

A cartoonish graphic with fictionalized numbers is not persuasive, Bloopers.

Baloney...I'm not a republican and I'm in favor of voter ID. If you can't get elected with legal votes, you shouldn't be elected. And everyone can get an ID. As I said, I work with the homeless and even they can get ID, yeah they have to jump through hoops, but they still get it. If you aren't willing to do what it takes to get your id so you can vote, you don't deserve to have a vote.

Exactly right! I'm not a Republican either, but I completely support voter ID. You virtually cannot function in society today without one, so why should you be allowed to vote without one? That fact that you need a photo ID for all of the other things in life that you need one for totally negates the false argument that it's a poll tax.

Anyone who is too stupid or lazy or whatever to obtain a photo ID for all of the myriad things you need one for in everyday life is probably too stupid or lazy or whatever to vote.

When you go to vote, it's not too much to ask that you produce an ID to prove that you are who you say you are and that you are legally entitled to vote. Anyone who opposes requiring one flat out supports allowing voter fraud.
The only way to prevent even one fraudulent vote from being cast is to make voting illegal.
The costs of doing business argument is half-baked when it gets cooked at all.

Well, to put it bluntly; tough. If those who register to vote, provide valid ID and show up at the proper time and place to cast their ballot vote in higher numbers for Republicans, thats just the way it goes.

Would you feel good about a bunch of Canadians bussing themselves to Seattle to vote for Maria Cantwell or would you prefer to see her keep her Senate seat on her own?

How did they know it was you? Oh...theres a list. So if you have a list, and you say you're John Doe, you shouldn't have to prove you're John Doe? Is THAT how thin your argument is?

Anyway, if one party or the other wanted to perhaps "plant" someone or affect the election of another parties' officials, they could if there was no identifications asked for or required.

If you want to steal an election, there are far better ways to go about it than convincing a bunch of people to lie about their identity to make multiple votes and risk prison time. You could stuff a ballot box. Or, for example, you could pass laws to make it more difficult for your political opposition to vote. For example, if you knew that folks without photo ID's tend to vote Democrat, you might pass a photo ID law to cut down on the Democrat votes.

Again, that may be an inconvenient truth for democrats but it's a truth none the less. If you can't qualify to vote by mustering up an acceptable identification....yes....you have disqualified yourself. If you were going to vote for Obama, Romney or Lyndon LaRouche, if you're too incompetent to qualify yourself, you have disqualified yourself. I'm all for low hurdles but you guys are taking it to the extreme by cosigning this nonsense.

I've said this before. I have a friend who showed up to vote, only to find someone had already voted in his place. He was DENIED his vote. He said later, he should have just gone back when someone different was there and pretend to be someone else, twice to cancel out the vote of the person who stole his.

Where I grew up most of the neighbors are the same persons I grew up next to--not many people left the neighborhood. Those that did leave the house didn't go too far away. If I wanted to, I could likely go to my old elementary school, say that I was one of my childhood friends I grew up with and cast a ballot even though I now live elsewhere.

It simply boggles my mind why anyone would not want the most sterile field possible for elections....especially given how messed up the rest of the system is due to politics. It would seem as though "we the people" could at least get our part of the process right. Whomever we elect will likely turn out to be in it for themselves and put party over people at least part of the time. At least we can ensure that the voting process is on the up and up.
The whole voter I.D. argument from the Right is a solution looking for a problem. There just isn't the rampant voter fraud happening.

And when the Republicans applaud this purely political move that erodes rights, they are just keeping the consistency they pride themselves on.

No other ideology consistently erodes rights the way the modern Conservative ideology does.

There just isn't the rampant voter fraud happening.

Great! Then you won't have to worry about your candidates getting fewer votes.
Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

Doesn't help the Republican position

It will take a lot of money to set up an ID system that passes Constitutional muster. Free ID at registration is the simplest method, but many counties, throughout the US, cannot afford to implement such a project.
Just make the voters registration card that you must have to vote and get for free...a picture ID card. Problem solved. Unless the dems want to eliminate voters registrations also....
Yes, disenfranchising the homeless seems an excellent plan.

