
I agree with everything you said except for the bolded, which is just stupid ... especially in light of everything else you posted.

My husband never learned to drive till he was 25 or so. When he was 18 he went and got himself a photo ID from the DMV. Why? Because, as you said, it's needed in life and it certainly should be required in order to vote.

The republicans now that the people too lazy to have gotten an ID for years are probably not going to run out and get one, and probably don't even know it is required. When they show up to vote, if they show up to vote, they probably will not have the time to get their ID. It probably works on some voters, and it certainly is their plan. I am very positive republicans are not using this as a method to encourage people to go out and get an ID. Of course, if you thin that the party that hates minorities, the poor, women, and the elderly is all of a sudden concerned with their ability to get along in life I cannot cure idiocy.
IDs allow for one to know that the person who is actually voting is actually the person on the fucking list.

Are you retarded? You're a partisan hack, but do you also have a mental disability?

Reading is not a sill you have, since I said in the parts you quoted that showing ID when you vote made a lot of sense.

Now, since you are unable to read, and react like an idiot when you thin someone does not share your spoon fed fox news viewpoints, perhaps you should concern yourself with your obvious lack of intelligence and stop disturbing us with your dumb ass posts until you can learn to read a couple of paragraphs. Or in words you can understand, stop being a pinhead.

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com

I don't get it....are you saying that the Driver's License will no be used for ID?

That is strange.

If the gist is that ID is needed; I have no problem with that. Voting should be as sterile, non-corrupted process as we can make it.

I do with the federal congress and the state legislatures would strive for such sterility when doing their own business...but I have no problem with PA, MA, CA, or GA making you present a valid state-issued ID. By the same token, these states that have such a rule should provide IDs free of charge.

No. DLs are the main form of ID that most people use; in addition to a DL they are also accepting the following forms of ID:

Photo ID required for November 2012 Election

ALL voters will be required to show a photo ID before voting at a polling place

All photo IDs must contain an expiration date that is current, unless noted otherwise. Acceptable IDs include:

Photo IDs issued by the U.S. Federal Government or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

1. Pennsylvania driver’s license or non-driver’s license photo ID (IDs are valid for voting purposes 12 months past expiration date)
2. Valid U.S. passport
3. U.S. military ID - active duty and retired military (a military or veteran’s ID must designate an expiration date or designate that the expiration date is indefinite). Military dependents’ ID must contain an expiration date
4. Employee photo ID issued by Federal, PA, County or Municipal government
5. Photo ID cards from an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning (student ID)
6. Photo ID cards issued by a Pennsylvania care facility, including long-term care facilities, assisted living residences or personal care homes

Preparing for Election Day
Yes, disenfranchising the homeless seems an excellent plan.

Cry me a fucking river. There are maybe 2 legitimate people in PA who can't get ID, not 9% of the population
Not to mention, don't you need an address to register? Or are we assuming that the homeless are just going to lie and use the address of some total stranger?

New Voter ID Law

Proof of identification for voting purposes.

If a voter does not POSSESS PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION FOR VOTING PURPOSES as defined at section 102(z.5)(2) of the Pennsylvania Election Code (25 P.S. § 2602(z.5)(2)) and requires proof of identification for voting purposes, the following applies:

You must declare under oath or affirmation by completing the Oath/ Affirmation Voter ID form that you do not possess any of the following forms of identification: In particular,

-Identification issued by the United States Government that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.*

- Identification issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired (unless issued by the Department of Transportation, then the expiration of the identification cannot be more than 12 months past the expiration date).

- Identification issued by a municipality of this Commonwealth to an employee of that municipality that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

- Identification issued by an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

- Identification issued by a Pennsylvania care facility that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

*In the case of a document from an agency of the armed forces of the United States or their reserve components, including the Pennsylvania National Guard, that establishes the voter as a current member or a veteran of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard and that does not designate a specific date on which the document expires, the document must include a notation indicating that the expiration is indefinite.

$13.50 fee for acquiring an Identification Card will be waived for individuals completing the Oath/ Affirmation Voter ID form. All identification documentation is still required to obtain an Identification Card as follows:

To obtain a Pennsylvania Photo Identification card, an individual needs to visit a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Driver License Center with a completed Application for an Initial Photo Identification Card; form DL-54A, and the following:

Social Security Card
One of the following:

Certificate of U.S. Citizenship
Certificate of Naturalization
Valid U.S. Passport
*Birth Certificate with a raised seal


Two proofs of **residency such as lease agreements, current utility bills, mortgage documents, W-2 form, tax records

*If they do not have a birth certificate with a raised seal and are a Pennsylvania native; and do not have one of the acceptable, alternative forms of photo identification to vote; and will provide a signed oath/affirmation form, when visiting the PennDOT driver license center, they must:

Tell the PennDOT customer service representative they are a Pennsylvania native who needs a photo ID for voting purposes, and do not have a certified copy of their birth certificate;
Sign an oath/affirmation that they do not have an acceptable form of ID for voting purposes and the photo ID is needed for voting purposes;
Show a Social Security card and two proofs of residence, such as a deed, lease, tax bill, or utility bill;
Fill out a DL-54A form requesting a non-driver photo ID and;
Complete the HD01564F (Request for Certification of Birth Record for Voter ID Purposes Only) form, which collects information such as birth name, mother and father's name and place of birth. This Department of Health form is available at all Driver Licensing Centers.

