Discussing hurricanes Trump said, "I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them?

Trump suggested using nuclear weapons to stop hurricanes from hitting the US, Axios reports

According to an Axios report, President Trump suggested the idea of using nuclear weapons to prevent hurricanes from hitting the US "multiple times" during his presidency. The report, which also featured a senior White House official coming to his defense, quickly sparked a discussion.Photo vi

Hey Trump tards do you give up yet Haha

The mysterious report without a link gives your OP ZERO cred :)

It's true look it up to wait you believe any thing this idiot says.
Why are you always talking so violent? Are you sick? Or just a typical Republican? I’m going with typical Republican.

Good question!

Actually I just do it because it gets your knickers in a painful twist.
Does Baltimore get hurricanes?

Occasionally it does.

But not often enough.

Not strong enough to clean up the shit and kill the rats.

epic fail, that, but since hurricanes are registered in Florida to vote as Democrats that comes as no surprise.
Trump suggested dropping nuclear bombs into hurricanes to stop them from hitting the U.S.

Dropping a nuclear bomb into a hurricane would be banned under the terms of the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. So that could stave off any experiments, as long as the U.S. observes the terms of the treaty.


Oh my God. You know what Trump thinks of treaties.

And I thought Greenland was a joke. I was wrong.

Republicans aren’t afraid of the radiation because they insist the wind from the hurricane will just blow it away.
The idea of a nuke to end a hurricane has been around since the 50s.

The Surprising History to Trump's Suggestion to Nuke Hurricanes

You're right, Eisenhower asked that same question. But, that was when nuclear weapons were in their infancy, and we didn't know that much about them yet.

Over the years, with all the tests the scientists ran on nukes, one thing they figured out was that it was a REALLY bad idea. Why? Because a subsurface burst would cause a tsunami and radiate the water badly, while not having much effect on what is going on above the water.

Surface bursts, while they don't radiate the water as badly as a subsurface burst, they still do a lot of damage, and probably won't have much effect on the hurricane as their eyes are 19 to 40 miles across, and that would require several nukes blowing up on the surface at the same time. And, yes, a surface burst would also cause a tsunami.

Air bursts don't leave that much residual radiation, but they do have a HUGE blast radius and large shockwave. An air burst would be the thing to stop a hurricane because of the blast radius and shockwave, but there is a problem here as well. While air burst don't leave much in the way of residual radiation, that is because all the radiation is initially released in the explosion. Why is it such a bad idea? Because you are sending nuclear radiation into rain and wind speeds of 70 plus mph. Probably one of the fastest ways to pollute the ocean.

Yeah, the idea has been around since Eisenhower, but we've known for a long time (since the 60's I think) that nuking a hurricane is disaster waiting to happen.

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