
Why would cost matter to the fraudsters?
Why do you care?....They're crooks.
You're the one who brought the cost issue up.

You are a genuinely stupid person.
Calling me stupid doesn't 'splain why you care why it costs fraudsters more to perpetrate fraud.

Criminal activity is generally more expensive than legit activity...If they won't pay the freight to cheat, that's a good thing.

OTOH, getting a legit ID is pretty damned cheap.
see viewers?

the right has NOTHING but partisan lies.

they refuse the studies they did themselves because it doesnt fit their partisan blather.

there is NO facts they wont deny.

there is no lie they would not embrace.

that is what happens when you have to cheat to win elections.

Your ideas get worse and worse and worse until they become indefenseable.

the death of the republican party is right arround the corner unless the adults rip the party back from these suicidal fucks

Keep it up with the violent rhetoric TM. It amuses me to see it coming from someone in the Party Of Civility In Public Discourse. :thup:

death is a reality not violence

your party is suicidal and the non stop groveling at the feet of tea party low information voters is killing your party.

you just done understand that that is NOT violent talk.

vioilent talk is things like saying "first amendmant solutions" to not winning elections.

asking some one not to kill themselves is not violence
see viewers?

the right has NOTHING but partisan lies.

they refuse the studies they did themselves because it doesnt fit their partisan blather.

there is NO facts they wont deny.

there is no lie they would not embrace.

that is what happens when you have to cheat to win elections.

Your ideas get worse and worse and worse until they become indefenseable.

the death of the republican party is right arround the corner unless the adults rip the party back from these suicidal fucks

Keep it up with the violent rhetoric TM. It amuses me to see it coming from someone in the Party Of Civility In Public Discourse. :thup:

death is a reality not violence

your party is suicidal and the non stop groveling at the feet of tea party low information voters is killing your party.

you just done understand that that is NOT violent talk.

vioilent talk is things like saying "first amendmant solutions" to not winning elections.

asking some one not to kill themselves is not violence

More violent rhetoric. :woohoo:
see viewers?

the right has NOTHING but partisan lies.

they refuse the studies they did themselves because it doesnt fit their partisan blather.

there is NO facts they wont deny.

there is no lie they would not embrace.

that is what happens when you have to cheat to win elections.

Your ideas get worse and worse and worse until they become indefenseable.

the death of the republican party is right arround the corner unless the adults rip the party back from these suicidal fucks

Keep it up with the violent rhetoric TM. It amuses me to see it coming from someone in the Party Of Civility In Public Discourse. :thup:

death is a reality not violence

your party is suicidal and the non stop groveling at the feet of tea party low information voters is killing your party.

you just done understand that that is NOT violent talk.

vioilent talk is things like saying "first amendmant solutions" to not winning elections.

asking some one not to kill themselves is not violence

If.... and I repeat, IF the Repubix were "actually" committing figurative suicide, you would be smart to stand back and watch it happen.

Its really kind of fun to watch you guys unravel like this... :badgrin:
Violent - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

adj \-lənt\

Definition of VIOLENT


: marked by extreme force or sudden intense activity <a violent attack>


a: notably furious or vehement <a violent denunciation> b: extreme, intense <violent pain> <violent colors>


: caused by force : not natural <a violent death>


a: emotionally agitated to the point of loss of self-control <became violent after an insult> b: prone to commit acts of violence <violent prison inmates>

&#8212; vi·o·lent·lyadverb
warning someone that what they are doing will result in their death is NOT violence.

are you so fucked in the head you cant understand the meaning of words anymore?
when you seek to disenfranchise voters and they find out what you did and then find out you have been doing this for years and the media refuses to report the facts you will not have many supporters left.

pretend what you want.

this will kill your party
see viewers?

the right has NOTHING but partisan lies.

they refuse the studies they did themselves because it doesnt fit their partisan blather.

there is NO facts they wont deny.

there is no lie they would not embrace.

that is what happens when you have to cheat to win elections.

Your ideas get worse and worse and worse until they become indefenseable.

the death of the republican party is right arround the corner unless the adults rip the party back from these suicidal fucks

Keep it up with the violent rhetoric TM. It amuses me to see it coming from someone in the Party Of Civility In Public Discourse. :thup:

death is a reality not violence

your party is suicidal and the non stop groveling at the feet of tea party low information voters is killing your party.

you just done understand that that is NOT violent talk.

vioilent talk is things like saying "first amendmant solutions" to not winning elections.

asking some one not to kill themselves is not violence


Freedom of speech, religion, and the press is now violent speech according to TM. :eek:

its you doing the killing not me.

I have been wraning you guys for years that you were killing your party.

thwat has nothing to do with violence no matter how insane you are
In 2009, Democrats didn't have to compromise, they had the Presidency and the Congress, what compromise? Excuses work well, but in the end, it is just an excuse.

The fact that you think the majority doesn't need to concern itself with the wants and needs of the minority is surely telling of your political ideology.

And it didn't seem to concern you when they crammed health care down our throat, what is telling is you partisan BS.

Boy you're just not satisfied either way, are you?
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putting gun sites on peoples heads and talking about second amendment solutions to not winning elections is what gets people murdered.

we saw it happen already
Yeah cuz no one has ever been able to make a fake ID.

My lord you are stupid.
Then make the fraudsters go to the bother it takes to obtain a fake ID...They even cost more than legit ones.

Psst. You're still the one who brought up the cost issue first.
And you're the wanker mewling about how ghastly the costs and red tape cutting of obtaining a legit ID are....Which are vastly lower than getting a fake one.

Grow the hell up....You're starting to make poopsplatters look calm and rational. :lol:

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