Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

"God loves you even though you are a fag."

Yeah, that doesn't sound hateful AT ALL! :lol:

How about this: God loves you even though you are a conservative/Republican.

As a matter of fact, I did not use the word "fag", someone else started using it.

So? Bigotry is bigotry, no matter which words you use.

But God still loves you, even though you are a hateful bigot.
"God loves you even though you are a fag."

Yeah, that doesn't sound hateful AT ALL! :lol:

How about this: God loves you even though you are a conservative/Republican.

As a matter of fact, I did not use the word "fag", someone else started using it.

So? Bigotry is bigotry, no matter which words you use.

But God still loves you, even though you are a hateful bigot.

You don't make sense.
As a matter of fact, I did not use the word "fag", someone else started using it.

So? Bigotry is bigotry, no matter which words you use.

But God still loves you, even though you are a hateful bigot.

You don't make sense.

You bigots are the ones not making sense.

You can be upset about dykes on Disney for only one reason; you think they are evil.

Ergo, you hate fags. Your hatred is inspired by your brand of religion. You are using GOD to justify your hatred. You believe GOD gives you a valid reason to hate fags.

That's all that is left after you strip away all the illogical bullshit you people use to persecute and isolate homosexuals: Religious intolerance.

When this is pointed out, you say, "Duhhhh...you make no sense."
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Oh no!!! Disney is showing an accurate reflection of societies families?!? Oh my god, this is just like when they show interracial couples. Abomination!!!!


Hey a lot of Disney movies don't even have parents, they kill them off from the get go

think of Bambi, Cinderella, The Lion King

no outcry there about those messages from the public.

Why does Disney hate parents? Ever noticed your favourite films always kill off Mum and Dad ... | Mail Online

Growing up with many gay friends and family I am glad to see Disney represent.
Oh no!!! Disney is showing an accurate reflection of societies families?!? Oh my god, this is just like when they show interracial couples. Abomination!!!!


Hey a lot of Disney movies don't even have parents, they kill them off from the get go

think of Bambi, Cinderella, The Lion King

no outcry there about those messages from the public.

Why does Disney hate parents? Ever noticed your favourite films always kill off Mum and Dad ... | Mail Online

Growing up with many gay friends and family I am glad to see Disney represent.

Hey I wrote a letter, in angry red crayon, to Disney about Mufasa :evil:
Disney has decided to go with abnormality portrayed as normalcy. It is a shame because Disney was one of the few voices of sanity left. Unfortunately children have very few places to go where they can feel safe.
Disney has decided to go with abnormality portrayed as normalcy. It is a shame because Disney was one of the few voices of sanity left. Unfortunately children have very few places to go where they can feel safe.

If your kids feel unsafe, you made them feel that way. You filled them with fear.
So? Bigotry is bigotry, no matter which words you use.

But God still loves you, even though you are a hateful bigot.

You don't make sense.

You bigots are the ones not making sense.

You can be upset about dykes on Disney for only one reason; you think they are evil.

Ergo, you hate fags. Your hatred is inspired by your brand of religion. You are using GOD to justify your hatred. You believe GOD gives you a valid reason to hate fags.

That's all that is left after you strip away all the illogical bullshit you people use to persecute and isolate homosexuals: Religious intolerance.

When this is pointed out, you say, "Duhhhh...you make no sense."

I make perfect sense.

God condemns the practice of homosexuality as sin, and in Romans it is an evidence of the removal of God from the equation. However, God loves all people, regardless of their particular brand of sin, and therefore he loves people whose sin is homosexual in nature. And God tells me to love and pray for all people, sinners all of us, me being the worst sinner of all.

Therefore I love homosexuals. Just like I love heterosexuals.
Disney has decided to go with abnormality portrayed as normalcy. It is a shame because Disney was one of the few voices of sanity left. Unfortunately children have very few places to go where they can feel safe.

That has always been true. When I was a kid, I was forced to go to Vacation Bible School in the summer!
You don't make sense.

