Dinesh D'Souza slams the leftists

Especially since his wife is a Latina.

The left likes to portray conservatives as racists. Message board liberals typically don't believe me when I tell them that my wife is Mexican and that our children are bilingual Hispanics.

The liberals do the Leftists do not. Leftists are as bad as the Alt Right and people like Penelope are case in point. Trust me, I feel you. I am a Jew and former Democrat. Now, I believe any Jew that votes Blue is a traitor. That party has been taken over by insane, antisemitic Leftists who now want to change the name of George Washington U Colonials because they deem the word “Colonial” to be offensive. Grow the F up.

Do you call your traitor Jews anti-Semites? Just curious.
Especially since his wife is a Latina.

The left likes to portray conservatives as racists. Message board liberals typically don't believe me when I tell them that my wife is Mexican and that our children are bilingual Hispanics.

The liberals do the Leftists do not. Leftists are as bad as the Alt Right and people like Penelope are case in point. Trust me, I feel you. I am a Jew and former Democrat. Now, I believe any Jew that votes Blue is a traitor. That party has been taken over by insane, antisemitic Leftists who now want to change the name of George Washington U Colonials because they deem the word “Colonial” to be offensive. Grow the F up.

Do you call your traitor Jews anti-Semites? Just curious.

Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

And Tramp is thinking about defunding some, so I think they should make a law, everyone speaks off campus, and the students can go or not and the colleges do not need to pay for the speakers protection.

He wants to defund those who refuse to allow free speech for everyone.

I say, federal government should defund them all, and let them be self financed of financed by the states. That would also bring the cost down.

And my suggestion to them, since they don't want haters to speak at the college is have all speakers to speak off campus.

That shows that all the hate comes from the left. Who, by the way decides what the hate is?

Now, if campus doesn't want speakers to speak on campus, that's fine. All they have to do is to forfeit public funds, and problem is solved.
Do you really think the main function of colleges is to provide a forum for speakers, of any political position? If so, why? Apparently you never went to college...I did, and I never even knew about anyone giving speeches on campus about political topics or why white people are better than all the other people in the world. Why do you think colleges do not invite racist nazis and white nationalists in general to speak on campus anymore? Can you say, "because it costs a lot of money to provide security for these assholes, since most students hate nazis and white nationalist goons?" If these guys want to speak on campus, they need to provide their own security, and I bet you, that will lead to even more violent confrontations..Unlike most Trump voters, real Americans hate nazis. hate white nationalists. and do not want to hear their bullshit. Kind of like the same demonstration you would get if, in the interest of free speech, you invited some perverted ass who advocates sex with children...would you sit still for that kind of sick bullshit? then why sit still for sick ass nazi white culture white nationalist bullshit?
Especially since his wife is a Latina.

The left likes to portray conservatives as racists. Message board liberals typically don't believe me when I tell them that my wife is Mexican and that our children are bilingual Hispanics.

The liberals do the Leftists do not. Leftists are as bad as the Alt Right and people like Penelope are case in point. Trust me, I feel you. I am a Jew and former Democrat. Now, I believe any Jew that votes Blue is a traitor. That party has been taken over by insane, antisemitic Leftists who now want to change the name of George Washington U Colonials because they deem the word “Colonial” to be offensive. Grow the F up.

Do you call your traitor Jews anti-Semites? Just curious.

Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS

Now now, I have a lot of respect for some jews, but others I disdain. I mean , look at RBG, such a brain and hard worker. Do you like her??
I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

And Tramp is thinking about defunding some, so I think they should make a law, everyone speaks off campus, and the students can go or not and the colleges do not need to pay for the speakers protection.

He wants to defund those who refuse to allow free speech for everyone.

I say, federal government should defund them all, and let them be self financed of financed by the states. That would also bring the cost down.

And my suggestion to them, since they don't want haters to speak at the college is have all speakers to speak off campus.

That shows that all the hate comes from the left. Who, by the way decides what the hate is?

Now, if campus doesn't want speakers to speak on campus, that's fine. All they have to do is to forfeit public funds, and problem is solved.
Do you really think the main function of colleges is to provide a forum for speakers, of any political position? If so, why? Apparently you never went to college...I did, and I never even knew about anyone giving speeches on campus about political topics or why white people are better than all the other people in the world. Why do you think colleges do not invite racist nazis and white nationalists in general to speak on campus anymore? Can you say, "because it costs a lot of money to provide security for these assholes, since most students hate nazis and white nationalist goons?" If these guys want to speak on campus, they need to provide their own security, and I bet you, that will lead to even more violent confrontations..Unlike most Trump voters, real Americans hate nazis. hate white nationalists. and do not want to hear their bullshit. Kind of like the same demonstration you would get if, in the interest of free speech, you invited some perverted ass who advocates sex with children...would you sit still for that kind of sick bullshit? then why sit still for sick ass nazi white culture white nationalist bullshit?

If you don't want to hear them speak, don't attend. But why should leftist goons be permitted to prevent others from hearing them speak?
Especially since his wife is a Latina.

