Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law

Not to mention that his film "2016" is bullshit of the highest order, but he made some good dough off of it, which was his plan from the get-go.

While it's true that you're a partisan hack, 2016 was anything but "bullshit." It was extremely well researched and presented very fairly - this wasn't some Michael Moore pile of shit.

Look Statist, you have a party - and that leaves you no room for integrity, but what SPECIFICALLY do you allege from 2016 that was false?

And imagine whackjobs like, ahem, you know who, lapping that stuff up and then vomiting on message boards as if it is somehow important.

Seriously Statist, you are one of the most partisan posters on the board - a leftist whackjob by any accounting. You frame your posts by whether your words will serve your shameful party, with utterly no regard for whether those words happen to be true, or not.
While it's true that you're a partisan hack, 2016 was anything but "bullshit." It was extremely well researched and presented very fairly - this wasn't some Michael Moore pile of shit.

No, it was D'Souza deliberately lying a lot.

For example, in Obama's book, he mentions being at his father's graveside, wondering about living up to his father's ideals.

D'Souza cites it as proof that Obama thinks like his father.

D'Souza conveniently fails to mention the next paragraph in the book, where Obama comes to realize his father's beliefs are kind of stupid.

Back where I come from, we call that "lying by omission".

Do you approve of such lying by omission, or will you condemn D'Souza for deliberately lying in that manner?
No, it was D'Souza deliberately lying a lot.

So, you didn't see it and know nothing about it, instead relying on the hate sites to tell you what you think..

For example, in Obama's book, he mentions being at his father's graveside, wondering about living up to his father's ideals.

D'Souza cites it as proof that Obama thinks like his father.

He cites it as evidence that Obama is highly influenced by the anti-colonial ideas of Barack Sr. This is really irrefutable.

D'Souza conveniently fails to mention the next paragraph in the book, where Obama comes to realize his father's beliefs are kind of stupid.

Back where I come from, we call that "lying by omission".

Do you approve of such lying by omission, or will you condemn D'Souza for deliberately lying in that manner?

ThinkProgress is trying too hard - notice they failed to include this paragraph.

The fact is that Obama IS fervently anti-Colonial with a clear contempt for England as well as opposition to actions by the USA.
What reason would Obama have to suddenly go after Dinesh D'Souza? Most Americans don't even know who he is. Because he was debating Bill Ayers? Who cares? It just never crossed the minds of some Republicans that one of their darlings could possibly have done something wrong. They have to jump to the most extreme of conspiracy theories instead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuh9k6Ttsm0&list=PLayGa5hBBtwSgYmgtD0xKxpXWYB0s5psE]Dinesh D'souza Analyzes Predictions from "2016: Obama's America" in Late 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

This guy has Obama's number.

And if Ayers were to say in such a public forum. as Dartmouth would be, what he'd admitted to two individual reporters on separate occasions, though ambiguously kiddingly, that he (Ayers) had actually penned Obama's autobiography, well, Obama would be toast.

If it was important enough to him to orchestrate so many people's silence until now, it's just as important that he maintain their silence.

And he has magical powers of getting people to do things HIS WAY after meeting with them.

Maybe D'Souza couldn't be approached privately so Obama is sending this shot across D'Souza's bow and in public so EVERYONE will get the message.

And he is uncaring of who knows he is sending a threat to either of the participants in the debate.

If his thinly veiled warning had a message, it might be something like this, from Obama to Ayers AND D'Souza:

"Talk about anything you want in your Dartmouth debate. But don't mention my name involving anything more than just routine anti-Administration allegations. If you do, I know how to make you sorry you ever crossed me. You think an indictment is bad? I can make you go away, like *that*."

Dinesh D'Souza is getting exactly what he asked for. Don’t mess with the President unless you are walking as straight a line as the pope. D’Souza hasn’t!:clap2:
People like you put this piece of shit in our White House.
Dinesh D'souza Analyzes Predictions from "2016: Obama's America" in Late 2013 - YouTube

This guy has Obama's number.

And if Ayers were to say in such a public forum. as Dartmouth would be, what he'd admitted to two individual reporters on separate occasions, though ambiguously kiddingly, that he (Ayers) had actually penned Obama's autobiography, well, Obama would be toast.

If it was important enough to him to orchestrate so many people's silence until now, it's just as important that he maintain their silence.

And he has magical powers of getting people to do things HIS WAY after meeting with them.

