Disgusting… Big Spender Obama Lectures America On “Living Within Our Means”

I'm glad people are seeing this now finally...

I suppose people were still dunk on the hope and change bullshit during the first stimulus.

You know - that time when he had all his buddies in congress but did nothing but spend.....

Then he comes back and has the fucking audacity to blame republicans for his failure..

He had everything he needed to allegedly fix what he said he was going to fix - instead he bailed out the unions.

I'm dumbfounded that anyone even supports his snake ass anymore..

One would have to be a serious Marxist or an idiot to support Obama at this point..

During his election I continually said a vote for Obama would be a vote for the death of the Bill of Rights and a vote for the death of capitalism..

No one listened to me - they were drunk on hope and change.

Where is all the hope and change now???

In the unions pockets, that's where.

Why don't you and 50,000,000 of your buddies go ahead and admit you just don't like his color! He could tell John Bainor or Mitch McConnel that they had a nice smile and they would immediately go and shoot theirselves in the face.(Bill Maher)

I could not give a rat's ass if he is purple, bright orange, maroon, pink, he is a socialist and no I am not a socialist. BTW there was a whole bunch of white people who voted for him because he was black, it's called white guilt, and they are your true racists. They never once looked at his lack of qualifications, his agenda all they heard were beautifully pronounced words that they never really heard, read from a teleprompter.--- And then went in the voting booth and played pin the tail on the jackass. Now we are all paying.
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Leave it to liberals to make it about a persons skin color.
They can't help it. They have been indoctrinated by Gubmint schools.

That's pretty much all they have left. But I'd say that 60% who disapprove of the Obama, could really give a shit less about being called a, racist. The left done gone and wore that old song and dance out.. :lol:
Thier playbook is so dog-eared worn out that the lines have become blurred to the point of being beyond reason and logic. Logic is winning and they know the jig is up.
As you brainwashed dittohead tools of the greedy rich vote against your obvious own interests, and believe an INCREDIBLE amount of Pubcrappe.
You fucking serious or are you just joking??

Economics is colorblind ...

I'm a capitalist hes a socialist...

I oppose and HAVE opposed every fucking collectivist I have identified as a collectivist and I will continue to do so...

Race has nothing to do with socialism and capitalism.

It's just a good excuse for progressive socialism failure.

I love the ignorance on the left....
Indeed. NONE of them sides with individual liberty. They prefer to be lumped and herded into groups like the good little sheep that they are.

You don't pay very close attention do you? In the last 10 years the wealthy have quadrupled their wealth while when adjusted for inflation what used to be the middle class has lost money. Just how rich do you want the assholes to get?
Ask yourself a serious question? Who's money is it? YOURS? Or thiers? And what business is it of yours?

You want to be in thier position? I suggest that YOU work a little harder. Oh, that's right...Obama and the Statists have made that almost impossible, haven't they?

Get a life.
You fucking serious or are you just joking??

Economics is colorblind ...

I'm a capitalist hes a socialist...

I oppose and HAVE opposed every fucking collectivist I have identified as a collectivist and I will continue to do so...

Race has nothing to do with socialism and capitalism.

It's just a good excuse for progressive socialism failure.

I love the ignorance on the left....
Indeed. NONE of them sides with individual liberty. They prefer to be lumped and herded into groups like the good little sheep that they are.

You don't pay very close attention do you? In the last 10 years the wealthy have quadrupled their wealth while when adjusted for inflation what used to be the middle class has lost money. Just how rich do you want the assholes to get?

Just as rich as they can as they spend more of it, which makes us all richer still because they stimulate economic growth in our private sector which creates jobs because there is a demand for goods and services from the rich, which makes me richer in return.
As you brainwashed dittohead tools of the greedy rich vote against your obvious own interests, and believe an INCREDIBLE amount of Pubcrappe.
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone that you don't even know what's in their best interests?
Indeed. NONE of them sides with individual liberty. They prefer to be lumped and herded into groups like the good little sheep that they are.

You don't pay very close attention do you? In the last 10 years the wealthy have quadrupled their wealth while when adjusted for inflation what used to be the middle class has lost money. Just how rich do you want the assholes to get?