You bigots are the ones not making sense.

You can be upset about dykes on Disney for only one reason; you think they are evil.

Ergo, you hate fags. Your hatred is inspired by your brand of religion. You are using GOD to justify your hatred. You believe GOD gives you a valid reason to hate fags.

That's all that is left after you strip away all the illogical bullshit you people use to persecute and isolate homosexuals: Religious intolerance.

When this is pointed out, you say, "Duhhhh...you make no sense."

I make perfect sense.

God condemns the practice of homosexuality as sin, and in Romans it is an evidence of the removal of God from the equation. However, God loves all people, regardless of their particular brand of sin, and therefore he loves people whose sin is homosexual in nature. And God tells me to love and pray for all people, sinners all of us, me being the worst sinner of all.

Therefore I love homosexuals. Just like I love heterosexuals.

"God loves you even though you are a homosexual."

"I love you even though you are a homosexual."

That is not love. You are seriously deluded.
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Next we'll have Harry and the Dead Girl to normalize necrophilia.

My Mom Is Decomposing.

My Dad is a German Shepherd and my Mom uses Peanut Butter.

All good potential children's stories.

And right on schedule comes the slippery slope fallacy.

If the slippery slope really was a fallacy we wouldn't have normalized same sex relationships now. You can't claim fallacy after you already slid.
You bigots are the ones not making sense.

You can be upset about dykes on Disney for only one reason; you think they are evil.

Ergo, you hate fags. Your hatred is inspired by your brand of religion. You are using GOD to justify your hatred. You believe GOD gives you a valid reason to hate fags.

That's all that is left after you strip away all the illogical bullshit you people use to persecute and isolate homosexuals: Religious intolerance.

When this is pointed out, you say, "Duhhhh...you make no sense."

I make perfect sense.

God condemns the practice of homosexuality as sin, and in Romans it is an evidence of the removal of God from the equation. However, God loves all people, regardless of their particular brand of sin, and therefore he loves people whose sin is homosexual in nature. And God tells me to love and pray for all people, sinners all of us, me being the worst sinner of all.

Therefore I love homosexuals. Just like I love heterosexuals.

"God loves you even though you are a homosexual."

That is not a loving statement. You are seriously deluded.

That is how God is.

He lives everyone. And everyone is a sinner of some sort. That is a central, basic teaching of the Bible and all forms of Christianity.

On what planet do you perceive of a God who only loves perfect people, because then he would love no one?
I make perfect sense.

God condemns the practice of homosexuality as sin, and in Romans it is an evidence of the removal of God from the equation. However, God loves all people, regardless of their particular brand of sin, and therefore he loves people whose sin is homosexual in nature. And God tells me to love and pray for all people, sinners all of us, me being the worst sinner of all.

Therefore I love homosexuals. Just like I love heterosexuals.

"God loves you even though you are a homosexual."

That is not a loving statement. You are seriously deluded.

That is how God is.

He lives everyone. And everyone is a sinner of some sort. That is a central, basic teaching of the Bible and all forms of Christianity.

On what planet do you perceive of a God who only loves perfect people, because then he would love no one?

You still don't get it.

You are saying homosexuality is a sin. You are saying it is wrong.

That's irrational hate, pure and simple.

Homosexuals are sinners like the rest of us, yes. But not for being gay. They are sinners because they are just like the rest of us.

That's the part you haters won't accept. That gays are just like the rest of us. You want to pile extra sin on gays, just for being gay.

I've seen bigots like you use the very sam bible to justify slavery and segregation and to oppose interracial marriage. The arguments have not changed one whit.
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Why does God hate faggotry?

Why? Because that is now how he created the world. He calls it unnatural, which implies that natural is men with women.

Romans 1.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Why does God hate faggotry?

Why? Because that is now how he created the world. He calls it unnatural, which implies that natural is men with women.

Romans 1.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Circular reasoning.

You hate fags because God says so. Why does God hate faggotry? Because he said so.

No rational basis whatsoever. Just "God Hates Fags".

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