Discussion Syria.....


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2013
Chicago Illinois - USA
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.
Whats this.....no one around this Gin Joint is up on Syria?

The issue with Syria is simply that it needs to be taken or left for the radicals in order to further weaken Iran. It's all about Iran.
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The issue with Syria is simply that it needs to be taken or left for the radicals in order to further weaken Iran. It's all about Iran.

Heya RC.
Yeah and not to mention Russia isn't about to give up their stake in Tartus.

Although with the purging of the MB.....this will weaken them here in Syria. Which then weakens the SNC/FSA.
More than two years into Syria's civil war, the once highly-centralized authoritarian state has effectively split into three distinct parts, each boasting its own flags, security agencies and judicial system.

In each area, religious, ideological and turf power struggles are under way and battle lines tend to ebb and flow, making it impossible to predict exactly what Syria could look like once the combatants lay down their arms. But the longer the bloody conflict drags on, analysts says, the more difficult it will be to piece together a coherent Syrian state from the wreckage.


"There is no doubt that as a distinct single entity, Syria has ceased to exist," said Charles Lister, an analyst at IHS Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Center. "Considering the sheer scale of its territorial losses in some areas of the country, Syria no longer functions as a single all-encompassing unitarily-governed state."

The geographic dividing lines that have emerged over the past two years and effectively cleft the nation in three remain fluid, but the general outlines can be traced on a map.

Moreover, the opposition movement itself is far from monolithic, and there have been increasing outbursts of infighting between al-Qaida affiliated extremists and moderate rebel groups, as well as between Kurds and rebels of a radical Islamic bent. That violence holds the potential to escalate into a full-blown war among armed opposition factions.

In the north, fighter brigades have set up judicial councils known as Shariah courts that dispense their own version of justice based on Islamic law, including in some cases, executions of captured regime soldiers and supporters.

"While there are shifts in momentum on the battlefield, Bashar Assad, in our view, will never rule all of Syria again," Jay Carney, the White House spokesman, told reporters in Washington last month.

The comments appeared to leave open the possibility that while Assad has lost control over large parts of the country, he may well be able to hang on and even expand his core territory in the future.

Syria's partition into mini-states is an ominous scenario for a country that sits along the Middle East's most turbulent fault lines. Any attempt to create an official breakaway state could trigger a wave of sectarian killings and have dangerous repercussions in a region where many religious, ethnic and tribal communities have separatist aspirations.....snip~

Syria's war splits nation into 3 distinct regions

Infighting amongst the Rebels themselves is starting to take importance.....the good news is the MB is weakened and wont be as significant here. Still Syria may just divide up into 3 separate states.

As far as triggering a wave a sectarian killings.....to late. It has already spread past Syria and is now affecting most of the ME. Both sides of Sunni and Shia are already assassinating each others clerics. Yet we are supplying weapons to the rebels. Wherein the AQ types can just take what they want from the FSA. At anytime they want. What a mistake this was.
Islamist Rebels Create Dilemma on Syria Policy

In Syria’s largest city, Aleppo, rebels aligned with Al Qaeda control the power plant, run the bakeries and head a court that applies Islamic law. Elsewhere, they have seized government oil fields, put employees back to work and now profit from the crude they produce.

Across Syria, rebel-held areas are dotted with Islamic courts staffed by lawyers and clerics, and by fighting brigades led by extremists. Even the Supreme Military Council, the umbrella rebel organization whose formation the West had hoped would sideline radical groups, is stocked with commanders who want to infuse Islamic law into a future Syrian government.

Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.

More than two years of violence have radicalized the armed opposition fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad, leaving few groups that both share the political vision of the United States and have the military might to push it forward.

Among the most extreme groups is the notorious Al Nusra Front, the Qaeda-aligned force declared a terrorist organization by the United States, but other groups share aspects of its Islamist ideology in varying degrees.

The Islamist character of the opposition reflects the main constituency of the rebellion, which has been led since its start by Syria’s Sunni Muslim majority, mostly in conservative, marginalized areas. The descent into brutal civil war has hardened sectarian differences, and the failure of more mainstream rebel groups to secure regular arms supplies has allowed Islamists to fill the void and win supporters.

The religious agenda of the combatants sets them apart from many civilian activists, protesters and aid workers who had hoped the uprising would create a civil, democratic Syria.

