DISGUSTING...And Joe Biden Made This Possible


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The Taliban are mocking the United States, and our enemies are laughing....

There are still thousands of Americans trapped and they are now being told to NOT go to the airport in Kabul.

Where will they go then? Are they, in effect, hostages of the Taliban?
We all noticed you left out Biden and Obama who exponentially increased our presence there.

Partisan parrot. Did ya ever thing you would be one?
If those two had not throw the troops into a fray that Bush had the chance of having Bin Laden when the Taliban offered to hand him over and could have avoided Afghanistan get all the blame.
FDR/Truman built the foundation of our Globalist Empire aspirations. Before that Wilson in WW 1 was the test vehicle.
Industrial war was the reason for the increase in military actions. Before war wasn't industrialized to the point of humans annihilating each other.
If those two had not throw the troops into a fray that Bush had the chance of having Bin Laden when the Taliban offered to hand him over and could have avoided Afghanistan get all the blame.

Bush/Cheney start a war..... "fucking assholes!!! AAArrg"

Obama/Biden expand the war beyond what Bush/Cheny started.... "meh... who cares...uhh.... TRUMP!!!!"
View attachment 528985

The Taliban are mocking the United States, and our enemies are laughing....

Actually I think everyone is laughing at Joe.

He could have made a killing on Comedy Central.

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Bush/Cheney start a war..... "fucking assholes!!! AAArrg"

Obama/Biden expand the war beyond what Bush/Cheny started.... "meh... who cares...uhh.... TRUMP!!!!"
President George Bush rejected as "non-negotiable" an offer by the Taliban to discuss turning over Osama bin Laden if the United States ended the bombing in Afghanistan.

Yet, Bush wasn't really interested in Bin laden as much as having Afghanistan in the grand scheme of ME and Asian military strategy along with Iraq.
View attachment 528985

The Taliban are mocking the United States, and our enemies are laughing....

It is a FACT that muslims DO NOT VALUE a "sense of humor". In the course of a
KHUTBAH JUMAAT feces fling------there is never a "joke". Nothing to laugh at other
then the severed head of a KAFFIR. That picture up there ^^^^^ will, in a mosque,
ELLICIT nods of approval and delighted smiles

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