Maybe D'Souza couldn't be approached privately so Obama is sending this shot across D'Souza's bow and in public so EVERYONE will get the message.

And he is uncaring of who knows he is sending a threat to either of the participants in the debate.

If his thinly veiled warning had a message, it might be something like this, from Obama to Ayers AND D'Souza:

"Talk about anything you want in your Dartmouth debate. But don't mention my name involving anything more than just routine anti-Administration allegations. If you do, I know how to make you sorry you ever crossed me. You think an indictment is bad? I can make you go away, like *that*."

Dinesh D'Souza is getting exactly what he asked for. Don’t mess with the President unless you are walking as straight a line as the pope. D’Souza hasn’t!:clap2:
People like you put this piece of shit in our White House.

who did you vote for smart guy?
saw this article today:

Article: Dinesh D'Felon

D'Felon :rofl:
An All-American Christ by way of Mumbai -- risen from his tomb, sixteen months later, to show us the way to conservative salvation.

thats assuming he recieves a 16 month prison sentence.
And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

He is a nice guy as far as I can see. Just because he exposes your pathetic president for what he is, doesn't mean he's not a nice person :eusa_hand:
Well, let's see, just in this week:


-vast swaths of the Christie (R) administration in New Jersey
-Former VA Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) AND his wife!
-Dinesh D'Souza (R - Batshittia USA)

Not exactly a homerun week for the Elephants this week, nosiree!

Cheering for selective enforcement of the law. Can you even name one Obama administration scandal or is his the first scandal free administration in history?
Well, let's see, just in this week:


-vast swaths of the Christie (R) administration in New Jersey
-Former VA Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) AND his wife!
-Dinesh D'Souza (R - Batshittia USA)

Not exactly a homerun week for the Elephants this week, nosiree!

Cheering for selective enforcement of the law. Can you even name one Obama administration scandal or is his the first scandal free administration in history?

How do you wish to define the word scandal?

Scandal means that someone in an administration likely broke the law and is being investigated.


it's just amazing how Righties deflect or relativize, even when one of their own has already long admitted his guilt.

Do you guys even have any idea how utterly ridiculous and childlike that makes you look?

You want to talk about other possible scandals? Fine, I'm game for it. Start a thread on it and see what you get.
Well, let's see, just in this week:


-vast swaths of the Christie (R) administration in New Jersey
-Former VA Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) AND his wife!
-Dinesh D'Souza (R - Batshittia USA)

Not exactly a homerun week for the Elephants this week, nosiree!

Cheering for selective enforcement of the law. Can you even name one Obama administration scandal or is his the first scandal free administration in history?

How do you wish to define the word scandal?

Scandal means that someone in an administration likely broke the law and is being investigated.


it's just amazing how Righties deflect or relativize, even when one of their own has already long admitted his guilt.

Do you guys even have any idea how utterly ridiculous and childlike that makes you look?

You want to talk about other possible scandals? Fine, I'm game for it. Start a thread on it and see what you get.

Open your eyes

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.”
Well, let's see, just in this week:


-vast swaths of the Christie (R) administration in New Jersey
-Former VA Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) AND his wife!
-Dinesh D'Souza (R - Batshittia USA)

Not exactly a homerun week for the Elephants this week, nosiree!

Cheering for selective enforcement of the law. Can you even name one Obama administration scandal or is his the first scandal free administration in history?

How do you wish to define the word scandal?

Scandal means that someone in an administration likely broke the law and is being investigated.


it's just amazing how Righties deflect or relativize, even when one of their own has already long admitted his guilt.

Do you guys even have any idea how utterly ridiculous and childlike that makes you look?

You want to talk about other possible scandals? Fine, I'm game for it. Start a thread on it and see what you get.

Quite a few righties on this board exhibit "childlike" reasoning abilities. Either they're being coy (doubtful) or they aint that smart &/or are being partisan fucktards (likely)

as to the OP :up: September can't get here fast enough :D
How do you wish to define the word scandal?

Scandal means that someone in an administration likely broke the law and is being investigated.


it's just amazing how Righties deflect or relativize, even when one of their own has already long admitted his guilt.

Do you guys even have any idea how utterly ridiculous and childlike that makes you look?

You want to talk about other possible scandals? Fine, I'm game for it. Start a thread on it and see what you get.