The left likes to portray conservatives as racists. Message board liberals typically don't believe me when I tell them that my wife is Mexican and that our children are bilingual Hispanics.

The liberals do the Leftists do not. Leftists are as bad as the Alt Right and people like Penelope are case in point. Trust me, I feel you. I am a Jew and former Democrat. Now, I believe any Jew that votes Blue is a traitor. That party has been taken over by insane, antisemitic Leftists who now want to change the name of George Washington U Colonials because they deem the word “Colonial” to be offensive. Grow the F up.

Do you call your traitor Jews anti-Semites? Just curious.

Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS

Now now, I have a lot of respect for some jews, but others I disdain. I mean , look at RBG, such a brain and hard worker. Do you like her??

Why don't you write RBG and tell her all your theories about the Holocaust. I'm sure she'd be so impressed.
Let me K9Buck:
First, some backstory: D’Souza was born to upper-class parents in Mumbai and moved to the U.S. to attend Dartmouth College. There, he became editor-in-chief of a new conservative newspaper, the Dartmouth Review, which was unaffiliated with the college and functioned as an outlet for the rank bigotry of right-wing students. Under D’Souza, the paper came under fire for using stolen documents from the Gay Student Alliance to out people, as well as for publishing some of the most racist op-eds this side of Der Sturmer. In one 1982 article titled “Dis sho’ ain’t no jive, bro,” a white student named Keeney Jones assumed a mock-black accent in order to attack affirmative-action policies. “Dem white mo-fo be sayin’ ‘firmative action ain’t no good fo’ us, cause it be puttin’ down ac-demic standards,” he wrote. Such editorial indiscretion endeared D’Souza to the Heritage Foundation, which in 1985 hired him to edit their flagship journal, the Policy Review.


In the early 1990s, D’Souza capitalized on the newly militarized “PC” debate by attacking academia with his book Illiberal Education. Aiming higher and perhaps becoming more deluded, in 1995 he declared racism dead with The End of Racism, in which he did all he could to downplay the evils of slavery without explicitly defending it. “The American slave was treated like property, which is to say, pretty well,” he wrote. He also implied that black people actually owe white people reparations for abolishing slavery. “Africans were not uniquely unfortunate to be taken as slaves; their descendants were uniquely fortunate to be born in the only civilization in the world to abolish slavery on its own initiative,” one passage reads.

Dinesh D’Souza is a liar and openly racist. No wonder Republicans love him.

read on…………..
The left likes to portray conservatives as racists. Message board liberals typically don't believe me when I tell them that my wife is Mexican and that our children are bilingual Hispanics.

The liberals do the Leftists do not. Leftists are as bad as the Alt Right and people like Penelope are case in point. Trust me, I feel you. I am a Jew and former Democrat. Now, I believe any Jew that votes Blue is a traitor. That party has been taken over by insane, antisemitic Leftists who now want to change the name of George Washington U Colonials because they deem the word “Colonial” to be offensive. Grow the F up.

Do you call your traitor Jews anti-Semites? Just curious.

Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS

Now now, I have a lot of respect for some jews, but others I disdain. I mean , look at RBG, such a brain and hard worker. Do you like her??

Why don't you write RBG and tell her all your theories about the Holocaust. I'm sure she'd be so impressed.

Do you like her??
The liberals do the Leftists do not. Leftists are as bad as the Alt Right and people like Penelope are case in point. Trust me, I feel you. I am a Jew and former Democrat. Now, I believe any Jew that votes Blue is a traitor. That party has been taken over by insane, antisemitic Leftists who now want to change the name of George Washington U Colonials because they deem the word “Colonial” to be offensive. Grow the F up.

Do you call your traitor Jews anti-Semites? Just curious.

Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS

Now now, I have a lot of respect for some jews, but others I disdain. I mean , look at RBG, such a brain and hard worker. Do you like her??

Why don't you write RBG and tell her all your theories about the Holocaust. I'm sure she'd be so impressed.

Do you like her??

I think she's a horrid judge, if that's what you mean, Penny. Unlike you, I am not brainwashed by the Left's Identity Politics, however, and her being Jewish has NOTHING to do with her rulings on the court in my estimation.

But I know that's really hard for you to understand, because your Overlords have taught you that Everyone Has Identity First
Do you call your traitor Jews anti-Semites? Just curious.

Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS

Now now, I have a lot of respect for some jews, but others I disdain. I mean , look at RBG, such a brain and hard worker. Do you like her??

Why don't you write RBG and tell her all your theories about the Holocaust. I'm sure she'd be so impressed.

Do you like her??

I think she's a horrid judge, if that's what you mean, Penny. Unlike you, I am not brainwashed by the Left's Identity Politics, however, and her being Jewish has NOTHING to do with her rulings on the court in my estimation.