When the armed rebellion began, defectors from the government’s staunchly secular army formed the vanguard. The rebel movement has since grown to include fighters with a wide range of views, including Qaeda-aligned jihadis seeking to establish an Islamic emirate, political Islamists inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and others who want an Islamic-influenced legal code like that found in many Arab states.

Another prominent group, Ahrar al-Sham, shares much of Nusra’s extremist ideology but is made up mostly of Syrians.....snip~


This was from the NY Times April 27 2013.....giving us some detailed information on the Syrian Rebels/ Terrorists. Which now we will have the FSA and their SNC/STNC. The SLA, Al-Nusra, and what makes up the Syrian Opposition. Part one.
Part 2.....

As extremists rose in the rebel ranks, the United States sought to limit their influence, first by designating Nusra a terrorist organization, and later by pushing for the formation of the Supreme Military Council, which is linked to the exile opposition group, the Syrian National Coalition.

Although led by an army defector, Gen. Salim Idris, the council has taken in the leaders of many overtly Islamist battalions. One called the Syrian Liberation Front has been integrated nearly wholesale into the council; many of its members coordinate closely with the Syrian Islamic Front, a group that includes the extremist Ahrar al-Sham, according to a recent report by Ms. O’Bagy, of the Institute for the Study of War.

In the past, United States officials saw the Islamist groups’ abundant resources as the main draw for recruits, said Steven Heydemann, a senior adviser at the United States Institute of Peace, which works with the State Department.

“The strategy is based on the current assessment that popular appeal of these groups is transactional, not ideological, and that opportunities exist to peel people away by providing alternative support and resources,” he said.

Mr. Heydemann acknowledged, however, that the current momentum toward radicalism could be hard to reverse.

We all want an Islamic state and we want Shariah to be applied,” said Maawiya Hassan Agha, a rebel activist reached by Skype in the northern village of Sarmeen. He said a country’s laws should flow from its people’s beliefs and compared Syrians calling for Islamic law with the French banning Muslim women from wearing face veils.....snip~
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.

I think it began with others stirring up dissension , who desired regime change, to include the US and Israel.

I think Assad will stay.

I support Assad, he is the only chance for stability the people of Syria have.

Was it ever really just a civil war or always just another story of US and Israeli Imperialism and Colonialism?
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.

I think it began with others stirring up dissension , who desired regime change, to include the US and Israel.

I think Assad will stay.

I support Assad, he is the only chance for stability the people of Syria have.

Was it ever really just a civil war or always just another story of US and Israeli Imperialism and Colonialism?

Mornin' Sherry.
It was started up and planned by the Muslim Brotherhood.....long before the Saud, Qataris, and French got all involved. They used the Demonstrations and protests.....while making their demands.

If Syria splits up into 3 regions. I can see Assad holding a piece of the rock. Otherwise I don't think he will be able to.

Actually it had nothing to do with the Israelis. Now the French running around and filing Enforceable Action Resolutions in the UN. Is the major culprit.
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.

I think it began with others stirring up dissension , who desired regime change, to include the US and Israel.

I think Assad will stay.

I support Assad, he is the only chance for stability the people of Syria have.

Was it ever really just a civil war or always just another story of US and Israeli Imperialism and Colonialism?

The above is a reprise of the writings of islamo nazis of the 1930s who assessed
all considerations of war against Adolf Abu ali's Nazi germany as an issue of

Assad does represent a force of stability as do all Totalitarian dictators---Adolf
abu ali, Mussolini, Stalin are all examples of LEADERS WHO SOUGHT AND

Some of the islamo nazi literature of the time emphasized a kind of
isolationism as opposed to actual support of Adolf Abu ali-------a prime
example of the 'who cares who they murder way across the pond"
was the very influential Father Charles Coughlin
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.

I think it began with others stirring up dissension , who desired regime change, to include the US and Israel.

I think Assad will stay.

I support Assad, he is the only chance for stability the people of Syria have.

Was it ever really just a civil war or always just another story of US and Israeli Imperialism and Colonialism?

