Discovery The Most Evil Men and Women in History-Pizarro & Biggest ever discovery of sacrificed chil

Biggest ever discovery of sacrificed children is uncovered in Peru as 227 victims aged four to 14 who were killed 'to stop bad weather' are discovered, all facing the sea

Peru discovers 227 sacrificed children who were killed 'to appease El Nino phenomenon' | Daily Mail Online

"The Most Evil Men and Women in History - Pizarro"


something is very , very wrong with this hippy (commie) & Discovery program narrative, don't you think so?

------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .

Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.

-------------------------------- Pizzaro was a go getter and he got things done no matter if you loved him or hated him . He and his men were always busy as an Industrious sorts and he and his invading men were way outnumbered by the natives . In fact many tribes allied with the Spanish invaders because they hated their native overlords that spent their time murdering them in Sacrifices for 'mo' rain , corn , squash and frijoles .

Hitler also "got things done."

Hitler was Islam lover, who build a typical Asiatic despotic Mongolian empire , he was just koba´s copy cat
Biggest ever discovery of sacrificed children is uncovered in Peru as 227 victims aged four to 14 who were killed 'to stop bad weather' are discovered, all facing the sea

Peru discovers 227 sacrificed children who were killed 'to appease El Nino phenomenon' | Daily Mail Online

"The Most Evil Men and Women in History - Pizarro"


something is very , very wrong with this hippy (commie) & Discovery program narrative, don't you think so?

------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .

Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.

no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?

He was a butcher.

------------------------------------- no worse than the Natives who Pizzaro was Conquering BPat .
and no matter but that's how things were done 3 - 500 years ago . Modern people from every where should be thankful that for the most part things aren't done that way today . Except for 'pol pot' and 'idi amin' just 20 - 40 years ago eh. And yes , 'hitler' and 'stalin' and 'lenin' of course !! And the dead and gone 'saddam h8ssein' and his sons .
Peru discovers 227 sacrificed children who were killed 'to appease El Nino phenomenon' | Daily Mail Online

"The Most Evil Men and Women in History - Pizarro"


something is very , very wrong with this hippy (commie) & Discovery program narrative, don't you think so?

------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .

Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.

no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?

He was a butcher.

like any other war - lord , general in XVI c including your Holland generals.

some examples

Babur - Wikiquote › wiki › Babur

Babur was the first Mughal Emperor and founder of the Mughal Empire. ..... He was particularly fond of raising higher and higher towers of Hindu heads cut off ...

The sack of Constantinople in 1453 (Part 3) – Roger Pearse › weblog › 2015/09/18 › the-sack-of-consta...

Sep 18, 2015 - In The sack of Constantinople in 1453, I quoted a very vivid description of the sack ... When the orgy of killing had spent itself, rape took its place. .... His only son, John, a fifteen-year-old boy, was killed by the Sultan himself for ...

Fall of Constantinople - Wikipedia › wiki › Fall_of_Constantinople

The Fall of Constantinople was the capture of the capital city of the Byzantine Empire by an ..... :283 Most of the Greek women were raped and enslaved. ... The oldest boy, renamed to Murad, became a personal favourite of Mehmed and served ...

Yes, they were all butchers. What is your point?
------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .
Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.
no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?
He was a butcher.

like any other war - lord , general in XVI c including your Holland generals.

some examples

Babur - Wikiquote › wiki › Babur

Babur was the first Mughal Emperor and founder of the Mughal Empire. ..... He was particularly fond of raising higher and higher towers of Hindu heads cut off ...

The sack of Constantinople in 1453 (Part 3) – Roger Pearse › weblog › 2015/09/18 › the-sack-of-consta...

Sep 18, 2015 - In The sack of Constantinople in 1453, I quoted a very vivid description of the sack ... When the orgy of killing had spent itself, rape took its place. .... His only son, John, a fifteen-year-old boy, was killed by the Sultan himself for ...