PennDOT will then forward the completed form to the Department of Health, which maintains birth records. After verifying the birth record is on file, the Department of Health will securely transmit this information to PennDOT. PennDOT will then notify them by letter that their birth record has been confirmed. They may then return to any driver license center, with the above noted documentation, to receive your free photo ID for voting purposes. This verification process will take about ten days and does not require the payment of a fee.

**Students at least 18 years of age: Accepted proofs of residency include the room assignment paperwork (considered a lease) and one bill with their dorm room address on it. Bank statements, paystubs and credit card bills are all acceptable. Other Individuals who may not have any bills, leases or mortgage documents in their name may bring the person with whom they are living along with their Driver’s License or Photo ID to a driver license center as one proof of residence.

Step 2
When their application and supporting documentation have been reviewed and processed, a Driver License Center staff member will direct the applicant to the Photo Center to have their photo taken for their Photo ID card.

Step 3
Once their photo has been taken, they will be issued a Photo ID card.

PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services - Personalized (Vanity) License Plate Availability
Last edited:
this shit is going to court.

your attempts to keep an 100 year old woman who marched with MLK and has voted all her life and now cant because their is no record of her birth certificate will be heard in court.

the right does not love this country if they do not honor the vote of its people.

I tried and tried to tell you people that that knife you were swinging arround was real.

I showed you its sharp edge.

I showed you its shine.

I showed you it was not made of rubber.

you jsut keep insisting that knife was made of rubber and was jsut a toy.

Its not a toy

its a real knife

I tried and trisd to get you to put the knife down.

You just kept refusing to believe it was a real knife.

Now you are about to stab your own party to death with it.

maybe the courts can stop you from commiting suicide.
this shit is going to court.
your attempts to keep an 100 year old woman who marched with MLK and has voted all her life and now cant because their is no record of her birth certificate will be heard in court.
the right does not love this country if they do not honor the vote of its people.
I tried and tried to tell you people that that knife you were swinging arround was real.
I showed you its sharp edge.
I showed you its shine.
I showed you it was not made of rubber.
you jsut keep insisting that knife was made of rubber and was jsut a toy.
Its not a toy
its a real knife
I tried and trisd to get you to put the knife down.
You just kept refusing to believe it was a real knife/
Now you are about to stab your own party to death with it.
maybe the courts can stop you from commiting suicide.

So you're all for anyone, anywhere, just walking up and voting? No proof that they are who they say they are, that they are indeed a legal citizen of the USofA? Got it. :eusa_hand:

P.S. - your crazy is still showing.
this shit is going to court.
your attempts to keep an 100 year old woman who marched with MLK and has voted all her life and now cant because their is no record of her birth certificate will be heard in court.
the right does not love this country if they do not honor the vote of its people.
I tried and tried to tell you people that that knife you were swinging arround was real.
I showed you its sharp edge.
I showed you its shine.
I showed you it was not made of rubber.
you jsut keep insisting that knife was made of rubber and was jsut a toy.
Its not a toy
its a real knife
I tried and trisd to get you to put the knife down.
You just kept refusing to believe it was a real knife.
Now you are about to stab your own party to death with it.
maybe the courts can stop you from commiting suicide.

Which 100 year old woman didn't vote because of the law? Can you link it for me please.
What freaking knife? You really need to put the crack pipe down and put the alcohol away, you sound more insane than ever.
its a metaphorical knife and I talked about your party stabbing its self to death yesterday.

Now you will see it happen in court because this woman and a voters rights entity has taken this shit to court.

Your party is commiting suicide with this tactic and I have tried to get you to stop for years now.

please put the knife down
this shit is going to court.

your attempts to keep an 100 year old woman who marched with MLK and has voted all her life and now cant because their is no record of her birth certificate will be heard in court.

the right does not love this country if they do not honor the vote of its people.

I tried and tried to tell you people that that knife you were swinging arround was real.

I showed you its sharp edge.

I showed you its shine.

I showed you it was not made of rubber.

you jsut keep insisting that knife was made of rubber and was jsut a toy.

Its not a toy

its a real knife

I tried and trisd to get you to put the knife down.

You just kept refusing to believe it was a real knife.

Now you are about to stab your own party to death with it.

maybe the courts can stop you from commiting suicide.

