Discrimination by Any Other Name Still Stinks

I went into a DMV office last week and observed about 25 people working there. Although this was in a predominantly White area, there were no white males working there. In case it has escaped you, employment discrimination against this group has been legally mandated for over 40 years. The only reason this has not been more apparent is because white males made up the majority of the workforce at the beginning of this period. As a result, their subsequent exclusion from hiring and promotion was hidden in overall workforce statistics.

Perhaps the most despicable actors in this unconscionable policy were older white men who jumped on the "Affirmative Action" bandwagon for their own benefit while screwing their younger counterparts. Now that these lackeys are retiring with their fat pensions, the brutal truth about employment options for younger white men will come out. In large portions of our economy, they have been relegated to the back of the bus.

Ignorant nonsense.

Obviously you have no understanding or knowledge of affirmative action policy, how it’s implemented, and the laws governing its administration.

This is anecdotal, subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.

It’s also troubling if there are many more like you who share your ignorance.

As usual, your response is utterly devoid of facts or logic, but full of name calling. Bravo.

By the way, I was involved with AA hiring in the 1970's. We recruited at colleges with higher minority enrollment in order to reach the broadest level of applicants. In one instance, we ended up with 12 qualified applicants (6 white and 6 black) for 6 open positions. After interviews, we ranked the applicants from 1-12. The top 4 were black, followed by 6 whites. The bottom 2 were black. We offered positions to the top 6, but our AA officer ordered us to withdraw the offers to the 2 whites and give them to the remaining 2 blacks. These two blacks not only performed at a substandard level, but also caused racial divisions (and lower productivity) in our office by constantly complaining about their job evaluations. As a result, our honest efforts to eliminate discrimination in the workplace had the opposite effect. That is how AA worked in the real world.

How well did the top 4 candidates(who you stated were black) perform? Secondly, had there not been an Affirmative Policy in place at the time in your company. How likely do you think it would have been for those top 4 black candidates to be hired, let alone even get an interview?

On the flip side, if the two underperformers were given due diligence(such as a performance improvement plan with applicable time lines and verbal as well as written counseling if necessary) they should have been held accountable for their lack of performance.
I noticed you repeatedly said "you" in that rant. Who are you referring to?
greyboys,cracker,peckerwoods,creampie eaters etc,etc,

Doesn't it suck not having a racial slur that offends white people? We laugh at your attempts to create a white version of "******". Remember when you guys thought "honkey" was going to be the one that sticks? :lol:

You guys? Personally, I was taught to believe that racial slurs are typically used by those who are too ignorant to confront an individuals behavior and character as opposed to something about them that cannot be changed.

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