The above is a reprise of the writings of islamo nazis of the 1930s who assessed
all considerations of war against Adolf Abu ali's Nazi germany as an issue of

Assad does represent a force of stability as do all Totalitarian dictators---Adolf
abu ali, Mussolini, Stalin are all examples of LEADERS WHO SOUGHT AND

Some of the islamo nazi literature of the time emphasized a kind of
isolationism as opposed to actual support of Adolf Abu ali-------a prime
example of the 'who cares who they murder way across the pond"
was the very influential Father Charles Coughlin

Mornin' Irosie.
Well there is no mistaken that the MB took to heart with some that Nazi Doctrine. But they far exceeded it with their own concepts. As the Nazi's were just a means to help them accomplish their goals.
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.

I think the term "civil war" is a fabrication of propaganda.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNzSmIdr3JY]US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border - YouTube[/ame]
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.

I think the term "civil war" is a fabrication of propaganda.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNzSmIdr3JY]US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border - YouTube[/ame]

Mornin' PFT.
Then what would you call it.....if not a Civil war?
Discussion Syria and what is related to the Issue of Assad vs the Rebels/Terrorists.....freestyle discussion. Feel free to use links pics and vids.

What do you think of this issue with Syria? What do you think is the motivating issue to give the country to the Sunni Muslims who make up most of the population?

Know who all the players are in this game? For the West and Opposition.

How do you think it all began?

Myself, I believe the US should stay out of this conflict and civil war. My assessment would be let the country break apart into the 3 different regions as it is already doing so. Better to wait and see who rises to the top. Then we will know who and what we are dealing with. As it is clear the US has been played upon. We wait.....discover all the backers too. Besides the Saud and the Qatari.

I think the term "civil war" is a fabrication of propaganda.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNzSmIdr3JY]US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border - YouTube[/ame]

Mornin' PFT.
Then what would you call it.....if not a Civil war?

The so called civil war is created by foreign powers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP3mXVRd89Y]Why The NWO Hates Syria - YouTube[/ame]
From Mr. tin

"The so called civil war is created by foreign powers."

Mr Tin tells us that syrian muslims---and muslims from other countries who have
joined the fighting in Syria are so stupid----that if some KAFFIRIN tell them
GO KILL EACH OTHER------they do

I have a much higher regard for the intellect of Syrian muslims than does Mr. Tin

Lets us keep in mind that on this message board -----we were also told that
it is the JEWS who created the rift between "SUNNI" and SHIITE" muslims that
developed on the heels of the death of muhummad and has been ongoing since
that time even in lands that have NO JEWISH POPULATION

Way back in the 1970s------the disaster and genocide in East pakistan ---turned
out to be a MACHINATION of the INDIAN MILITARY and the MOSSAD ---and
From Mr. tin

"The so called civil war is created by foreign powers."

Mr Tin tells us that syrian muslims---and muslims from other countries who have
joined the fighting in Syria are so stupid----that if some KAFFIRIN tell them
GO KILL EACH OTHER------they do

I have a much higher regard for the intellect of Syrian muslims than does Mr. Tin

Lets us keep in mind that on this message board -----we were also told that
it is the JEWS who created the rift between "SUNNI" and SHIITE" muslims that
developed on the heels of the death of muhummad and has been ongoing since
that time even in lands that have NO JEWISH POPULATION

Way back in the 1970s------the disaster and genocide in East pakistan ---turned
out to be a MACHINATION of the INDIAN MILITARY and the MOSSAD ---and

I have never said that.
From Mr. tin

"The so called civil war is created by foreign powers."

Mr Tin tells us that syrian muslims---and muslims from other countries who have
joined the fighting in Syria are so stupid----that if some KAFFIRIN tell them
GO KILL EACH OTHER------they do

I have a much higher regard for the intellect of Syrian muslims than does Mr. Tin

Lets us keep in mind that on this message board -----we were also told that
it is the JEWS who created the rift between "SUNNI" and SHIITE" muslims that
developed on the heels of the death of muhummad and has been ongoing since
that time even in lands that have NO JEWISH POPULATION

Way back in the 1970s------the disaster and genocide in East pakistan ---turned
out to be a MACHINATION of the INDIAN MILITARY and the MOSSAD ---and

I have never said that.

oh you did not say that the civil war in Syria is a machination of "FOREIGN POWERS"? ?
---your use of "THAT" in "I never said that" is a demonstrative pronoun It MUST
refer to some particular SUBJECT (generally a noun) -----I wrote a statement that covers
several issues------to what does YOUR "THAT" refer? What DID you say?

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