Discovery of stone seal from the time of King David proves Jewish roots to Jerusalem

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Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The Palestinian claim to Jerusalem can no longer be viewed with any legitimacy. You often hear of Palestinians claiming Jews have no roots, and therefore no claim to Jerusalem. But in September a 10 year old Russian tourist Matvei Tcepliaev discovered a stone seal at the Temple Mount from the time of David; which made clear once and for all Jews do have historical roots, and thus a superior claim to the city of Jerusalem. All he had to do was sift through some dirt.

The seal was dated to be some 3000 years old, to the time of King David's conquest of Jerusalem, and the building of the First Temple by his son, and heir, Solomon. This means that Jews were present in Jerusalem at least 1000 years before Muslims built The Dome of The Rock there, also meaning Jews were most likely present there for a longer time before that.

This also confirms numerous Biblical passages regarding Jerusalem in the 10th Century BC. Palestinians and pro-Palestinian supporters have long since tried to conceal that fact. All their arguments and revisionism have been soundly routed.

I also can't help but chuckle at the fact that Muslims in their attempt to hide this damning evidence unwittingly led to it's discovery!

A Boy’s Discovery Rebuts Temple Mount Revisionism

(Take in mind that you can read this link in it's entirety once, if you leave that page and attempt to reenter, the story will be cut off, with the site asking you to subscribe to the WSJ to read it again. The link below will confirm the story presented in this OP and in the article above.)

Special Media Release: Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount
Actually it proves nothing, and actually I'm sure Israel is going to come up with all kinds of fake proof that the fable of David and Sol were real.
Actually it proves nothing, and actually I'm sure Israel is going to come up with all kinds of fake proof that the fable of David and Sol were real.

That's "Saul" to you. Please, show us how more uneducated you can be about Jewish history.

Yes no proof of Saul, Abraham, Isaac or Jacob as well. No proof of Moses , or proof of anything as depicted in the Hebrew bible. And please, no sol, no temple , am I right. So that is what they want proof of, that the temple mount is theirs. No King David, no Sol.
Even the Jews can't deny that Jerusalem was not Jewish, it was a Canaanite city, and was originally called Jebus. Their bible says as much. The Books of Kings state that Jerusalem was known as Jebus prior to this event.

So this is much ado about nothing.
Can someone explain how the seal depicted is specifically "Jewish" as opposed to Jebusite?

Huh? Of course, you're referring to the complete destruction of Canaan mentioned in the Bible.

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

-1 Samuel 15:2-3

You're no doubt going to fling this bit of garbage at us in attempt to deflect from this issue.

"God razed the Jebusites from their homeland! Jerusalem doesn't belong to the Jews!"

Am I right? Everyone knows that the Palestinians predictably trying to link their heritage to that of the Jebusites. But then again, everyone knows they're lying:

Read this before you go:

"There is no archaeological evidence to support the claim of Jebusite-Arab-Palestinian continuity. Eric Cline, an associate professor of Semitic languages and literatures at George Washington University, cites general consensus among historians and archeologists that modern Palestinians are "more closely related to the Arabs of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, and other countries"[35] than the Jebusites of the ancient world. Assimilation, annihilation, and acculturation undercut any significant connection between Jebusites and modern Palestinians.[36]"

Palestinians, Jebusites, and Evangelicals
Even the Jews can't deny that Jerusalem was not Jewish, it was a Canaanite city, and was originally called Jebus. Their bible says as much. The Books of Kings state that Jerusalem was known as Jebus prior to this event.

So this is much ado about nothing.

Predictably, you all fall back to the annihilation of the Jebusites to try and discredit the idea that Jerusalem actually belongs to Israel.

When you conquer something, it becomes yours. That land is Jewish, and it always will be.
I look for TemplarKormac, or more accurately his mom, to give up their home and propert if an arrowhead is found nearby

See? See? You can't even address the topic!

I am a Native American partly by blood. If I find an arrowhead here, it will only confirm my roots to this land.

So fuck off.
I look for TemplarKormac, or more accurately his mom, to give up their home and propert if an arrowhead is found nearby

See? See? You can't even address the topic!

I am a Native American partly by blood. If I find an arrowhead here, it will only confirm my roots to this land.

So fuck off.
Sure you are. Not the point really. Just pointing out that if a rock from thousands of years ago can give someone the right to displace someone else most of us on this continent are in trouble
Actually it proves nothing, and actually I'm sure Israel is going to come up with all kinds of fake proof that the fable of David and Sol were real.

That's "Saul" to you. Please, show us how more uneducated you can be about Jewish history.

Yes no proof of Saul, Abraham, Isaac or Jacob as well. No proof of Moses , or proof of anything as depicted in the Hebrew bible. And please, no sol, no temple , am I right. So that is what they want proof of, that the temple mount is theirs. No King David, no Sol.

You're just running your mouth.

"No proof" this, "no proof" that.

So, the onus is on you to prove that there is "no proof."

But I will put you, and your claim, to bed.

The Tel Dan inscription is definitive proof of the existence of King David.

The Tel Dan Inscription: The First Historical Evidence of King David from the Bible - Biblical Archaeology Society
The biblical archaeological society... no way there's any confirmation bias going on there
Can someone explain how the seal depicted is specifically "Jewish" as opposed to Jebusite?

