Diogenes Wouldn’t Find A Dumbbell With Klieg Lights


Sep 23, 2010
Died c. 320 B.C.

Greek philosopher who founded the Cynic school of philosophy, stressing self-control and the pursuit of virtue. He is said to have once wandered through the streets of Athens with a lantern, searching for an honest man.

Democrats have been getting away with open-borders for a long time. Much of their success can be traced to touchy-feely mosquitoes who flit from cause to cause trying to convince everyone that their global village is the only way to go. The vast majority of Americans disagree with that media-protected view, but are powerless to discredit it even when they think they are electing politicians who will stand firm against such a misleading utopian promise. That might be changing.

The public’s outrage over amnesty for illegals in 2007 stopped Democrats & RINO in their tracks. Apparently, Barack Taqiyya thinks he so beloved he can sell the same crap that cost John McCain the election. Happily, this time amnesty for illegals is questioning the very foundation of socialism’s belief system.

On the downside elected officials have failed American voters on immigration so many times in the past, a substantial number of private sector voters have joined the growing throng of disillusioned Americans who have turned their backs on all politics for reasons of their own. Add ballot fraud to the mix —— so obvious in the 2012 elections —— and disillusionment goes past the tipping point. By that I mean the day is not far off when only those people living on tax dollars will bother to vote —— and they will always vote their wallets: “It’s tax revenues, Stupid!”

The global village

According to tribe-elders, once their utopian village is firmly established, everyone on the planet will join hands once a day and belt out a couple of choruses of:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jr9hPbYmBo&feature=player_embedded]New Seekers - I'd Like ToTeach The World To Sing - YouTube[/ame]​

Anyone who opposes the global village view is quickly branded “meanspirited isolationist.” Example: The village bleeding hearts claim that securing national borders against illegal immigration has nothing to do with territorial sovereignty —— it’s only isolationism at its worst.


Democrats fear shutting down entitlements for illegal immigrants because that first domino to fall would topple all of the others:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UQahoE1xxY&feature=player_embedded]Domino Fall Down 2 - YouTube[/ame]​

Note that Senate liars led by Marco Rubio are making a big deal out of denying welfare benefits until after million of illegals become citizens 13 years down the road. I doubt if you can find one person in this country who is dumb enough to believe Rubio’s lie. Hell, Diogenes would stand a better chance of finding an honest man than he would of finding a dumbbell who believes anything Rubio says about illegal aliens.

If Rubio’s lie was true he has to include free education among a plethora of welfare benefits millions of illegals stand to lose. Deny benefits and illegals also lose the incentive to remain in this country. Then the parasite class would have to strap on leaf blowers five days a week to make ends meet —— not to mention leaving them little time to save the world when they have to work to pay for their oh-so-compassionate protest activities.

Those of us who are lucky enough to be living in the remnants of a once-free society should attack the global villagers by encouraging and promoting the very best attributes of national sovereignty.

Finally, Americans are not out of the woods yet:

Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, tweeted Wednesday evening that the Senate's immigration bill is unconstitutional because it raises revenues and originated in the Senate instead of the House.

“Chairman Camp: Senate immigration bill a revenue bill; unconstitutional and cannot be taken up by the House,” the official House and Ways Means Committee Twitter account sent out Wednesday evening. As of this writing, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has not sent the immigration bill that passed the Senate 68-32 to the House of Representatives. Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) announced that news in a late Wednesday statement, after circulating a “dear colleague” letter arguing the Senate immigration bill was unconstitutional because it raised revenue and did not originate in the House.

Language in the U.S. Constitution requires any bill that raises revenue, also known as a tax, must originate in the House of Representatives, not the Senate. America’s founders included that language because they believed the House was more accountable to the people of the country than the Senate, which was elected at that time by state legislators rather than through a direct vote. That clause of the Constitution is called the “origination clause” and reads as such: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

GOP Reps: Senate Immigration Bill Unconstitutional for Raising Revenues
by Matthew Boyle 10 Jul 2013

GOP Reps: Senate Immigration Bill Unconstitutional for Raising Revenues

Dropping an unconstitutional Senate bill altogether still leaves the door open for a House bill that must include amnesty for illegals in addition to promising the impossible:

Speaker John A. Boehner told reporters Monday that border security will come before legalization.

“The American people expect that we’ll have strong border security in place before we begin the process of legalizing and fixing our legal immigration system,” the Ohio Republican said.

Boehner: Border Security First
By Matt Fuller Posted at 4:43 p.m. on July 8

Boehner: Border Security First | Goppers

I’m not certain which one of the two I believe less —— Marco Rubio or John Boehner.
Democrats have been getting away with open-borders for a long time. ...

I don't read your posts but I did see this opening line.

Its not Ds OR Rs. Nor is there any "getting away with" going on. Our FOUR borders have always been open and the result is the US has traded with and/or welcomed people from from all over the world, especially our southern border.

Go shopping at the Costco/Sam's clubs of Tucson. Drive around the parking lot and you'll see zillions of Mexico license plates and people loading their cars to the gunnels with their purchases. Guess who our biggest trading partner is. And, now think about how much money the US is losing because of the idiotic fear from the haters. (I've been gone from Tcson for about 5 years now so you nutters may have succeeded in wrecking the excellent relationship we used to have with Mexican businesses who shopped there.)

Its just plain stupid.

Travel Europe and you'll see people coming and going across borders and you'll see countries benefiting from that. People routinely live in one country and work, shop, etc in the neighboring country. And, everyone benefits.

In any event, we have almost no illegal traffic from Mexico now, Obama has deported more illegals and hired ore Border Patrol agents than any other president and there's a useless fence along most of our southern border. Stupid and wasteful.
This one raises sneaky to an art form:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) are drafting legislation to provide a path to citizenship for immigrant children who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents, their offices said Thursday.


“As part of the step-by-step approach the House is taking to address immigration reform, Leader Cantor and I are working on a bill to provide a legal status to those who were brought illegally to the U.S. as children by their parents,” Goodlatte said in a statement Thursday.

“These children came here through no fault of their own and many of them know no other home than the United States,” he said. “This is one component of immigration reform — any successful reform plan must improve our legal immigration programs, strengthen border security and the interior enforcement of our immigration laws, and find a way to fairly deal with those who are currently in the country unlawfully.”

House Republicans crafting DREAM Act-like immigration bill
By Russell Berman and Molly K. Hooper - 07/11/13 05:46 PM ET

House Republicans crafting DREAM Act-like immigration bill - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Current immigration law was designed to keep families together. The family unification process is one of the policies that created the illegal immigration mess. Now Cantor says give the children citizenship so they can bring in their parents WHO ARE ALREADY HERE ILLEGALLY; thus the parents are rewarded for breaking the law in the first place.

How about trying this “. . . to fairly deal with those who are currently in the country unlawfully.” Deport illegal alien “children" the minute they turn 18 years old. Families can then reunify in their own country. Do it that way and they can blame their parents for breaking the law instead of the sneaks in Congress laying a guilt trip on Americans.

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