Fall of Constantinople - Wikipedia › wiki › Fall_of_Constantinople

The Fall of Constantinople was the capture of the capital city of the Byzantine Empire by an ..... :283 Most of the Greek women were raped and enslaved. ... The oldest boy, renamed to Murad, became a personal favourite of Mehmed and served ...
Yes, they were all butchers. What is your point?
no , not all of them were butchers , times were much more raw than we live in today . Pizzaro did nothing extraordinary for his time , this is my point. you can not put Pizzaro in same box with Ivan the terrible, Piter I,
Malyuta Skuratov
or many Ottoman sultans
The ancients believed their climate was changing and sacrificed their children as a way to stop the climate from changing.

Today its have an abortion to stop climate change. The crazies still believe in sacrificing children to appease the climate gods.
Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.
no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?
He was a butcher.

like any other war - lord , general in XVI c including your Holland generals.

some examples

Babur - Wikiquote › wiki › Babur

Babur was the first Mughal Emperor and founder of the Mughal Empire. ..... He was particularly fond of raising higher and higher towers of Hindu heads cut off ...

The sack of Constantinople in 1453 (Part 3) – Roger Pearse › weblog › 2015/09/18 › the-sack-of-consta...

Sep 18, 2015 - In The sack of Constantinople in 1453, I quoted a very vivid description of the sack ... When the orgy of killing had spent itself, rape took its place. .... His only son, John, a fifteen-year-old boy, was killed by the Sultan himself for ...

Fall of Constantinople - Wikipedia › wiki › Fall_of_Constantinople

The Fall of Constantinople was the capture of the capital city of the Byzantine Empire by an ..... :283 Most of the Greek women were raped and enslaved. ... The oldest boy, renamed to Murad, became a personal favourite of Mehmed and served ...
Yes, they were all butchers. What is your point?
no , not all of them were butchers , times were much more raw than we live in today . Pizzaro did nothing extraordinary for his time , this is my point. you can not put Pizzaro in same box with Ivan the terrible, Piter I,
Malyuta Skuratov
or many Ottoman sultans

They are all in the box of butchers. Pizzaro wiped out an entire people. That's fairly unusual for European leaders.
Pizzaro had help from other natives as allies because the other natives hated their stronger native overlords .
no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?
He was a butcher.

like any other war - lord , general in XVI c including your Holland generals.

some examples

Babur - Wikiquote › wiki › Babur

Babur was the first Mughal Emperor and founder of the Mughal Empire. ..... He was particularly fond of raising higher and higher towers of Hindu heads cut off ...

The sack of Constantinople in 1453 (Part 3) – Roger Pearse › weblog › 2015/09/18 › the-sack-of-consta...

Sep 18, 2015 - In The sack of Constantinople in 1453, I quoted a very vivid description of the sack ... When the orgy of killing had spent itself, rape took its place. .... His only son, John, a fifteen-year-old boy, was killed by the Sultan himself for ...

Fall of Constantinople - Wikipedia › wiki › Fall_of_Constantinople

The Fall of Constantinople was the capture of the capital city of the Byzantine Empire by an ..... :283 Most of the Greek women were raped and enslaved. ... The oldest boy, renamed to Murad, became a personal favourite of Mehmed and served ...
Yes, they were all butchers. What is your point?
no , not all of them were butchers , times were much more raw than we live in today . Pizzaro did nothing extraordinary for his time , this is my point. you can not put Pizzaro in same box with Ivan the terrible, Piter I,
Malyuta Skuratov
or many Ottoman sultans

They are all in the box of butchers. Pizzaro wiped out an entire people. That's fairly unusual for European leaders.
whats about early Dutch empire with Golden Age , are you ready to put your country in butcher box as well? or NZ with Australians who build amazing civilization in middle of nowhere ?
We were no better, really.

Who was the last person to be hanged drawn and quartered?
David Tyrie

1782: David Tyrie, the last hanged, drawn, and quartered. On this date in 1782, a crowd contemporaries pegged at 100,000 mobbed the gruesome public execution of David Tyrie — the last man hanged, drawn, and quartered in British history.

To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1352 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reign of King Henry III(1216–1272). A convicted traitor was fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where he was then hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered (chopped into four pieces). The traitor's remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.

