
In 2009, Democrats didn't have to compromise, they had the Presidency and the Congress, what compromise? Excuses work well, but in the end, it is just an excuse.

The fact that you think the majority doesn't need to concern itself with the wants and needs of the minority is surely telling of your political ideology.

And it didn't seem to concern you when they crammed health care down our throat, what is telling is you partisan BS.

It was a promise Obama made, the mere fact you can't defend it, is telling. According to liberals, the tax cuts were a huge issue and a big problem going into 2009, it would be a big benefit to all Americans, and yet they backed off. Didn't fulfill one of the big promises, sort of like Gitmo. Like I said after he got elected, he was all talk.

Why do you think Obama gets to dictate all of the votes for all of the Democrats in Congress? You think just because Republicans act in mindless lock-step the Dems have to as well?
And you're the wanker mewling about how ghastly the costs and red tape cutting of obtaining a legit ID are....Which are vastly lower than getting a fake one.

There's red tape to getting a fake ID? Really?

Why would it matter that the cost of getting a fake ID is higher than the cost of getting a real one?
And you're the wanker mewling about how ghastly the costs and red tape cutting of obtaining a legit ID are....Which are vastly lower than getting a fake one.

There's red tape to getting a fake ID? Really?

Why would it matter that the cost of getting a fake ID is higher than the cost of getting a real one?
What...You think that there's a crook selling fake ID on every street corner?

Doesn't matter...Your arguments against producing ID to vote are so baseless and weak that you have to go around picking flecks of pepper out of piles of shit to try and change the subject....Amusing, really...:lol:
putting gun sites on peoples heads and talking about second amendment solutions to not winning elections is what gets people murdered.

we saw it happen already

And you're the wanker mewling about how ghastly the costs and red tape cutting of obtaining a legit ID are....Which are vastly lower than getting a fake one.

There's red tape to getting a fake ID? Really?

Why would it matter that the cost of getting a fake ID is higher than the cost of getting a real one?
What...You think that there's a crook selling fake ID on every street corner?

There has to be a fake ID salesmen on every corner to get a fake ID? Sorry, but are you suggesting that voters should have to have a photo ID for every corner in existence?
The fact that you think the majority doesn't need to concern itself with the wants and needs of the minority is surely telling of your political ideology.

And it didn't seem to concern you when they crammed health care down our throat, what is telling is you partisan BS.

Boy you're just not satisfied either way, are you?

I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy, you had the votes to end the Bush tax cuts and you manipulated procedure to get the health care. Yet, Obama did not finish up and end the Bush tax cuts, yet, the Democrats did not end the tax cuts. Obama did not go through with his promise.

Please spare me all your majority, minority bullshit, you are a hypocrite.
So Democrats don't care if illegal aliens vote, they don't care if there is voter fraud, is this the message of the left?
Boy you're just not satisfied either way, are you?

I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy, you had the votes to end the Bush tax cuts
No I didn't.
And neither did Obama.

The Democrats had filibuster proof Congress and in 2009 the Democrats if they had cared about the people like they claimed, did not go through with ending the Bush tax cuts, not sure why the Dems didn't care about the middle class but they didn't.

I think anyone with any reasoning ability will see Obama lied and you are a hypocrite and resort to distorting my comments, so you can give a half assed answer.

Have a great afternoon.
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There's red tape to getting a fake ID? Really?

Why would it matter that the cost of getting a fake ID is higher than the cost of getting a real one?
What...You think that there's a crook selling fake ID on every street corner?

There has to be a fake ID salesmen on every corner to get a fake ID? Sorry, but are you suggesting that voters should have to have a photo ID for every corner in existence?
I'm saying that your truly idiotic inference about people going to the bother and expense of obtaining a fake ID merely to vote is...well.... truly idiotic.

Glad I could clear that up for ya, Dudley.
What...You think that there's a crook selling fake ID on every street corner?

There has to be a fake ID salesmen on every corner to get a fake ID? Sorry, but are you suggesting that voters should have to have a photo ID for every corner in existence?
I'm saying that your truly idiotic inference about people going to the bother and expense of obtaining a fake ID merely to vote is...well.... truly idiotic.

Glad I could clear that up for ya, Dudley.

Well, if Democrats are disparate enough, they certainly are idiotic enough...

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com

How does anyone function in today's society without an ID card of somekind?

These people couldn't even cash a check, don't think they are going to give a damn about voting.

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com

How does anyone function in today's society without an ID card of somekind?

These people couldn't even cash a check, don't think they are going to give a damn about voting.

Supposing you have no money of your own, you don't need an ID to spend it, huh?
There's red tape to getting a fake ID? Really?

Why would it matter that the cost of getting a fake ID is higher than the cost of getting a real one?
What...You think that there's a crook selling fake ID on every street corner?

There has to be a fake ID salesmen on every corner to get a fake ID? Sorry, but are you suggesting that voters should have to have a photo ID for every corner in existence?

They're around.

