Dismal earnings reports indicate the start of the Trump downturn

Come on now. The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Pile on the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Russia was interfering in our election, & you don't care. I get it.
when? I have a video of obammy saying that was impossible. so you must be wrong. or he was. hmmmmm

Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining" About Rigged Election
"FLASHBACK, October 18, 2016 | Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining," "No Serious Person" Believes U.S. Elections Can Be Rigged Or Stolen"

Stated income loans were the primary default instigator
“Oh, you are a hairdresser and make $130,000 per year part time. Well yes you do because you have a 680 credit score”
Only if you had the worst President doing the worst job.

Maybe we'd have done better if he added another 100,000 pages of regulations?
Maybe 200,000 pages?
Come on now. The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Pile on the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Without Russia`s help he wouldn`t have won the EC. That`s the real scandal.

Standard mortgages did not cause this.


Banks with loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
will have larger losses than banks which do not have loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan

Standard mortgages did not cause this.

No kidding. Many low and moderate income people didn't qualify for conforming loans.

Your fallacy is that you assume that these loans would fail. You totally ignore that these people still had to show they could afford these lower cost mortgages.

A couple goes to the bank for a mortgage & they quite thern a $1000 a month payment after a 20% down payment. The bank reviews their finances & decline because they can't afford a $1000/mo payment nor have enough for a down payment.

Since they are in the bank's "neighborhood, the bank can lower the interest rates to get the monthly payments at $800 & a 10% down payment. The bank's review determines they can afford it & the couple buys a home.

No, where is the bank risk? Why is it more? They passed the bank's review?

All the CRA does is help people who just couldn't afford the standard rates but could with a rate reduction.

This is not a difficult concept, especially for an economic expert like you.

Your fallacy is that you assume that these loans would fail.

Loans to people with lower credit scores, lower incomes and lower down payments fail
at a higher rate than conforming loans.

Since they are in the bank's "neighborhood, the bank can lower the interest rates to get the monthly payments at $800 & a 10% down payment.

The bank is supposed to give a riskier borrower a lower interest rate?
What could go wrong?

It may be lower profit but how is it riskier as far as failure?

Lower income, lower credit score, lower down payment and also a lower interest rate
and you don't see how it is riskier?

Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

Come on My Economics. You can't be this silly.

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.
Come on now. The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Pile on the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Without Russia`s help he wouldn`t have won the EC. That`s the real scandal.

Come on now. The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Pile on the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Without Russia`s help he wouldn`t have won the EC. That`s the real scandal.

Last edited:

Standard mortgages did not cause this.


Banks with loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
will have larger losses than banks which do not have loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan

Standard mortgages did not cause this.

No kidding. Many low and moderate income people didn't qualify for conforming loans.

Nopw you don't know what a standard mortgage is?

We are talking about a straight X amount per month, long term mortgage.

Not these interest free for 5 years with balloon payment type loans.

Are you really this ignorant?

Nopw you don't know what a standard mortgage is?

20% down, credit score of 620 or higher. DURR

What are the payments? A fixed amount per ,month long term.

Funny how you left that out.

What are the payments? A fixed amount per ,month long term.

Larger, with a lower down payment.

Maybe larger, maybe longer.
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.

Malls were losing business long before Trump became president. On-line shopping (have you heard of a site called Amazon?) and new outdoor Town Centers have a lot to do with it. But why let facts get in the way of you blaming President Trump. What's next, you're going to blame Trump for the downfall of VCRs and 8-track tapes?
Last edited:
Come on now. The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Pile on the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Russia was interfering in our election, & you don't care. I get it.

Which Russian meme got you to vote for Trump?
Can you post it?
The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Russia was interfering in our election, & you don't care. I get it.

Which Russian meme got you to vote for Trump?
Can you post it?
yo Todd, if the russians were truly responsible, wouldn't that mean trump would have won the popular vote too by a landslide? I mean they influenced everyone to change their vote to trump. It is the leftist position.

Banks with loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
will have larger losses than banks which do not have loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan

Standard mortgages did not cause this.

No kidding. Many low and moderate income people didn't qualify for conforming loans.

Your fallacy is that you assume that these loans would fail. You totally ignore that these people still had to show they could afford these lower cost mortgages.

A couple goes to the bank for a mortgage & they quite thern a $1000 a month payment after a 20% down payment. The bank reviews their finances & decline because they can't afford a $1000/mo payment nor have enough for a down payment.

Since they are in the bank's "neighborhood, the bank can lower the interest rates to get the monthly payments at $800 & a 10% down payment. The bank's review determines they can afford it & the couple buys a home.

No, where is the bank risk? Why is it more? They passed the bank's review?

All the CRA does is help people who just couldn't afford the standard rates but could with a rate reduction.

This is not a difficult concept, especially for an economic expert like you.

Your fallacy is that you assume that these loans would fail.

Loans to people with lower credit scores, lower incomes and lower down payments fail
at a higher rate than conforming loans.

Since they are in the bank's "neighborhood, the bank can lower the interest rates to get the monthly payments at $800 & a 10% down payment.