So, you think England drew and quartered millions? lol
No, only for high treason. But the Aztecs didn't eat the hearts of millions of their enemies, either. C'mon. Notice where the priest is. He is at the top of the temple. It is a ritual.
do prefer to live under Castilian rule or under this one?

" Many reputable scholars today put the number between 20,000 and 250,000 per year for the whole Aztec Empire."




Feeding the gods: Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital

The reason we have such brainwashed people like OldLady is due to academic corruption; lots of 1960's commies ended up in universities, colleges, and K1-K!2 teaching and administration jobs and of course a lot of barely literate 'Affirmative Action' mediocrities who didn't mind being told what to teach by faggot radicals and whitey hating racists.

Zinns of Omission

One of the big achievements of Zinn’s book was his utter discrediting of Christopher Columbus. Once regarded as a hero, Columbus is now commonly viewed as having initiated the genocidal destruction of a peaceful paradise. In her first chapter, by going carefully through Zinn’s account of the great navigator, Grabar demonstrates that it is based not on original sources but is heavily dependent on, indeed almost copied straight out of, the work of an earlier Columbus-basher, Hans Koning, who, for ideological reasons, engaged in extremely selective quotation and in wholesale misrepresentation. Ultimately, Grabar shows convincingly that Zinn, in his effort to smear the discoverer of America and to depict American Indians as noble savages, repeatedly ignores historical context, suppresses inconvenient facts, cites exceedingly dubious statistics, and so on. In short, Grabar thoroughly discredits Zinn’s discrediting of the Admiral of the Ocean Sea.

As Zinn progresses beyond Columbus to the British settlement of North America, he routinely deplores relatively minor anti-Indian actions by colonists while defending or ignoring huge, brutal massacres by Indians – whom he insists, against all evidence but in accordance with the historical revisionism of know-nothing Sixties radicals, on portraying as gentle and innocent, indeed, as proto-Communists who lived in hippie-type communes and had no concept of private ownership or gender inequality. In short, Zinn transforms violent warriors into flower children. In one instance, he accuses early Virginia settlers of wanting to “exterminate” local tribes when in fact the latter sought to wipe out the former. Of course, in the encounters between natives and settlers there were misdeeds on both sides, but Zinn reduces the entire history of colonization as a simple matter of genocidal whites constantly going to war against peace-loving Indians. Nor does Zinn just make virtual saints out of the Indians of the Caribbean and North America; he also whitewashes the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas. Though he does, surprisingly, mention the Aztecs’ “ritual killing of thousands of people as sacrifices to the gods,” he claims that these bloodthirsty savages nonetheless exhibited “a certain innocence.” Neat trick!

... and on, spawning numerous copycats whose work was never actually criticized, since it followed the PC narratives set out by the usual vermin. 'Academic objectivity' disappeared from American education, and science as well, from the 1970's on. He's also the main 'source' for all the Jap and Nazi Pity Parties both the right and left wingers are fond of here. They all parrot Zinn verbatim.

Zinn manages even to make America’s role in World War II look perfidious. Here, as Grabar says quite rightly, he “hits a new low,” drawing moral equivalence between the US and Nazi Germany, painting Japan as America’s victim, and attributing America’s participation in the war entirely to “imperialist” motives. As for the Cold War era, Zinn dismisses Americans’ fear of Soviet Communism as “hysteria” and describes Americans’ demonstrably legitimate concern about Communist influence in Washington and Hollywood as “paranoid.” He even depicts the Marshall Plan – another unique act of American virtue – as a nefarious effort to prepare “the European capitalist countries for all-out war against the USSR and the People’s Democracies of Eastern Europe.”

Anyway, on it goes. Castro’s Cuba is great; Ho Chi Minh was a hero. Then there’s Grabar’s illuminating account of Zinn’s life. Not only was he almost certainly a card-carrying member of the Communist Party; he also belonged to several CPUSA front groups. Teaching in the late 1950s at the historically black Spelman College, which was “emphatically Christian,” he sought to turn it into a “school for protest.” In 1960, he co-founded the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, one of the major radical groups of that decade; years later, he co-founded the New Party, which Grabar identifies as “the socialist party that helped Barack Obama win his Illinois Senate seat.” Other groups with which he was associated included ACORN, the Democratic Socialists of America, a “Marxist-Maoist collective” called STORM, and International ANSWER.

