Disgraced 1st Censured US AG in History Says Barr Credibility Sacrificed Going After Criminal Dems


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Disgraced Obama U.S. A.G. Eric Holder - the 1st U.D. Presidential Cabinet Member / U.S. A.G. to ever be CENSURED (by a no-partisan Congress, no less) ... for Felony Perjury & Obstructing Justice (refusing to turn over Fast & Furious documents to Congress) ....

...declared U.S. A.G. Barr is sacrificing HIS credibility by continuing to investigate the proven criminal conspiracy / failed coup attempt instead of dropping it and allowing the Treasonous conspirators to walk away without being held accountable.


"Former Attorney General Eric Holder told Fox News on Tuesday that current Attorney General Bill Barr "is paying a price" and sacrificing his credibility by spearheading U.S. Attorney John Durham's ongoing probe into possible misconduct by the intelligence community at the outset of the Russia investigation."

What Holder demonstrated in his interview was FEAR.

"Mr. Durham is gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries. At Attorney General Barr's request, the President has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the Attorney General and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials," DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement."

Currently an ex-FBI Agent, Obama's former ex-Deputy Director of the FBI, and former Director of the FBI have been recommended for criminal Indictment by the US IG for evidence of crimes discovered during his independent investigations.

The US IG's FISA Court Abuse report has been turned in and will soon be released, at which time more conspirators / Democrats / former Obama agency directors and members are expected to also be recommended for Indictment.

The US IG has also agreed to investigate Obama's former FBI Director for additional crimes of Felony Perjury for -inconsistencies' in his testimony under oath before Congress.

The US AG has also asked the President to contact leaders of other nations to assist the US DOJ investigate potential criminal activity by US govt officials / members who used foreign agents and foreign Intel sources to attempt to take down the President and his associates. Existing treaties with other nations allows such contact and calls for those nations to honor those treaties by cooperating in such criminal investigations...and several nations are willingly stepping up to offer that assistance.

Durham is overseas working with foreign Justice and Intel agencies, investigating evidence of crimes, and were there zero evidence pointing to these countries there would be no need for contacting them.

Holder knows if the DOJ has investigative teams in other nations following leads / evidence of criminal acts perpetrated by Obama's already-proven criminal administration in attempting to remove a President from office then what Barr already had leading him to do this was extremely damning.

To further prove the Democrats' fear and desperation, Holder launched into a 'shotgun-blast' attack against the Republicans, claiming they will cheat in the 2020 election, have zero credibility, etc... Holder was trying to hurt the GOP's and the US AG's credibility and image because HE KNOWS WHAT'S COMING if the DOJ is following evidentiary leads and conducting investigations in other countries.

Holder says Barr is 'paying a price' for spearheading Russia probe misconduct investigation
Holder is Barry's bit@h - always has been & still is. Holder coming out to attack US AG Barr and the GOP has Obama stench all over it.

Holder escaped Washington without being Perp-Walked out, & he has been making good money doing his own thing. Yeah, he helped protect Hillary, but he doesn't give a tinker's damn about the 'Russian Collusion Delusion' - he wasn't part of that.

So his sudden interest in publicly coming out to attack another US AG - especially after HE became the 1st US AG in US history to be Censured - has all the smells / markings of a phone call from Barry asking him to 'do him a solid' by coming out.

Holder offered nothing to back up any of the attacks or smear-attempts / poo he tried to fling against the wall. This was nothing more than another mis-information / Counter-Intelligence OP by Obama / Democrats, ANOTHER attempt by Holder to lie and try to cover up another Obama crime / scandal.
Next to the empty suit, Loretta Lynch, Holder was one of the worst AG's this country had.

He just needs to :anj_stfu: as he never had anything credible to offer.
Hope he sees his shadow and goes away for another six years.
Barr is ignoring the noise and focusing on his job.

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