The bank is supposed to give a riskier borrower a lower interest rate?
What could go wrong?

It may be lower profit but how is it riskier as far as failure?

Lower income, lower credit score, lower down payment and also a lower interest rate
and you don't see how it is riskier?

Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

Come on My Economics. You can't be this silly.

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.

Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

You think banks gave worse risks lower rates....because the bank could afford it? LOL!

Have you always been clueless, or have you had a recent brain injury?

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.

Hilarious!! And seriously wrong.
A MBS derives its value from a category of assets called mortgages; hence a MBS is a derivative.

Mortgage-backed security - Wikipedia

A MBS derives its value from a category of assets called mortgages

No, it's actually those assets shuffled around.

A piece of a bond is a bond.

Interest from an MBS is interest paid by the home buyer on his mortgage.

An options contract or a futures contract on a bond is a derivative.
A synthetic MBS created to mimic a portfolio of mortgages is a derivative.
The portfolio itself, no matter how it is divided, is still a bond.
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset which in the case of a MBS is a pool of either CRE loans or residential loans.

The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.

"Mortgage backed securities (MBS) are also known as mortgage derivatives and mortgage-backed bonds. They are a form of investment that is based upon the mortgages of home buyers. As such, they affect the mortgage interest rate and can also have a significant effect on the economy if they go wrong (more on that later.)..."

"Mortgage Derivatives
Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

"In this case, that asset is the mortgage bundle.

"The risk of such mortgage derivatives is spread over the whole bundle of loans – in this case 100,000 (this a simple figure used for example only.)"

Mortgage Backed Securities and Mortgage Derivatives | Alliance West Financial

Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

If Fannie or Freddie sells a billion dollars of MBS, they bought
a billion dollars of mortgages first.
A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

"What Are Futures?

"Futures are derivative financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

"Here, the buyer must purchase or the seller must sell the underlying asset at the set price, regardless of the current market price at the expiration date.

"Underlying assets include physical commodities or other financial instruments. Futures contracts detail the quantity of the underlying asset and are standardized to facilitate trading on a futures exchange. Futures can be used for hedging or trade speculation."

How Futures are Traded
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.

According to the left this is all Obama’s economy.
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.

According to the left this is all Obama’s economy.

No it's not. Not when it goes down. That's all Trump
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.
Truckers are pissed as well; ttps://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/truckers-hit-hard-by-trump-gop-tax-plan-61363269759
The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Russia was interfering in our election, & you don't care. I get it.
when? I have a video of obammy saying that was impossible. so you must be wrong. or he was. hmmmmm

Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining" About Rigged Election
"FLASHBACK, October 18, 2016 | Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining," "No Serious Person" Believes U.S. Elections Can Be Rigged Or Stolen"

Obama was wrong.
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.

According to the left this is all Obama’s economy.
Job creation! Yes! But flat wages, tax cuts to the wealthy, and failed tariffs, goes to Trump.
A MBS derives its value from a category of assets called mortgages

No, it's actually those assets shuffled around.

A piece of a bond is a bond.

Interest from an MBS is interest paid by the home buyer on his mortgage.

An options contract or a futures contract on a bond is a derivative.
A synthetic MBS created to mimic a portfolio of mortgages is a derivative.
The portfolio itself, no matter how it is divided, is still a bond.
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset which in the case of a MBS is a pool of either CRE loans or residential loans.

The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.

"Mortgage backed securities (MBS) are also known as mortgage derivatives and mortgage-backed bonds. They are a form of investment that is based upon the mortgages of home buyers. As such, they affect the mortgage interest rate and can also have a significant effect on the economy if they go wrong (more on that later.)..."

"Mortgage Derivatives
Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

"In this case, that asset is the mortgage bundle.

"The risk of such mortgage derivatives is spread over the whole bundle of loans – in this case 100,000 (this a simple figure used for example only.)"

Mortgage Backed Securities and Mortgage Derivatives | Alliance West Financial

Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

If Fannie or Freddie sells a billion dollars of MBS, they bought
a billion dollars of mortgages first.
A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

"What Are Futures?

"Futures are derivative financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

"Here, the buyer must purchase or the seller must sell the underlying asset at the set price, regardless of the current market price at the expiration date.

"Underlying assets include physical commodities or other financial instruments. Futures contracts detail the quantity of the underlying asset and are standardized to facilitate trading on a futures exchange. Futures can be used for hedging or trade speculation."

How Futures are Traded

"Futures are derivative financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

The futures contract means you have to buy the asset at a predetermined future date?
When does the MBS mean you have to buy the mortgage?
The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Russia was interfering in our election, & you don't care. I get it.

Which Russian meme got you to vote for Trump?
Can you post it?
It was the non-vote that got Trump elected; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
Has there ever been a conservative that didn`t whine about something being done to them or one of their heroes? The Feds conspired against orange Jesus. Good one!
russia russia wasn't whining? oh, I got it, irony!!!!!
Russia was interfering in our election, & you don't care. I get it.

Which Russian meme got you to vote for Trump?
Can you post it?
It was the non-vote that got Trump elected; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

Which Russian meme got you to not vote?
Can you post it?

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