, the community favors my sense of humor over some petty whining by a single person.

If the word "Bacon" on a sign offends you, you are beyond overly sensitive.

The "backlash" is coming from idiots like Todd Starnes, not "the community".

It seems to me, from the articles I have read, that the backlash came from all over. From letters, emails, phone calls and yes, even FaceBook.

But, once again, if you are offended by the word "Bacon" on a sign in front a restaurant specializing in breakfast, you are far too sensitive. I would call it lunacy, but that would be insulting to the insane everywhere.

"From all over" is exactly my point.

"Backlash" from hysterical butt-hurt people all over the country who will never find themselves in a diner in Winooski Vermont anyway isn't from "the community".

"The community" consists of the 7,000 or so people who live in Winooski - and I haven't seen a single complaint about the sign being removed from anyone who actually lives there, and actually visits the restaurant in question.
You're missing the point entirely. When it come to Islamization (subversion methodology of the Muslim Brotherhood) ALL OF AMERICA is the community, regarding that. Instances of Islamization affect everyone in America, no matter what state of locality they occur in.
I agree that it's stupid to be offended by a sign that mentions bacon.

It's even stupider to care about it from the other side of the country.

No it's not, and if you did your Islamization homework, you'd know that. So stop posting, and Read Baby! Read!

1. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

2. Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer

3. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer

4. Infiltration by Paul Sperry

5. Muslim Mafia by P. David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry

6. Shariah: The Threat to America by the Center for Security Policy

7. The Third Jihad (DVD) by Dr. Zuddhi Jasser
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I would have (bacon) made every item (bacon) on the menu include a (bacon) product of some sort.

Well, I guess that's a difference between you and the owners of this restaurant.

They're more interested in being friendly and community-oriented than making ridiculous petty "statements".

From the looks of the backlash, the community favors my sense of humor over some petty whining by a single person.

If the word "Bacon" on a sign offends you, you are beyond overly sensitive.

The "backlash" is coming from idiots like Todd Starnes, not "the community".

It seems to me, from the articles I have read, that the backlash came from all over. From letters, emails, phone calls and yes, even FaceBook.

But, once again, if you are offended by the word "Bacon" on a sign in front a restaurant specializing in breakfast, you are far too sensitive. I would call it lunacy, but that would be insulting to the insane everywhere.
I basically agree but why dump on this business owner about it?
Tell the woman that she's an over-sensitive ass if you like but I'd say that the business owner removed the sign because it wasn't such an important thing that he/she wanted to make a stand over it and because he/she didn't want to get caught up in a political debate...sheesh, that worked well!

Look at the firestorm over businesses attitudes to guns on their premises...who would want to get caught up in something like that?
I would have (bacon) made every item (bacon) on the menu include a (bacon) product of some sort.

Well, I guess that's a difference between you and the owners of this restaurant.

They're more interested in being friendly and community-oriented than making ridiculous petty "statements".

From the looks of the backlash, the community favors my sense of humor over some petty whining by a single person.

If the word "Bacon" on a sign offends you, you are beyond overly sensitive.

The "backlash" is coming from idiots like Todd Starnes, not "the community".

It seems to me, from the articles I have read, that the backlash came from all over. From letters, emails, phone calls and yes, even FaceBook.

But, once again, if you are offended by the word "Bacon" on a sign in front a restaurant specializing in breakfast, you are far too sensitive. I would call it lunacy, but that would be insulting to the insane everywhere.
I basically agree but why dump on this business owner about it?
Tell the woman that she's an over-sensitive ass if you like but I'd say that the business owner removed the sign because it wasn't such an important thing that he/she wanted to make a stand over it and because he/she didn't want to get caught up in a political debate...sheesh, that worked well!

Look at the firestorm over businesses attitudes to guns on their premises...who would want to get caught up in something like that?
Unfortunately we are ALL caught up in the "political debate" over Islamization in America, because it continues to be imposed upon us. This business owner is only the latest in a list of thousands, going to back to ever since the MB launched its infamous Explanatory Memorandum in 1991. The MB is actively trying to overthrow the US govt and the Constitution, little bit by little bit, and it is critical that every American "make a stand" against every one of its attempts to Islamize us.
Removing the sign was another victory on the road to making America a muslim nation.