Such is the source of most left wing and right wing 'Truth', according to assorted racist leftists and dope addled deviants.
"as proto-Communists who lived in hippie-type communes and had no concept of private ownership or gender inequality. In short, Zinn transforms violent warriors into flower children." this is so SO true, "violent warriors into flower children" i feel sorry for Indians actually, its just pure perversion

They were always busy massacring each other, in far larger numbers than whites could even if they were inclined to chase them around full time. They massacred each other over territory, over the fur trade, over booze, over everything, even just for fun.
So, you think England drew and quartered millions? lol
No, only for high treason. But the Aztecs didn't eat the hearts of millions of their enemies, either. C'mon. Notice where the priest is. He is at the top of the temple. It is a ritual.
do prefer to live under Castilian rule or under this one?

" Many reputable scholars today put the number between 20,000 and 250,000 per year for the whole Aztec Empire."




Feeding the gods: Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital

The reason we have such brainwashed people like OldLady is due to academic corruption; lots of 1960's commies ended up in universities, colleges, and K1-K!2 teaching and administration jobs and of course a lot of barely literate 'Affirmative Action' mediocrities who didn't mind being told what to teach by faggot radicals and whitey hating racists.

Zinns of Omission

One of the big achievements of Zinn’s book was his utter discrediting of Christopher Columbus. Once regarded as a hero, Columbus is now commonly viewed as having initiated the genocidal destruction of a peaceful paradise. In her first chapter, by going carefully through Zinn’s account of the great navigator, Grabar demonstrates that it is based not on original sources but is heavily dependent on, indeed almost copied straight out of, the work of an earlier Columbus-basher, Hans Koning, who, for ideological reasons, engaged in extremely selective quotation and in wholesale misrepresentation. Ultimately, Grabar shows convincingly that Zinn, in his effort to smear the discoverer of America and to depict American Indians as noble savages, repeatedly ignores historical context, suppresses inconvenient facts, cites exceedingly dubious statistics, and so on. In short, Grabar thoroughly discredits Zinn’s discrediting of the Admiral of the Ocean Sea.

As Zinn progresses beyond Columbus to the British settlement of North America, he routinely deplores relatively minor anti-Indian actions by colonists while defending or ignoring huge, brutal massacres by Indians – whom he insists, against all evidence but in accordance with the historical revisionism of know-nothing Sixties radicals, on portraying as gentle and innocent, indeed, as proto-Communists who lived in hippie-type communes and had no concept of private ownership or gender inequality. In short, Zinn transforms violent warriors into flower children. In one instance, he accuses early Virginia settlers of wanting to “exterminate” local tribes when in fact the latter sought to wipe out the former. Of course, in the encounters between natives and settlers there were misdeeds on both sides, but Zinn reduces the entire history of colonization as a simple matter of genocidal whites constantly going to war against peace-loving Indians. Nor does Zinn just make virtual saints out of the Indians of the Caribbean and North America; he also whitewashes the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas. Though he does, surprisingly, mention the Aztecs’ “ritual killing of thousands of people as sacrifices to the gods,” he claims that these bloodthirsty savages nonetheless exhibited “a certain innocence.” Neat trick!

... and on, spawning numerous copycats whose work was never actually criticized, since it followed the PC narratives set out by the usual vermin. 'Academic objectivity' disappeared from American education, and science as well, from the 1970's on. He's also the main 'source' for all the Jap and Nazi Pity Parties both the right and left wingers are fond of here. They all parrot Zinn verbatim.

Zinn manages even to make America’s role in World War II look perfidious. Here, as Grabar says quite rightly, he “hits a new low,” drawing moral equivalence between the US and Nazi Germany, painting Japan as America’s victim, and attributing America’s participation in the war entirely to “imperialist” motives. As for the Cold War era, Zinn dismisses Americans’ fear of Soviet Communism as “hysteria” and describes Americans’ demonstrably legitimate concern about Communist influence in Washington and Hollywood as “paranoid.” He even depicts the Marshall Plan – another unique act of American virtue – as a nefarious effort to prepare “the European capitalist countries for all-out war against the USSR and the People’s Democracies of Eastern Europe.”