She doesn't need a birth certificate

*If they do not have a birth certificate with a raised seal and are a Pennsylvania native; and do not have one of the acceptable, alternative forms of photo identification to vote; and will provide a signed oath/affirmation form, when visiting the PennDOT driver license center, they must:

Tell the PennDOT customer service representative they are a Pennsylvania native who needs a photo ID for voting purposes, and do not have a certified copy of their birth certificate;
Sign an oath/affirmation that they do not have an acceptable form of ID for voting purposes and the photo ID is needed for voting purposes;
Show a Social Security card and two proofs of residence, such as a deed, lease, tax bill, or utility bill;
Fill out a DL-54A form requesting a non-driver photo ID and;
Complete the HD01564F (Request for Certification of Birth Record for Voter ID Purposes Only) form, which collects information such as birth name, mother and father's name and place of birth. This Department of Health form is available at all Driver Licensing Centers.

PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services - Personalized (Vanity) License Plate Availability
I tried and tried to tell you people that that knife you were swinging arround was real.
I showed you its sharp edge.
I showed you its shine.
I showed you it was not made of rubber.
you jsut keep insisting that knife was made of rubber and was jsut a toy.
Its not a toy
its a real knife

its a metaphorical knife and I talked about your party stabbing its self to death yesterday.

:lmao: Your derp is showing again!
this shit is going to court.

your attempts to keep an 100 year old woman who marched with MLK and has voted all her life and now cant because their is no record of her birth certificate will be heard in court.

the right does not love this country if they do not honor the vote of its people.

I tried and tried to tell you people that that knife you were swinging arround was real.

I showed you its sharp edge.

I showed you its shine.

I showed you it was not made of rubber.

you jsut keep insisting that knife was made of rubber and was jsut a toy.

Its not a toy

its a real knife

I tried and trisd to get you to put the knife down.

You just kept refusing to believe it was a real knife.

Now you are about to stab your own party to death with it.

maybe the courts can stop you from commiting suicide.

She doesn't need a birth certificate

*If they do not have a birth certificate with a raised seal and are a Pennsylvania native; and do not have one of the acceptable, alternative forms of photo identification to vote; and will provide a signed oath/affirmation form, when visiting the PennDOT driver license center, they must:

Tell the PennDOT customer service representative they are a Pennsylvania native who needs a photo ID for voting purposes, and do not have a certified copy of their birth certificate;
Sign an oath/affirmation that they do not have an acceptable form of ID for voting purposes and the photo ID is needed for voting purposes;
Show a Social Security card and two proofs of residence, such as a deed, lease, tax bill, or utility bill;
Fill out a DL-54A form requesting a non-driver photo ID and;
Complete the HD01564F (Request for Certification of Birth Record for Voter ID Purposes Only) form, which collects information such as birth name, mother and father's name and place of birth. This Department of Health form is available at all Driver Licensing Centers.

PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services - Personalized (Vanity) License Plate Availability

I printed out and linked what one needs in order to obtain a valid photo ID in PA. She doesn't bother reading any facts provided, she just spews her shit.
its a metaphorical knife and I talked about your party stabbing its self to death yesterday.

Now you will see it happen in court because this woman and a voters rights entity has taken this shit to court.

Your party is commiting suicide with this tactic and I have tried to get you to stop for years now.

please put the knife down

Never mind that all the courts have ruled in favor of the ID laws.
Including the Supreme Court in a 6 to 3 vote for Indiana's voter ID law.
I tried and tried to tell you people that that knife you were swinging arround was real.
I showed you its sharp edge.
I showed you its shine.
I showed you it was not made of rubber.
you jsut keep insisting that knife was made of rubber and was jsut a toy.
Its not a toy
its a real knife

its a metaphorical knife and I talked about your party stabbing its self to death yesterday.

:lmao: Your derp is showing again!

Her inner derp is in full accord with her outer derp.

Derp through and through. Derp to the core.

Or, as she and the President might put it, Derp to the corpse.
come on guys please put the knife down.

You are basically caught cutting off the rights of Americans to vote.

your shiney sharp real knife hurts people.

it hurts this country.

stop hacking at our democracy with it.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]
You have had this knife in your possesion for many years now.

Its time to put it down
come on guys please put the knife down.

You are basically caught cutting off the rights of Americans to vote.

your shiney sharp real knife hurts people.

it hurts this country.

stop hacking at our democracy with it.

"Registered voters" have a right to vote.

"Registered voters" include actual Americans.

"Registered voters" include living Americans.

Sorry, TdM. But "registered voters" does NOT include any fraud who wants to vote two or more time, and it doesn't include aliens (legal or illegal).

You are simply yet again failing massively at your partisan hack efforts to conflate the topic of actual voter rights with a dishonest claim of universal voting rights.

Not only is your derp showing, but your dishonest motive is also showing.
or do you plan on stabbing the government with it when you have it struggling in the bathtub?
Pretending your tacitics are decent an legal is not how you put the knife down.

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