Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law


Create a thread about it!

I'm satisfied with simply correcting your misapprehensions.

Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Right-Wing fear can indeed be a powerful thing. I can understand that it controls you. Do you shake at night?

Really, make a full thread about it, I will gladly look at ALL of the information. And if it stands, I will gladly condemn that guy as much as I railed on this D'Souza yahoo.


Now, back to the title of this thread, which is:

Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law....

"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.
Perhaps going after D'Souza wasn't Barack's idea.....maybe someone else, someone who was the subject of chapter 14 of his book.....

Here....see what you think:

1. Poor Michelle…bashed for everything from her Princeton thesis to her subsequent employment record. And, speaking of her Princeton thesis…Christopher Hitchens wrote,

"To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language." … Almost assuredly, the gap between her writing and that of her highly talented colleagues marked her as an affirmative action admission, and the profs finessed her through.
daveinboca: Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

a. Michelle’s thesis was about being black at Princeton. Here is the type of passage that accounts for Hitchen’s disdain:

“By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desparation [sic] of their situation and feel more hopeless about their plight.” Michelle Obama Princeton Thesis | Just another WordPress.com weblog

b. “Alas, the grammar is wrong; the tenses are garbled. People are ignorant “of” the plight of the lower class, no ignorant “to” their plight. And “desparation” should be spelled “desperation.” As Hitchen’s would surely have pointed out, these are not mere typos; they reflect an estranged relationship with the English language. Moreover, they appear not in an off-the-cuff transcript, but in a thesis that is supposed to reflect the culmination of one’s college career. Remarkably, Michelle graduated with honors at Princeton, and was admitted to Harvard Law School.”
D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 204-205

When I wrote my thesis, I paid a service to proof-read it. When one is submitting a paper to the board of regents, one ensures it is correct.

Unless one is ushered through on AA, that is...

"....ushered through...."

Has a certain ring of truth about it.....
The longer PRISON TIME that convict, Dinesh D'souza, gets...the more I will REJOICE!!


Who is more deserving of prison time, Dinesh D'Souza, or Jon Corzine?

Who knew you were an emotional and demonstrative metro-sexual?

The pic?

Not my post.
"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.

Statist is a statest. He posts what he does in an effort to increase the power of the state and decrease the liberty of individuals.
The longer PRISON TIME that convict, Dinesh D'souza, gets...the more I will REJOICE!!


Who is more deserving of prison time, Dinesh D'Souza, or Jon Corzine?
Gotta link to any legal proceedings against him CONVICTING him of any CRIMES?

If so I'd like to see it.


"Corzine’s Crime of the Century
How a top Obama bundler broke a never-broken law of commodities trading.

...the firm’s misappropriation of customer funds under the leadership of Jon Corzine will remain a shocking example of financial malfeasance. It looks like Corzine could have gotten away with the crime of the century."
Corzine?s Crime of the Century | National Review Online

Now, exactly which pretense are you applying.....

a. That you are unaware of the above crime...


b. that the reason that D'Sousa was brought to trial and Corzine wasn't is that D'Sousa opposes Obama, and Corzine is a crony if Obama

a. or b.?
Who is more deserving of prison time, Dinesh D'Souza, or Jon Corzine?
Gotta link to any legal proceedings against him CONVICTING him of any CRIMES?

If so I'd like to see it.


"Corzine’s Crime of the Century
How a top Obama bundler broke a never-broken law of commodities trading.

...the firm’s misappropriation of customer funds under the leadership of Jon Corzine will remain a shocking example of financial malfeasance. It looks like Corzine could have gotten away with the crime of the century."
Corzine?s Crime of the Century | National Review Online

Now, exactly which pretense are you applying.....

a. That you are unaware of the above crime...


b. that the reason that D'Sousa was brought to trial and Corzine wasn't is that D'Sousa opposes Obama, and Corzine is a crony if Obama

a. or b.?

Was Corzine tried in a court of law for this supposed crime?

Was he found guilty?

Please, do expatiate.
I'm satisfied with simply correcting your misapprehensions.

Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Right-Wing fear can indeed be a powerful thing. I can understand that it controls you. Do you shake at night?

Really, make a full thread about it, I will gladly look at ALL of the information. And if it stands, I will gladly condemn that guy as much as I railed on this D'Souza yahoo.


Now, back to the title of this thread, which is:

Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law....

"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.

Aww, come on, surely you can argue better than that, rather than to throw desperate ad hominem attacks.

Makes you look cheap and easy.

Are you cheap and easy, Politicalshit?
Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Right-Wing fear can indeed be a powerful thing. I can understand that it controls you. Do you shake at night?

Really, make a full thread about it, I will gladly look at ALL of the information. And if it stands, I will gladly condemn that guy as much as I railed on this D'Souza yahoo.


Now, back to the title of this thread, which is:

Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law....

"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.

Aww, come on, surely you can argue better than that, rather than to throw desperate ad hominem attacks.

Makes you look cheap and easy.

Are you cheap and easy, Politicalshit?

I say you're a coward. Do you ever publicly challenged anybody on your side of the isle?..I haven't seen it. i gave you opportunities, you chose not to take them, because you're a coward. You said D' Souza's movie is full of bullshit? did you see it ? point out what's bullshit ..Do you have a problem with the premises of his new movie? maybe you should see it...you live in Germany? Thank conservatives, real Americans, Ronald Reagan for a reunited Germany..Was that an "ad hominem attack"?