What precinct do the homeless vote in? Are they registered? How did they prove citizenship when they registered?

See Dems don't want to help them get proper ID which would make their ENTIRE LIVES easier. That's not their problem. They just want to run a van to the polls every 4 yrs and round up useful voters for that ONE DAY..

If the Repubs were smart (they are not) -- THEY'D be running programs to get folks ID'd in Pennsylvania as soon as this legislation passed.

THe 2 parties are lazy and need to be replaced..
Just make the voters registration card that you must have to vote and get for free...a picture ID card. Problem solved. Unless the dems want to eliminate voters registrations also....

BINGO! See govt is too stupid to solve this issue. If THAT were to happen at registration, You wouldn't even NEED to carry the card..

The poll worker could be on-line to a secure database of voter info with the photo right THERE on the screen...
Just make the voters registration card that you must have to vote and get for free...a picture ID card. Problem solved. Unless the dems want to eliminate voters registrations also....

BINGO! See govt is too stupid to solve this issue. If THAT were to happen at registration, You wouldn't even NEED to carry the card..

The poll worker could be on-line to a secure database of voter info with the photo right THERE on the screen...

Well, that is an idea but I fully think we still need a physical card. I can just see the Civil War veterans trying to get the computer to spit out a picture of someone. Usually turnout is so paltry that they would probably have time which is why we need an electorial week instead of one day with no real recourse to remedy problems, bad weather, polling place malfunctions (lights, booths, etc...). But some photo ID is a must; as long as it's freely provided to registered voters.
Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

Doesn't help the Republican position

It will take a lot of money to set up an ID system that passes Constitutional muster. Free ID at registration is the simplest method, but many counties, throughout the US, cannot afford to implement such a project.

Nope.. Motor Voter (DMV) can share info with the Registrars -- MOST pixs are right there anyway..
Don't tell me that the registrar can't take an E - pix on site and just store it. Don't even need to add cost for the card.. Pops up at the polling place on election day.

Government really needs to concentrates on the BASICS. Like insuring free and fair elections. If they can't do this --- how do you trust them with the rest of your life??

ALL of this should be taken of at registration. NOT at the polling place. Just hire MasterCard or Fed Ex -- they would fix it all in a month.
Just make the voters registration card that you must have to vote and get for free...a picture ID card. Problem solved. Unless the dems want to eliminate voters registrations also....

BINGO! See govt is too stupid to solve this issue. If THAT were to happen at registration, You wouldn't even NEED to carry the card..

The poll worker could be on-line to a secure database of voter info with the photo right THERE on the screen...

Well, that is an idea but I fully think we still need a physical card. I can just see the Civil War veterans trying to get the computer to spit out a picture of someone. Usually turnout is so paltry that they would probably have time which is why we need an electorial week instead of one day with no real recourse to remedy problems, bad weather, polling place malfunctions (lights, booths, etc...). But some photo ID is a must; as long as it's freely provided to registered voters.

... civil war veterans.. :eusa_clap:

No more complicated than a speak and spell. The poll log is by last name, address. Find the name -- put in the index number of the voter and up pops the pix.

If ya really havta -- call the Girl Scouts in to do the heavy lifting... THose vets would rather be playing bingo anyway...
BINGO! See govt is too stupid to solve this issue. If THAT were to happen at registration, You wouldn't even NEED to carry the card..

The poll worker could be on-line to a secure database of voter info with the photo right THERE on the screen...

Well, that is an idea but I fully think we still need a physical card. I can just see the Civil War veterans trying to get the computer to spit out a picture of someone. Usually turnout is so paltry that they would probably have time which is why we need an electorial week instead of one day with no real recourse to remedy problems, bad weather, polling place malfunctions (lights, booths, etc...). But some photo ID is a must; as long as it's freely provided to registered voters.