Without the evil of bacon western civilization will crumble and the infidels will flock to Islam. ..... :cool:

No beer? No bacon? And the women must be covered except for their eyes?

Nah, it'll never catch on.
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From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.

The "whiner" was not an "out of stater".

The people whining about the whiner, on the other hand...
Yup! It's happened again, folks. Another foolish over-tolerant American, gives in to another UNtolerant Muslim, demanding that things be done the Muslim way, over the American way. It happened in a diner in Winooski, Vermont, when a Muslim woman who described herself as a “vegan and a member of a Muslim household” called a sign advertising bacon, offensive, the Burlington Free Press reported.

HA HA. How many times have we heard that word ? > ("offensive") So instead of the diner owner simply telling the woman "Sorry, but we don't have any restrictions on bacon in the USA," this dumbo caved in to this amazingly rude Muslim woman and not only took down the sign, but also apologized to her.

This act of cowardice, and disrespect for all Americans, was backed up by the town manager — using words like diversity and tolerance and dialogue.
“Winooski is a diverse community, and we like it that way,” city manager Katherine Decarreau told the Burlington Free Press.

Well, sorry Katherine, but diversity is one thing, Dumping American culture (the foods we eat) in order to appease the demands of a foreign culture is downright traitorous and disrepectful to the American people (last time I checked, Vermont was still part of America). How about asking the Muslim woman to exhibit a bit of "tolerance" herself for the WAY WE DO THINGS, here in America ? This reminds me of the infamous Lina Morales-Rising Star incident that blew up over a BLT sandwich.

Needless to say this little chunk of
Islamization (like thousands of others before it) enraged many citizens who fired off letters of disapproval. A Todd Starnes (author of the link article) said >> "This is America. We love bacon. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to head to the border. And don’t let the bacon grease hit you on the way out. May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!"

May God Bless America – liberty and bacon for all!

Vermont Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman Fox News Insider

Tad paranoid aren't you?
From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.
What makes you think the woman who voiced the complaint wasn't a town resident?

I am not saying she wasn't a resident. I am simply betting she was not born in VT.

Ask any native Vermonter. If you weren't born there, you are an out-of-stater for life.
From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.

The "whiner" was not an "out of stater".

The people whining about the whiner, on the other hand...

She was born in VT?

Well, I have no idea if she was born there, since the comments were anonymously posted on a local message board. But she lives in the town, apparently.
From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.
What makes you think the woman who voiced the complaint wasn't a town resident?

I am not saying she wasn't a resident. I am simply betting she was not born in VT.

Ask any native Vermonter. If you weren't born there, you are an out-of-stater for life.

I'm not a "native" Vermonter, but I own a home there, and have lived there part time for decades - and I've found that "native" Vermonters are in fact incredibly welcoming and open to "out of staters".
From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.
What makes you think the woman who voiced the complaint wasn't a town resident?

I am not saying she wasn't a resident. I am simply betting she was not born in VT.

Ask any native Vermonter. If you weren't born there, you are an out-of-stater for life.

I'm not a "native" Vermonter, but I own a home there, and have lived there part time for decades - and I've found that "native" Vermonters are in fact incredibly welcoming and open to "out of staters".

They are indeed! Vermonters are a warm & friendly people. But the most of the ones I have known in Rutland, Clarendon, Burlington and other places, are also not likely to change their ways do to out-of-staters.
From the People's Republic of Vermont you expect something different?


Actually, my first wife was from Vermont. And I am VERY surprised that any one up there caved in to the whinings of an out-of-stater.
What makes you think the woman who voiced the complaint wasn't a town resident?

I am not saying she wasn't a resident. I am simply betting she was not born in VT.

Ask any native Vermonter. If you weren't born there, you are an out-of-stater for life.

I'm not a "native" Vermonter, but I own a home there, and have lived there part time for decades - and I've found that "native" Vermonters are in fact incredibly welcoming and open to "out of staters".

They are indeed! Vermonters are a warm & friendly people. But the most of the ones I have known in Rutland, Clarendon, Burlington and other places, are also not likely to change their ways do to out-of-staters.

I would say that most Vermonters that I know wouldn't consider a tiny sign about bacon to be an important part of "their ways", and wouldn't give the slightest little shit about whether it was removed or not.

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