Statist, since Obama is god, it's not possible for him to have a scandal, right? I mean, the fact that he does something makes it right. While Richard Nixon suggesting the the IRS be used on enemies and never doing it was impeachable, Obama actually using the IRS on enemies was perfect, because Obama is god, right?

When Obama sent his minions forth to claim Benghazi was all about an internet video, that wasn't a lie, because Obama is god, truth and reality altered to match what your little tin god claimed - and you believe every word, doncha Statist?

Obama Akbar, right Statist?
Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law


NEW YORK Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:03pm EST

Jan 23 (Reuters) - Dinesh D'Souza, a conservative commentator and best-selling author, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for arranging excessive campaign contributions to a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

According to an indictment made public on Thursday in federal court in Manhattan, D'Souza around August 2012 reimbursed people who he had directed to contribute $20,000 to the candidate's campaign. The candidate was not named in the indictment.

Attempts to reach D'Souza and a lawyer representing him were unsuccessful.

D'Souza was charged in the indictment with one count of making illegal contributions in the names of others, and one count of causing false statements to be made.

Federal law in 2012 limited primary and general election campaign contributions to $2,500 each, for a total of $5,000, from any individual to any one candidate.

"As we have long said, this Office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process," the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan, Preet Bharara, said in a statement released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Bharara is an Obama appointee.

Born in Mumbai, India, D'Souza, 52, is a former policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan, and has been affiliated with conservative organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He also directed a 2012 film critical of President Barack Obama, "2016: Obama's America," and has written books including "The End of Racism," "Life After Death: The Evidence" and "Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream."

D'Souza campaigned in 2012 on behalf of Wendy Long, a lawyer and Republican who sought to unseat Democratic incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand as New York's junior senator. Long graduated from Dartmouth College in 1982, a year before D'Souza.

Long could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

Gillibrand, herself a 1988 Dartmouth graduate, ended up winning re-election to her first full term, collecting close to 72 percent of the vote.

In late 2012, D'Souza resigned his post as president of King's College, a small Christian college in New York City, after admitting he had become engaged to a woman even though he was legally married, though separated from his wife. He has been an outspoken defender of traditional marriage.

The case is U.S. v. D'Souza, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 14-cr-00034.

(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Additional reporting by Emily Flitter; Editing by Eddie Evans, Toni Reinhold)
Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law | Reuters

This nation has invited in this virus residing in the WH.

Here is plain and obvious proof of politically motivated persecution by departments of the Government at the behest of barack Obama.

D'Souza was going to debate Bill Ayers at the end of the month.

I guess Barry feared what Bill might have said.

Like confirming that he and not Barry penned, "Dreams From My Father."

Obama is a scum sucking dog.

A Chicago hood.

A third world inspired Marxist who gives not a shit about anything but him, his benefit and what will make him look good.

Maybe he is saying to the Conservatives, "See what happens when even one of your notable celebrity Conservatives asks too many questions or makes me angry?"

I can't say for the moment whether this will produce more than a wave of outrage on the internet or not.

Think it might be the straw that broke the camel's back IF D'Souza is innocent.

It looks bad.

Highly political.

It is reckless, destructive and indefensible.

IF D'Souza is a victim of unwarranted targeted political persecution.

To the leftwing PC Nazis anything to serve the Leader Dictator Obama is good and all who oppose him are racists and morons.

If Bush had done half the shit Obama has done the PC Nazis would be cutting their wrists on Main Street to protest.

Bush met with Cindy Sheehan the Socialist twice, if I recall correctly, and the press fawned all over her.

When was the last time Obama met with Cindy Sheehan? Zero, as far as I count it. I cant remember the last time that any major media gave her any coverage of protests and against Obama.

On the flip side, Democrats punish their enemies and D'Souza's indictment is parallel two IRS investigations of the Tea Party Movement and the wire taps of unsympathetic members of AP.

To the left there is no such thing as justice or truth, only what benefits them and gives them more power.
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D'nesh D'Felon was cashing-in on the hate & fear from the rw Base and it turned 'round and bit him
D'nesh D'Felon was cashing-in on the hate & fear from the rw Base and it turned 'round and bit him

Yeah, that's what you Nazis told the Jews, too, you shit-for-brains, "You Jews were ripping everyone off, now it has turned around an bit you."

But this isn't Europe where all the nice people are, lol, this is AMERICA and we will shoot your ass if you come for us, Gestapo bitch.

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