Anyway, on it goes. Castro’s Cuba is great; Ho Chi Minh was a hero. Then there’s Grabar’s illuminating account of Zinn’s life. Not only was he almost certainly a card-carrying member of the Communist Party; he also belonged to several CPUSA front groups. Teaching in the late 1950s at the historically black Spelman College, which was “emphatically Christian,” he sought to turn it into a “school for protest.” In 1960, he co-founded the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, one of the major radical groups of that decade; years later, he co-founded the New Party, which Grabar identifies as “the socialist party that helped Barack Obama win his Illinois Senate seat.” Other groups with which he was associated included ACORN, the Democratic Socialists of America, a “Marxist-Maoist collective” called STORM, and International ANSWER.

Such is the source of most left wing and right wing 'Truth', according to assorted racist leftists and dope addled deviants.
"as proto-Communists who lived in hippie-type communes and had no concept of private ownership or gender inequality. In short, Zinn transforms violent warriors into flower children." this is so SO true, "violent warriors into flower children" i feel sorry for Indians actually, its just pure perversion

They were always busy massacring each other, in far larger numbers than whites could even if they were inclined to chase them around full time. They massacred each other over territory, over the fur trade, over booze, over everything, even just for fun.
Castilians built ocean - ports , modern cities & industries (in regions ruled by sticks and stones before them) directly after arrival. only protestant fanatics or Marxist bloody morons don't want to see it
Biggest ever discovery of sacrificed children is uncovered in Peru as 227 victims aged four to 14 who were killed 'to stop bad weather' are discovered, all facing the sea

Peru discovers 227 sacrificed children who were killed 'to appease El Nino phenomenon' | Daily Mail Online

"The Most Evil Men and Women in History - Pizarro"


something is very , very wrong with this hippy (commie) & Discovery program narrative, don't you think so?

------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .

Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.

no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?

The two things are not incompatible. Genghis Khan was a successful general. He was also a mass murderer of monumental proportions.
Biggest ever discovery of sacrificed children is uncovered in Peru as 227 victims aged four to 14 who were killed 'to stop bad weather' are discovered, all facing the sea

Peru discovers 227 sacrificed children who were killed 'to appease El Nino phenomenon' | Daily Mail Online

"The Most Evil Men and Women in History - Pizarro"


something is very , very wrong with this hippy (commie) & Discovery program narrative, don't you think so?

------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .

Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.

no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?

The two things are not incompatible. Genghis Khan was a successful general. He was also a mass murderer of monumental proportions.

what you make you think that Pizzaro was similar to Genghis Khan or Ivan the terrible (with his gang) mass murderer ?

Oprichnik - Wikipedia › wiki › Oprichnik

Oprichnik was the designation given to a member of the Oprichnina, a bodyguard corps ... The Oprichniki were recruited from members of the nobility or boyars; following an individual interrogation by the Tsar himself (see painting above)
Peru discovers 227 sacrificed children who were killed 'to appease El Nino phenomenon' | Daily Mail Online

"The Most Evil Men and Women in History - Pizarro"


something is very , very wrong with this hippy (commie) & Discovery program narrative, don't you think so?

------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .

Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.

no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?

The two things are not incompatible. Genghis Khan was a successful general. He was also a mass murderer of monumental proportions.

what you make you think that Pizzaro was similar to Genghis Khan or Ivan the terrible (with his gang) mass murderer ?

Oprichnik - Wikipedia › wiki › Oprichnik

Oprichnik was the designation given to a member of the Oprichnina, a bodyguard corps ... The Oprichniki were recruited from members of the nobility or boyars; following an individual interrogation by the Tsar himself (see painting above)

You haven't read anything about Pizarro, have you?