Morristown police arrest four after raiding alleged fake document mill » Knoxville News Sentinel

ICE Raid Report: Police bust South Jersey-based fake ID ring for illegal immigrants (Courier-Post)

7 Arrested in Fake ID Raid at 2 Arizona Restaurants | Fox News

Baloney...I'm not a republican and I'm in favor of voter ID. If you can't get elected with legal votes, you shouldn't be elected. And everyone can get an ID. As I said, I work with the homeless and even they can get ID, yeah they have to jump through hoops, but they still get it. If you aren't willing to do what it takes to get your id so you can vote, you don't deserve to have a vote.
You know that the Dem's are just throwing out these numbers with no real proof.
In the Texas court trial going on right now,these numbers are coming out as false.
People are testifying that they were listed as voters who had no I.D. and they brought out their Divers License and proved that they do have I.D.'s.
Yeah, especially when a few hundred thousand Democrats are denied the vote as a supposed "unintended" consequence.

How many fraudulent votes were cast in 2008 that would have been prevented by photo ID requirements?

Who cares.

One is too many.

The only way to prevent even one fraudulent vote from being cast is to make voting illegal.
The costs of doing business argument is half-baked when it gets cooked at all.

That's why the Republican party stands to benefit so much by making voting more difficult for millions.
Well, to put it bluntly; tough. If those who register to vote, provide valid ID and show up at the proper time and place to cast their ballot vote in higher numbers for Republicans, thats just the way it goes.

Would you feel good about a bunch of Canadians bussing themselves to Seattle to vote for Maria Cantwell or would you prefer to see her keep her Senate seat on her own?

Not all voter fraud is done with devious intent. If I had to ask off the top of my head, I couldn't tell you where my voting location is. Sometimes people just drive up on election day and try to vote in an election that they are not eligible--just by geography or a mistake.
LOL! There's an easy way to prevent that. Its called giving the poll workers a list of voters in the precinct. I actually did exactly what you describe once, went to the wrong precinct by accident. The poll workers were all too happy to tell me which one I needed to go to.

How did they know it was you? Oh...theres a list. So if you have a list, and you say you're John Doe, you shouldn't have to prove you're John Doe? Is THAT how thin your argument is?

Anyway, if one party or the other wanted to perhaps "plant" someone or affect the election of another parties' officials, they could if there was no identifications asked for or required.

If you want to steal an election, there are far better ways to go about it than convincing a bunch of people to lie about their identity to make multiple votes and risk prison time. You could stuff a ballot box. Or, for example, you could pass laws to make it more difficult for your political opposition to vote. For example, if you knew that folks without photo ID's tend to vote Democrat, you might pass a photo ID law to cut down on the Democrat votes.

Again, that may be an inconvenient truth for democrats but it's a truth none the less. If you can't qualify to vote by mustering up an acceptable identification....yes....you have disqualified yourself. If you were going to vote for Obama, Romney or Lyndon LaRouche, if you're too incompetent to qualify yourself, you have disqualified yourself. I'm all for low hurdles but you guys are taking it to the extreme by cosigning this nonsense.
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Who cares.

One is too many.

The only way to prevent even one fraudulent vote from being cast is to make voting illegal.
The costs of doing business argument is half-baked when it gets cooked at all.

Well, to put it bluntly; tough. If those who register to vote, provide valid ID and show up at the proper time and place to cast their ballot vote in higher numbers for Republicans, thats just the way it goes.

Would you feel good about a bunch of Canadians bussing themselves to Seattle to vote for Maria Cantwell or would you prefer to see her keep her Senate seat on her own?

Not all voter fraud is done with devious intent. If I had to ask off the top of my head, I couldn't tell you where my voting location is. Sometimes people just drive up on election day and try to vote in an election that they are not eligible--just by geography or a mistake.
LOL! There's an easy way to prevent that. Its called giving the poll workers a list of voters in the precinct. I actually did exactly what you describe once, went to the wrong precinct by accident. The poll workers were all too happy to tell me which one I needed to go to.

How did they know it was you? Oh...theres a list. So if you have a list, and you say you're John Doe, you shouldn't have to prove you're John Doe? Is THAT how thin your argument is?

Anyway, if one party or the other wanted to perhaps "plant" someone or affect the election of another parties' officials, they could if there was no identifications asked for or required.

If you want to steal an election, there are far better ways to go about it than convincing a bunch of people to lie about their identity to make multiple votes and risk prison time. You could stuff a ballot box. Or, for example, you could pass laws to make it more difficult for your political opposition to vote. For example, if you knew that folks without photo ID's tend to vote Democrat, you might pass a photo ID law to cut down on the Democrat votes.

Again, that may be an inconvenient truth for democrats but it's a truth none the less. If you can't qualify to vote by mustering up an acceptable identification....yes....you have disqualified yourself. If you were going to vote for Obama, Romney or Lyndon LaRouche, if you're too incompetent to qualify yourself, you have disqualified yourself. I'm all for low hurdles but you guys are taking it to the extreme by cosigning this nonsense.

I've said this before. I have a friend who showed up to vote, only to find someone had already voted in his place. He was DENIED his vote. He said later, he should have just gone back when someone different was there and pretend to be someone else, twice to cancel out the vote of the person who stole his.

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