Dinesh D'Souza slams the leftists

Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

Also you're such a Church Lady moralizer. You never talk about what people say or espouse, just what their conduct has been, like the Puritan you are. It's hilarious to me how the Leftists have become pursed-lipped fundamentalists. LOL
Compared to trump voters? are liberals trying to tell gay people how to live their life? or judging them? do they try to tell women what reproductive choices they have, based on what a 2000 year old book might have said from that era? In the civil war, today's trump voter forefathers used the Bible to defend slavery, saying God wanted white men to own inferior black men, and to not allow it, was immoral.

To be honest there's too much dumb in this post for me to even deal with.
I can see where someone with your mental capabilities would have trouble processing truth and facts when you are used to just repeating right wing talking points without question. a woman has to know her limitations!! kudos.

Au contraire, there was massive fail in just your first sentence: "are liberals trying to tell gay people how to life their lives". Of course the heavy implication is that we ARE trying to tell them how to live their lives. See, this is MASSIVE projection by Leftists, which I'm sorry, you are not smart enough to see. You are the folks who want to micromanage every facet of everyone's lives, right down to straws. We do not. But when we say even something as mundane as "homosexuality is a sin", with no attachments, you project YOUR micromanagement onto us.

If you were a better thinker you would see this, but...you're a liberal. So there's that.

I have no idea who's who in this post. First you say "we" indicating "we Liberals", then by the end "Liberals" gets morphed into the third person ----- and in between "Liberal" somehow shifts to "Leftists" and then somehow switches back again.

"Forward in all directions"? :uhh:
Dinesh is such a lightweight

Silly slogans for conservatives

He luuuuuvs to say "don't believe me, look it up, show me differently". So you do, and you find what he just told you is a bunch of fabricated bullshit. And then he just goes right on with more. That's his gig.
Do you see this 1932 map, apparently the maj of white voted for FDR was well. Well we were in a major depression. Pretty much everyone voted for FDR. So D'Souza claim is null and void.

That's the map of states won. He won 57% of total votes, vs Hoovers 40%. That's not "everyone".

Pretty much, you have nothing in that head of yours.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

Also you're such a Church Lady moralizer. You never talk about what people say or espouse, just what their conduct has been, like the Puritan you are. It's hilarious to me how the Leftists have become pursed-lipped fundamentalists. LOL
Compared to trump voters? are liberals trying to tell gay people how to live their life? or judging them? do they try to tell women what reproductive choices they have, based on what a 2000 year old book might have said from that era? In the civil war, today's trump voter forefathers used the Bible to defend slavery, saying God wanted white men to own inferior black men, and to not allow it, was immoral.

To be honest there's too much dumb in this post for me to even deal with.
I can see where someone with your mental capabilities would have trouble processing truth and facts when you are used to just repeating right wing talking points without question. a woman has to know her limitations!! kudos.
Now that is funny. You spout bigoted opinion and claim it is fact.

Thanks for the laugh.
Do you see this 1932 map, apparently the maj of white voted for FDR was well. Well we were in a major depression. Pretty much everyone voted for FDR. So D'Souza claim is null and void.

He seems to have left out the fact that the KKK had endorsed Hoover too.

Elsewhere in his video he likes to paint racism as a product of the Democratic South as if racism and racist laws didn't exist outside of there. Bet he doesn't know that in 1860, the same election won by Lincoln just before the Civil War, one of the states held a referendum on whether the state should allow black people to vote, which came back a resounding NO, and that state was.... New York.