Huh? Of course, you're referring to the complete destruction of Canaan mentioned in the Bible.

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

-1 Samuel 15:2-3

You're no doubt going to fling this bit of garbage at us in attempt to deflect from this issue.

"God razed the Jebusites from their homeland! Jerusalem doesn't belong to the Jews!"

Am I right? Everyone knows that the Palestinians predictably trying to link their heritage to that of the Jebusites. But then again, everyone knows they're lying:

Read this before you go:

"There is no archaeological evidence to support the claim of Jebusite-Arab-Palestinian continuity. Eric Cline, an associate professor of Semitic languages and literatures at George Washington University, cites general consensus among historians and archeologists that modern Palestinians are "more closely related to the Arabs of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, and other countries"[35] than the Jebusites of the ancient world. Assimilation, annihilation, and acculturation undercut any significant connection between Jebusites and modern Palestinians.[36]"

Palestinians, Jebusites, and Evangelicals

While this might be an answer to some question, it is not the answer to mine.

Can someone explain how the seal depicted is specifically "Jewish" as opposed to Jebusite?

What makes the seal found "Jewish" as opposed to belonging to any other religious cult in the area?
The Palestinian claim to Jerusalem can no longer be viewed with any legitimacy. You often hear of Palestinians claiming Jews have no roots, and therefore no claim to Jerusalem. But in September a 10 year old Russian tourist Matvei Tcepliaev discovered a stone seal at the Temple Mount from the time of David; which made clear once and for all Jews do have historical roots, and thus a superior claim to the city of Jerusalem. All he had to do was sift through some dirt.

The seal was dated to be some 3000 years old, to the time of King David's conquest of Jerusalem, and the building of the First Temple by his son, and heir, Solomon. This means that Jews were present in Jerusalem at least 1000 years before Muslims built The Dome of The Rock there, also meaning Jews were most likely present there for a longer time before that.

This also confirms numerous Biblical passages regarding Jerusalem in the 10th Century BC. Palestinians and pro-Palestinian supporters have long since tried to conceal that fact. All their arguments and revisionism have been soundly routed.

I also can't help but chuckle at the fact that Muslims in their attempt to hide this damning evidence unwittingly led to it's discovery!

A Boy’s Discovery Rebuts Temple Mount Revisionism

(Take in mind that you can read this link in it's entirety once, if you leave that page and attempt to reenter, the story will be cut off, with the site asking you to subscribe to the WSJ to read it again. The link below will confirm the story presented in this OP and in the article above.)

Special Media Release: Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount

Wow 3000, that's pretty old. (leaps up and slaps down his trump card) :)

Oldest human skull in Middle East found in northern Israel

"A consortium of Israeli archeologists and anthropologists announced the discovery of the oldest human skull ever found in the Middle East on Wednesday.

The partial skull, discovered nearly seven years ago, was found in the Manot Cave in Western Galilee.

The announcement comes after years of painstaking lab analysis to verify its date of origin, and according to Dr. Omry Barzilai of the Antiquities Authority, the 55,000-year-old skull is “one of the most important discoveries in the study of human evolution.”"

I win. :)
Even the Jews can't deny that Jerusalem was not Jewish, it was a Canaanite city, and was originally called Jebus. Their bible says as much. The Books of Kings state that Jerusalem was known as Jebus prior to this event.

So this is much ado about nothing.

Predictably, you all fall back to the annihilation of the Jebusites to try and discredit the idea that Jerusalem actually belongs to Israel.

When you conquer something, it becomes yours. That land is Jewish, and it always will be.

The land belonged to Christians far longer than it belonged to Jews, not mention centuries of non-Christian Roman ownership.

No, the land will revert to the local people soon enough. Demographics will see to that. Christian rule of Palestine through the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted 192 years. Jewish rule will not last half of that.

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories
Palestine-Israel Journal: <b>The Significance of Jerusalem: A Muslim Perspective</b>
Can someone explain how the seal depicted is specifically "Jewish" as opposed to Jebusite?

Huh? Of course, you're referring to the complete destruction of Canaan mentioned in the Bible.

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

-1 Samuel 15:2-3

You're no doubt going to fling this bit of garbage at us in attempt to deflect from this issue.

"God razed the Jebusites from their homeland! Jerusalem doesn't belong to the Jews!"

Am I right? Everyone knows that the Palestinians predictably trying to link their heritage to that of the Jebusites. But then again, everyone knows they're lying:

Read this before you go:

"There is no archaeological evidence to support the claim of Jebusite-Arab-Palestinian continuity. Eric Cline, an associate professor of Semitic languages and literatures at George Washington University, cites general consensus among historians and archeologists that modern Palestinians are "more closely related to the Arabs of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, and other countries"[35] than the Jebusites of the ancient world. Assimilation, annihilation, and acculturation undercut any significant connection between Jebusites and modern Palestinians.[36]"

Palestinians, Jebusites, and Evangelicals

While this might be an answer to some question, it is not the answer to mine.

Can someone explain how the seal depicted is specifically "Jewish" as opposed to Jebusite?

What makes the seal found "Jewish" as opposed to belonging to any other religious cult in the area?
I would suppose cause David was from the tribe of Judah
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