Ivan the terrible is hardly the most evil man in history, moron. Have you ever read anything about Genghis Khan? He wiped out entire nations to the last man woman and child. He kiled more people than any other conqueror in history.
------------------------------ I only watched a bit , maybe 5 minutes but the gist seemed to be to elevate the 'natives' while down grading Pizzaro and other Spaniards / Euros . Its a common theme in my opinion and wasn't taught in my schools in the 50s and 60s Litwin .
Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.
no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?
The two things are not incompatible. Genghis Khan was a successful general. He was also a mass murderer of monumental proportions.
what you make you think that Pizzaro was similar to Genghis Khan or Ivan the terrible (with his gang) mass murderer ?

Oprichnik - Wikipedia › wiki › Oprichnik

Oprichnik was the designation given to a member of the Oprichnina, a bodyguard corps ... The Oprichniki were recruited from members of the nobility or boyars; following an individual interrogation by the Tsar himself (see painting above)

You haven't read anything about Pizarro, have you?

Ivan the terrible is hardly the most evil man in history, moron. Have you ever read anything about Genghis Khan? He wiped out entire nations to the last man woman and child. He kiled more people than any other conqueror in history.

i did read about Pizarro, what crimes do you incriminate him, how he was different from 16c dutch generals, except the fact that he was more successful than most generals of 16c. ? and you know, you´d never call me a "moron" face to face don't act like a little bit&h , ok?
well Pizarro and Genghis at least won the wars they started or were in . There was no messing around when they set out to go to WAR .
Pizzaro was a vicious ruthless piece of shit. It would be difficult to downgrade him.
no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?
The two things are not incompatible. Genghis Khan was a successful general. He was also a mass murderer of monumental proportions.
what you make you think that Pizzaro was similar to Genghis Khan or Ivan the terrible (with his gang) mass murderer ?

Oprichnik - Wikipedia › wiki › Oprichnik

Oprichnik was the designation given to a member of the Oprichnina, a bodyguard corps ... The Oprichniki were recruited from members of the nobility or boyars; following an individual interrogation by the Tsar himself (see painting above)

You haven't read anything about Pizarro, have you?

Ivan the terrible is hardly the most evil man in history, moron. Have you ever read anything about Genghis Khan? He wiped out entire nations to the last man woman and child. He kiled more people than any other conqueror in history.

i did read about Pizarro, what crimes do you incriminate him, how he was different from 16c dutch generals, except the fact that he was more successful than most generals of 16c. ? and you know, you´d never call me a "moron" face to face don't act like a little bit&h , ok?

I don't know anything about the Dutch generals you refer to. Whatever they did, it doesn't justify Pizarro's crimes.
well Pizarro and Genghis at least won the wars they started or were in . There was no messing around when they set out to go to WAR .
Might makes right, eh?
----------------------------------------- YEP , if one is going to fight a war of Conquest then yes , might makes right BPat . USA was smart at one time in its recent war fighting history . See Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Dresden Germany BPat .
no, he was a successful general. we talk here about XVI c you know about it ?
The two things are not incompatible. Genghis Khan was a successful general. He was also a mass murderer of monumental proportions.
what you make you think that Pizzaro was similar to Genghis Khan or Ivan the terrible (with his gang) mass murderer ?

Oprichnik - Wikipedia › wiki › Oprichnik

Oprichnik was the designation given to a member of the Oprichnina, a bodyguard corps ... The Oprichniki were recruited from members of the nobility or boyars; following an individual interrogation by the Tsar himself (see painting above)

You haven't read anything about Pizarro, have you?

Ivan the terrible is hardly the most evil man in history, moron. Have you ever read anything about Genghis Khan? He wiped out entire nations to the last man woman and child. He kiled more people than any other conqueror in history.

i did read about Pizarro, what crimes do you incriminate him, how he was different from 16c dutch generals, except the fact that he was more successful than most generals of 16c. ? and you know, you´d never call me a "moron" face to face don't act like a little bit&h , ok?

I don't know anything about the Dutch generals you refer to. Whatever they did, it doesn't justify Pizarro's crimes.

"it doesn't justify Pizarro's crimes." he didn't commit any crime , Pizarro used ordinary tools , and methods of warfare for 16c.

in the same time, Ivan the terrible, as well as many Ottoman sultans, or Peter I were passionate sadists and rapists , and its all documented
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