Just as rich as they can as they spend more of it, which makes us all richer still because they stimulate economic growth in our private sector which creates jobs because there is a demand for goods and services from the rich, which makes me richer in return.
They have been taught to hate Capitalism like good little Communists.
Leave it to liberals to make it about a persons skin color.
They can't help it. They have been indoctrinated by Gubmint schools.

That's pretty much all they have left. But I'd say that 60% who disapprove of the Obama, could really give a shit less about being called a, racist. The left done gone and wore that old song and dance out.. :lol:

The racists who hate him are a given; They will hate him no matter what.

The reason his approval is so low is because of lefties aggravated at his constant olive branches and pandering to Repubilcans.

Not to mention many, including myself, find him to be too moderate.
They can't help it. They have been indoctrinated by Gubmint schools.

That's pretty much all they have left. But I'd say that 60% who disapprove of the Obama, could really give a shit less about being called a, racist. The left done gone and wore that old song and dance out.. :lol:

The racists who hate him are a given; They will hate him no matter what.

The reason his approval is so low is because of lefties aggravated at his constant olive branches and pandering to Repubilcans.

Not to mention many, including myself, find him to be too moderate.


That's why I quit going to Denver.
They can't help it. They have been indoctrinated by Gubmint schools.

That's pretty much all they have left. But I'd say that 60% who disapprove of the Obama, could really give a shit less about being called a, racist. The left done gone and wore that old song and dance out.. :lol:

The racists who hate him are a given; They will hate him no matter what.

The reason his approval is so low is because of lefties aggravated at his constant olive branches and pandering to Repubilcans.

Not to mention many, including myself, find him to be too moderate

yeah we know you all KEEP saying that crap.
but I guess those Historic November elections and the Democrats losing seats in Massachusetts, NY, Wisconsin, etc etc, meant the people were saying THE OBAMA wasn't FAR LEFT ENOUGH for them and he was being way too nice. to Republicans..
man oh man..:eusa_hand:
While it's extremely hypocritical for him to suggest we should live within our means, I think that for once, that listening to him might be a good idea.

We do need to live within our means. Especially if Obama and our government wont. We need to be humble and accept that if our government will not be responsible, we must. Because there will be consequences for our government's inability to control it's spending. And if we are doing likewise, we will be much weaker when those consequences come than if we are living within our means.
They can't help it. They have been indoctrinated by Gubmint schools.

That's pretty much all they have left. But I'd say that 60% who disapprove of the Obama, could really give a shit less about being called a, racist. The left done gone and wore that old song and dance out.. :lol:

The racists who hate him are a given; They will hate him no matter what.

The reason his approval is so low is because of lefties aggravated at his constant olive branches and pandering to Repubilcans.

Not to mention many, including myself, find him to be too moderate.
There isn't hate ratboy...it's a matter of trust. He has belied it by destroying the economy on purpose. NOW he wants to tax more.

WE are broke. This class warfare crap he's foisting is a ploy to get himself re-elected and pitting Americans against each other. YOU must be so proud of him ratboy.
While it's extremely hypocritical for him to suggest we should live within our means, I think that for once, that listening to him might be a good idea.

We do need to live within our means. Especially if Obama and our government wont. We need to be humble and accept that if our government will not be responsible, we must. Because there will be consequences for our government's inability to control it's spending. And if we are doing likewise, we will be much weaker when those consequences come than if we are living within our means.

The interesting thing is we can not print money to debase the value of the dollar to fund pet projects for re-election campaigns. Inflation is a tax and it hurts the very people they vow to protect. They would never be able to pay for these projects without the Fed monetizing debt, because they would have to raise revenue by taxing the society. The moral position of a principled society is that of sound money.
While it's extremely hypocritical for him to suggest we should live within our means, I think that for once, that listening to him might be a good idea.

We do need to live within our means. Especially if Obama and our government wont. We need to be humble and accept that if our government will not be responsible, we must. Because there will be consequences for our government's inability to control it's spending. And if we are doing likewise, we will be much weaker when those consequences come than if we are living within our means.

The interesting thing is we can not print money to debase the value of the dollar to fund pet projects for re-election campaigns. Inflation is a tax and it hurts the very people they vow to protect. They would never be able to pay for these projects without the Fed monetizing debt, because they would have to raise revenue by taxing the society. The moral position of a principled society is that of sound money.

And that had, what exactly, to do with anything I said about living within our means?

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