Discontinued Starbucks Polar Bear Cookies Are Getting Dragged Into Another “War On Christmas”

It is a red scarf. I can see how some, especially a child, may see it as blood too. I personally don't give a crap. Their coffee is pretty good so I go there. Just like Christians shouldn't be forced to bake a homo cake...Starbucks shouldn't be forced to celebrate Christmas.

Whatever. Don't care. This phony outrage is as silly as the shit you try to spew about cops just because 0.05% of the 1,000,000 are turds.
What's the most sad about this....is that our society has seen enough real or cinematic throats being slashed that it's so easy to imagine. 30 years ago no one would have even imagined the scarf as blood. Human minds have deteriorated.
It's a red scarf. You have to be a fucking retard to not see that. I really wish my real parents would beam me back to my home planet because I refuse to believe I was born a member of the human species.

Discontinued Starbucks Polar Bear Cookies Are Getting Dragged Into Another "War On Christmas"

You were born to the species but it does not me you suffer from the same retardation, and I was watch the morning show on NBC and I heard the cookies were Discontinued five years ago, so why the outrage now?
Starbucks is overrated.

It is overrated but not bad by any means. Their coffee is a bit bitter for me...but it is very high in caffeine and is always fresh so I go there often and add lots of cream. For just a midday cup I prefer Dunkin, their coffee is so much smoother. And surprisingly Circle K gas station coffee.
Polar bears are synonymous with Christmas? Really? LOL This is faux outrage and well.....stupid
Polar Bear throat slashing cookies, never heard of this.

But, it is getting close to kick-off for Faux News and their fake 'War on Christmas' vomit-tree-decorating-cozy. What will it be this year? Apple's newest watch excludes December 25th from the calendar? Maybe Walmart will install metal gates to keep from having stampedes on Black Friday, thus ending what many have come to think of as a holiday tradition of trampling people for an electric nose trimmer that is on sale. Or, perhaps an obscure local radio station in a tiny market will refuse to play Jingle Bells with all the rest of their 2 months of non-stop Christmas music.

I say What of Festivus! Let us stop the War on Festivus! A simple Airing of Grievances before a hearty round of The Feats of Strength. No tinsel, it's distracting.

"Have you seen the pole Kuger?"


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