But I know that's really hard for you to understand, because your Overlords have taught you that Everyone Has Identity First

So it seems you are an anti semite as well. She is an non observant jew. I feel the same way, her being from a jewish family has nothing to do with the rulings on the court. See how that works?? I admire her as a person, and judge.
Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS

Now now, I have a lot of respect for some jews, but others I disdain. I mean , look at RBG, such a brain and hard worker. Do you like her??

Why don't you write RBG and tell her all your theories about the Holocaust. I'm sure she'd be so impressed.

Do you like her??

I think she's a horrid judge, if that's what you mean, Penny. Unlike you, I am not brainwashed by the Left's Identity Politics, however, and her being Jewish has NOTHING to do with her rulings on the court in my estimation.

But I know that's really hard for you to understand, because your Overlords have taught you that Everyone Has Identity First

So it seems you are an anti semite as well. She is an non observant jew. I feel the same way, her being from a jewish family has nothing to do with the rulings on the court. See how that works?? I admire her as a person, and judge.

No, her being Jewish has no bearing on her being a judge to me. But I am not an anti-Semite because I also do not hate Jews in any kind of context, Penny. Not "these kind" of Jews or "those kind" of Jews, see. I don't hate them so much that I HAVE TO believe the Holocaust never happened so I can hate Israel too.

You do. From Michigan. Why, is anyone's guess.

So you believe the Holocaust didn't occur? Why do you believe such?

Oh yes she has admitted it many times here, but then when I bring it up she will whine about "start a thread on ww2 if you want to discuss it".

Maybe I will finally, so we can nail her down. Wonder where it should go? History? Conspiracy theories? ha
Penny do tell us about your hatred for the Jews. Why are you so small-minded? I'm so curious about how a woman from small town Michigan with little education got educated all about the JOOOOOOOS

Now now, I have a lot of respect for some jews, but others I disdain. I mean , look at RBG, such a brain and hard worker. Do you like her??

Why don't you write RBG and tell her all your theories about the Holocaust. I'm sure she'd be so impressed.

Do you like her??

I think she's a horrid judge, if that's what you mean, Penny. Unlike you, I am not brainwashed by the Left's Identity Politics, however, and her being Jewish has NOTHING to do with her rulings on the court in my estimation.

But I know that's really hard for you to understand, because your Overlords have taught you that Everyone Has Identity First

So it seems you are an anti semite as well. She is an non observant jew. I feel the same way, her being from a jewish family has nothing to do with the rulings on the court. See how that works?? I admire her as a person, and judge.

Hey Penny I started a thread on Holocaust Denial. Bring your best evidence. Let's have it out.

Holocaust Denial: Nope
Dinesh may slam the left....but he is not very effective

His rhetoric is right out of Infowars and Breitbart, pretty pathetic actually
Triggered? Lol

Liberals don't get too worked up about Dinesh

Want to see worked up, watch conservatives with Michael Moore

That man knows how to push buttons
Google Dinesh Destroys libs lol I spent a whole day watching he should win a Emmy

He can't get anyone to watch his propaganda. Even conservatives can't stomach it

Michael Moores stuff is fucking funny

As usual you cannot refrain from attempting to spread your ignorance.

D'Souza is bigger than ever. He is the court intellectual of the age of Trump. Trump pardoned D’Souza on May 31, 2018 of his conviction for a illegal campaign contribution....instigated by the obama regime.

Donald Trump Jr. co-hosted the premiere of D’Souza’s movie, Death of a Nation. The movie compares Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln, and his Democratic opponents to Nazis. Afterward, Trump Jr. delivered a memorable summation of what he had learned from the film. “You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there … and you look at it compared to, like, the DNC platform of today, and you’re saying, man, those things are awfully similar, to a point where it’s actually scary.”

Dinesh D'Souza on the Jussie Smollett case, hate crime hoaxes and the left's 'ideological dementia'
Hardly an intellectual

His stuff is tailored for the uneducated masses.
Triggered? Lol

Liberals don't get too worked up about Dinesh

Want to see worked up, watch conservatives with Michael Moore

That man knows how to push buttons
Google Dinesh Destroys libs lol I spent a whole day watching he should win a Emmy

He can't get anyone to watch his propaganda. Even conservatives can't stomach it

Michael Moores stuff is fucking funny

As usual you cannot refrain from attempting to spread your ignorance.

D'Souza is bigger than ever. He is the court intellectual of the age of Trump. Trump pardoned D’Souza on May 31, 2018 of his conviction for a illegal campaign contribution....instigated by the obama regime.

Donald Trump Jr. co-hosted the premiere of D’Souza’s movie, Death of a Nation. The movie compares Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln, and his Democratic opponents to Nazis. Afterward, Trump Jr. delivered a memorable summation of what he had learned from the film. “You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there … and you look at it compared to, like, the DNC platform of today, and you’re saying, man, those things are awfully similar, to a point where it’s actually scary.”

Dinesh D'Souza on the Jussie Smollett case, hate crime hoaxes and the left's 'ideological dementia'
Hardly an intellectual

His stuff is tailored for the uneducated masses.
Who is a bigger intellectual than Denish? He might be the best right now

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