Disaster Relief and Socialism

Well duh.. of course government aid is a form of statism (socialism/communism/fascism).. and sure many WANT the aid when they are in trouble themselves. Still, ideally, all aid would be private (charity or insurance).
Republicans think the Federal government coming to the aid of its citizens equates to socialism… until THEY need it.

Disaster relief is tied directly to whether those constituents support your DNC. For example, if you live in red Palestine Ohio and you have a train disaster as toxic elements are spewed into the atmosphere that kills wildlife all around you, you get zero dollars from FEMA. Or if you are in a red state like North Carolina, you run out of FEMA money quickly. But if you live in a blue state like California, the sky is the limit in terms of how much assistance you get.

It is like the tax code. You go after corporations with taxes, unless they give large amounts of money to your political party. That is why when Trump did business in New York, he lavished the DNC with millions and millions of dollars, in order to do business. In fact, I think the tax system has less to do with generating revenue than it does securing political power for your party while punishing those who do not support you. That is why both parties are happy with trillion-dollar deficits every year.
Republicans think the Federal government coming to the aid of its citizens equates to socialism… until THEY need it.

Nobody is buying your shit Lesh. Sure your kind might give you the thumb's up, but they like you are irrational people, and approve of shit just because it sounds cool.
Well duh.. of course government aid is a form of statism (socialism/communism/fascism).. and sure many WANT the aid when they are in trouble themselves. Still, ideally, all aid would be private (charity or insurance).
Ideally yes!

It's conceivable possible that capitalism can be made to work in a disaster situation. Even though it would be contrary to all the principles of capitalism.

It can't ever be done in America, but it could be possible in China, where their brand of capitalism is combimed withe the proven aspects of some communism.

I believe that Trump understands that very well, and so his message shouldn't be missed due to political extremism.
The fed gov shouldnt be helping places in any way. That, even FEMA itself, is unconstitutional.
I remember reading about a big fire in Georgia in the 19th century. The state asked the feds for help and congress refused. Because they didnt have the authority to use the countries money to help out a group of people. Federal redistribution is unconsitutional.
The state and the countrymen are responsible for things like this. Period.
It's OUR money dumbfuck. The federal govt doesn't produce shit. They only steal from the productive citizens.

Their job is to collect from the taxpayers and apply that money where WE tell the mother fuckers. There is no discretion or compassion required. It's a fucking business transaction.

Unfortunately, the party that likes to fuck kids, et al, has corrupted the system to the point of no return. Using OUR money to fund illegals instead of helping Americans that watched their loved ones drown in their homes is, hopefully, the last straw to getting rid of this subhuman garbage that's 'running' this shit show.

Fuck Kumstain.... and fuck the Corpse.
Republicans think the Federal government coming to the aid of its citizens equates to socialism… until THEY need it.

Socialism is the reason FEMA is broke.

You nutballs think socialism applies to illegal aliens.

Which is a great reason to put an end to it.
The fed gov shouldnt be helping places in any way. That, even FEMA itself, is unconstitutional.
I remember reading about a big fire in Georgia in the 19th century. The state asked the feds for help and congress refused. Because they didnt have the authority to use the countries money to help out a group of people. Federal redistribution is unconsitutional.
The state and the countrymen are responsible for things like this. Period.
I'm all for telling the earthquake victims to take a hike and F Off.

But I feel different if it's Canadians. I appreciate our differing priorities on what's good for Americans might not be so great for others.
Lesh We pay for FEMA dummy... illegal aliens do not and Americans should always come first...
People are not getting help... this is a disaster and Harris acts like nothing happened...
The fed gov shouldnt be helping places in any way. That, even FEMA itself, is unconstitutional.
I remember reading about a big fire in Georgia in the 19th century. The state asked the feds for help and congress refused. Because they didnt have the authority to use the countries money to help out a group of people. Federal redistribution is unconsitutional.
The state and the countrymen are responsible for things like this. Period.

Now we have "the helpers" interfering in local and private efforts....More than likely to make sure their "approved vendors" get their share of the federal loot.

To repeat: we cannot possibly loathe these scumbags enough.

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