... civil war veterans.. :eusa_clap:

No more complicated than a speak and spell. The poll log is by last name, address. Find the name -- put in the index number of the voter and up pops the pix.

If ya really havta -- call the Girl Scouts in to do the heavy lifting... THose vets would rather be playing bingo anyway...

Hell, my VRC is barcoded...should be a snap...


If the computer is down or whatever. Better to have the card with a photo ID. Solves all our problems.
Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

Doesn't help the Republican position

You know what? IF Romney deserved to win, he would be able to do so without having shit like that done on his behalf.

You assume he meant preventing legitimate voters from voting when in fact he was specifically referring to putting a stop to voter FRAUD. And everyone knows it -except you apparently. You just attach a link regarding made up phony stats about how having a certain skin color means you just can't figure out how to get a valid id and have the balls to pretend he was referring to that! Does that pass for logic in your world or what? It is a link contending in this day and age there are legitimate voters by the tens of thousands who manage to rent apartments, houses, drive cars, buy booze and cigarettes, open bank accounts, cash a check, collect welfare, food stamps, social security or a myriad of other government entitlements -all without EVER possessing a single valid ID. BULLSHIT. And BULLSHIT on the phony, contrived made up stat written by some political ideologue. It is NOT believable, sorry. The very claim that MINORITIES are just too stupid and too incompetent to figure out how to get a valid ID -is both insulting and racist. This is exactly the same kind of thing Democrats said about blacks when they owned them -they were like children and couldn't expect to live up to the responsibilities of a white man! Now it is both Hispanics and blacks who just can't be expected to actually be RESPONSIBLE and have a valid ID on them! (Even though they engage in the very same activities I do that requires valid ID) Only whites and Asians have been able to handle that responsibility? Because apparently poor WHITES are still getting valid ID -it is ONLY minorities Democrats are claiming just can't be expected to take on that kind of responsibility! This is the very same Democrat soul killing paternalistic racism they have always wallowed in.

If illegals voted Republican and Democrats were the victims of voter fraud instead of the beneficiaries and perpetrators -their screeching about how people have a greater right to make sure their vote isn't stolen and diluted by fraud is greater than the "right" for illegals to walk into polling stations and cast a ballot could be heard from shore to shore. And they would be demanding a near Berlin wall at the border instead of flinging open the doors to illegals -and then insisting valid ID isn't necessary to prevent the MILLIONS of illegals Republicans made it even easier to enter and stay -from also voting. What is it with Democrats who think other people are just SO dumb they won't be able to see what they are really up to with first doing all they can to flood the country with illegals and then make sure they can vote without any problem whatsoever.

Understand this -I have a greater right to expect government to protect my vote from being stolen or diluted by fraud than anyone -ANYONE - has a "right" to expect everyone else to just take their word for it that they have a right to cast a vote. If they do have a right to vote -ID protects THEIR vote from being diluted by fraud as well right along with mine. If they don't, I expect them and those who wanted them to vote to throw hissy fits, temper tantrums, bitch and moan, wail and gnash their teeth about how in an age where you can't go three days without having to produce ID for something -they exist entirely off the grid with zero ID whatsoever. Yeah, right.

ALL rights comes with responsibilities -ALL. And please, no one insult our intelligence by insisting NO voter fraud is taking place when no one has to prove they have a right to vote! How the hell would you know, huh? When no one has to prove they have the right to vote -then you do realize it also means you will never NEVER catch anyone voting illegally. DUH! Which is the REAL reason Democrats are RABID about insuring it remains as easy as possible to commit fraud -their specialty. The ENTIRE point of Dems fake "outrage" over the push for voter ID is their intent to protect their ability to commit fraud as easily as possible. There is no right to commit fraud, no right to make my vote vulnerable to fraud. Protect EVERYONE'S vote -VOTER ID TO VOTE! PERIOD!

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