D'Souza just seems astoundingly ignorant of American history, which is understandable being an immigrant. But he's got no business passing himself off as a "scholar" when he's so easily dismantled. If he were on this site he wouldn't last five minutes.
Dinesh may slam the left....but he is not very effective

His rhetoric is right out of Infowars and Breitbart, pretty pathetic actually
Triggered? Lol

Liberals don't get too worked up about Dinesh

Want to see worked up, watch conservatives with Michael Moore

That man knows how to push buttons
Google Dinesh Destroys libs lol I spent a whole day watching he should win a Emmy

He can't get anyone to watch his propaganda. Even conservatives can't stomach it

Michael Moores stuff is fucking funny
Dinesh may slam the left....but he is not very effective

His rhetoric is right out of Infowars and Breitbart, pretty pathetic actually
Triggered? Lol

Liberals don't get too worked up about Dinesh

Want to see worked up, watch conservatives with Michael Moore

That man knows how to push buttons
Google Dinesh Destroys libs lol I spent a whole day watching he should win a Emmy

He can't get anyone to watch his propaganda. Even conservatives can't stomach it

Michael Moores stuff is fucking funny
Who is Moore?
Dinesh may slam the left....but he is not very effective

His rhetoric is right out of Infowars and Breitbart, pretty pathetic actually
Triggered? Lol

Liberals don't get too worked up about Dinesh

Want to see worked up, watch conservatives with Michael Moore

That man knows how to push buttons
Google Dinesh Destroys libs lol I spent a whole day watching he should win a Emmy

He can't get anyone to watch his propaganda. Even conservatives can't stomach it

Michael Moores stuff is fucking funny

As usual you cannot refrain from attempting to spread your ignorance.

D'Souza is bigger than ever. He is the court intellectual of the age of Trump. Trump pardoned D’Souza on May 31, 2018 of his conviction for a illegal campaign contribution....instigated by the obama regime.

Donald Trump Jr. co-hosted the premiere of D’Souza’s movie, Death of a Nation. The movie compares Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln, and his Democratic opponents to Nazis. Afterward, Trump Jr. delivered a memorable summation of what he had learned from the film. “You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there … and you look at it compared to, like, the DNC platform of today, and you’re saying, man, those things are awfully similar, to a point where it’s actually scary.”

Dinesh D'Souza on the Jussie Smollett case, hate crime hoaxes and the left's 'ideological dementia'
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

Penelope, with all due respect he is an educated and very opinionated and successful person. You’re a Jew hating witch. If the students at the college want to hear him speak then they should. You embarrass yourself continuously on this board and yet you’re still around posting trash.
Especially since his wife is a Latina.

The left likes to portray conservatives as racists. Message board liberals typically don't believe me when I tell them that my wife is Mexican and that our children are bilingual Hispanics.
Liberals don't get too worked up about Dinesh. Want to see worked up, watch conservatives with Michael Moore

You're full of shit, as usual. Liberals show up at Dinesh's events all the time and attempt to prevent him from speaking. Let me know when conservatives do that to Moore, dumbshit.
In Penelope mind, only people who think like her should be able to express their views. Inside of every liberal is a totalitarian fascist.
Especially since his wife is a Latina.

The left likes to portray conservatives as racists. Message board liberals typically don't believe me when I tell them that my wife is Mexican and that our children are bilingual Hispanics.

The liberals do the Leftists do not. Leftists are as bad as the Alt Right and people like Penelope are case in point. Trust me, I feel you. I am a Jew and former Democrat. Now, I believe any Jew that votes Blue is a traitor. That party has been taken over by insane, antisemitic Leftists who now want to change the name of George Washington U Colonials because they deem the word “Colonial” to be offensive. Grow the F up.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

Penelope, with all due respect he is an educated and very opinionated and successful person. You’re a Jew hating witch. If the students at the college want to hear him speak then they should. You embarrass yourself continuously on this board and yet you’re still around posting trash.

He comes from privilege. He is a right wing nut job with his conspiracies and hatred that escapes from his every pore. Just because he graduated from an ivy league school where he met Ingraham and dated her, does not mean he is educated, look at Trump and his kids. He has a Bachelor of Arts in English which doesn't mean squat. The main thing he learned is how to be a male whore, cheat, and become a crook.
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