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oh bejeezus!!! PC is latched onto this thread like a tick on a hound dog :eusa_doh:
Do you have a problem with the premises of his new movie?

Given that he's lying his ass off with the premise, any honest person would have a problem with it.

His premise is that liberals say all American society is based on theft.

Since liberals don't say that, the premise is an obvious lie.

It's D'Souza's usual thing. He's laughably unable to address what liberals actually believe, so he makes up all the strawmen to attack. Cowardly and sleazy, hence it gets your approval. Birds of a feather, it would appear.
Do you have a problem with the premises of his new movie?

Given that he's lying his ass off with the premise, any honest person would have a problem with it.

His premise is that liberals say all American society is based on theft.

Since liberals don't say that, the premise is an obvious lie.

It's D'Souza's usual thing. He's laughably unable to address what liberals actually believe, so he makes up all the strawmen to attack. Cowardly and sleazy, hence it gets your approval. Birds of a feather, it would appear.

he knows what his rw base audience craves: some diabolical liberal scheme to undermine the white christian xenophobes.
Do you have a problem with the premises of his new movie?

Given that he's lying his ass off with the premise, any honest person would have a problem with it.

His premise is that liberals say all American society is based on theft.

Since liberals don't say that, the premise is an obvious lie.

It's D'Souza's usual thing. He's laughably unable to address what liberals actually believe, so he makes up all the strawmen to attack. Cowardly and sleazy, hence it gets your approval. Birds of a feather, it would appear.

"war for oil" bunch of idiots:cuckoo: what would the world be like if the United States never existed? think about it... Plenty of leftist nutjobs would think that a good thing
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Petty accurate actually

"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.

Aww, come on, surely you can argue better than that, rather than to throw desperate ad hominem attacks.

Makes you look cheap and easy.

Are you cheap and easy, Politicalshit?

I say you're a coward. Do you ever publicly challenged anybody on your side of the isle?..I haven't seen it. i gave you opportunities, you chose not to take them, because you're a coward. You said D' Souza's movie is full of bullshit? did you see it ? point out what's bullshit ..Do you have a problem with the premises of his new movie? maybe you should see it...you live in Germany? Thank conservatives, real Americans, Ronald Reagan for a reunited Germany..Was that an "ad hominem attack"?


You can say anything you want, it doesn't make it the truth. You want me to reduce myself to the level of bellyaching Righties? No thanks, I don't do that.

My geographic location is not part of this debate.

Thank you for playing.
Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Right-Wing fear can indeed be a powerful thing. I can understand that it controls you. Do you shake at night?

Really, make a full thread about it, I will gladly look at ALL of the information. And if it stands, I will gladly condemn that guy as much as I railed on this D'Souza yahoo.


Now, back to the title of this thread, which is:

Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law....

"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.

Aww, come on, surely you can argue better than that, rather than to throw desperate ad hominem attacks.

Makes you look cheap and easy.

Are you cheap and easy, Politicalshit?

I thought you were playing at being a fool....but I realize that you actually are a fool

Have someone explain this to you: "a good prosecutor can persuade a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich"
Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Right-Wing fear can indeed be a powerful thing. I can understand that it controls you. Do you shake at night?

Really, make a full thread about it, I will gladly look at ALL of the information. And if it stands, I will gladly condemn that guy as much as I railed on this D'Souza yahoo.


Now, back to the title of this thread, which is:

Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law....

"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.

Aww, come on, surely you can argue better than that, rather than to throw desperate ad hominem attacks.

Makes you look cheap and easy.

Are you cheap and easy, Politicalshit?

The vulgarity that I reduce you to is a tell: you know you've lost.

And, for clarity, I don't provide "desperate ad hominem attacks." I provide accurate descriptions.

Example: you are a disgusting little Pongidae.
"Or perhaps you have fear that if you make a complete thread about that, the evidence may start to unravel, perhaps.... "

Perhaps you're a dope.

Oh....wait.....there's no perhaps about it.

Aww, come on, surely you can argue better than that, rather than to throw desperate ad hominem attacks.

Makes you look cheap and easy.

Are you cheap and easy, Politicalshit?

The vulgarity that I reduce you to is a tell: you know you've lost.

And, for clarity, I don't provide "desperate ad hominem attacks." I provide accurate descriptions.

Example: you are a disgusting little Pongidae.

Thank you for confirming what I just said.

Appreciate the help!!

You are a most excellent loser.
Aww, come on, surely you can argue better than that, rather than to throw desperate ad hominem attacks.

Makes you look cheap and easy.

Are you cheap and easy, Politicalshit?

The vulgarity that I reduce you to is a tell: you know you've lost.

And, for clarity, I don't provide "desperate ad hominem attacks." I provide accurate descriptions.

Example: you are a disgusting little Pongidae.

Thank you for confirming what I just said.

Appreciate the help!!

You are a most excellent loser.

You're as phony as your toupée....
Do you have a problem with the premises of his new movie?

Given that he's lying his ass off with the premise, any honest person would have a problem with it.

His premise is that liberals say all American society is based on theft.

Since liberals don't say that, the premise is an obvious lie.

No, you Marxist ***** do in fact say that, only you phrase it differently.

People are aware of your bullshit, but I hope you keep thinking it works,

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