Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

I can show how a pedophile father who molests his kids is harmful. I can show how a father who is a heroin addict is harmful.

Because bigots cannot show how a gay mom is harmful, they attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophiles and whatever other harmful thing springs to mind and hope the completely bogus association sticks.

Once all that bullshit is stripped away, all you have left is a religious intolerant. A Westboro Baptist wannabe.
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Why does God hate faggotry?

Why? Because that is now how he created the world. He calls it unnatural, which implies that natural is men with women.

Romans 1.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Circular reasoning.

You hate fags because God says so. Why does God hate faggotry? Because he said so.

No rational basis whatsoever. Just "God Hates Fags".

You have not honestly listened to what I have said. You are hell-bent on making me out to hate homosexuals. I do not. I refuse to take your bait.
Religion confuses the issue which is why liberals always have to drag it along.
I can show how a pedophile father who molests his kids is harmful. I can show how a father who is a heroin addict is harmful.

Because bigots cannot show how a gay mom is harmful, they attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophiles and whatever other harmful thing springs to mind and hope the completely bogus association sticks.

Once all that bullshit is stripped away, all you have left is a religious intolerant. A Westboro Baptist wannabe.

No you can't show how a father molesting his kids is harmful. The best you can do is show how our current cultural prohibitions have made pedophilia harmful. In other cultures that have normalized pedophilia it is natural and beneficial. Certainly in the Greek and Roman cultures, once homosexuality was normalized the children were taught that it was an honor to be taken as a lover by an older person and perfectly normal.
Why? Because that is now how he created the world. He calls it unnatural, which implies that natural is men with women.

Romans 1.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Circular reasoning.

You hate fags because God says so. Why does God hate faggotry? Because he said so.

No rational basis whatsoever. Just "God Hates Fags".

You have not honestly listened to what I have said. You are hell-bent on making me out to hate homosexuals. I do not. I refuse to take your bait.

You are saying homosexuality is wrong. That's hate; no two ways about it.
It's not a mom and mom. It's a mom and her lesbian fuck partner.

How do you walk around with so much hate inside you?

How do you walk around with so much cultural destruction/lesbian approval in you?

I hate things that are destroying our culture, and God is clear that lesbianism is a sign of the lack of God's presence, and so I agree with saying it like it is as Katzndogz did.

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography.
How do you walk around with so much cultural destruction/lesbian approval in you?

I hate things that are destroying our culture, and God is clear that lesbianism is a sign of the lack of God's presence, and so I agree with saying it like it is as Katzndogz did.

As I keep saying, behind the mask of every anti-gay person is a Westboro Baptist with a "God Hates Fags" sign.

I never said God hates fags. Quote me, please, and show where I did. God loves them and wants them to repent.

Of course you didn't...you're too much of a coward. At least fred phelps and his degenerate "church" admits it, but you won't even do that.
I can show how a pedophile father who molests his kids is harmful. I can show how a father who is a heroin addict is harmful.

Because bigots cannot show how a gay mom is harmful, they attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophiles and whatever other harmful thing springs to mind and hope the completely bogus association sticks.

Once all that bullshit is stripped away, all you have left is a religious intolerant. A Westboro Baptist wannabe.

No you can't show how a father molesting his kids is harmful. The best you can do is show how our current cultural prohibitions have made pedophilia harmful. In other cultures that have normalized pedophilia it is natural and beneficial. Certainly in the Greek and Roman cultures, once homosexuality was normalized the children were taught that it was an honor to be taken as a lover by an older person and perfectly normal.

CA-RIST, you are dumb as a rock, bitch!
I can show how a pedophile father who molests his kids is harmful. I can show how a father who is a heroin addict is harmful.

Because bigots cannot show how a gay mom is harmful, they attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophiles and whatever other harmful thing springs to mind and hope the completely bogus association sticks.

Once all that bullshit is stripped away, all you have left is a religious intolerant. A Westboro Baptist wannabe.

No you can't show how a father molesting his kids is harmful. The best you can do is show how our current cultural prohibitions have made pedophilia harmful. In other cultures that have normalized pedophilia it is natural and beneficial. Certainly in the Greek and Roman cultures, once homosexuality was normalized the children were taught that it was an honor to be taken as a lover by an older person and perfectly normal.

Now, I'm pretty sure you're not endorsing pedophilia because I think I know better. However, you might want to be a little more careful in your phraseology.
As I keep saying, behind the mask of every anti-gay person is a Westboro Baptist with a "God Hates Fags" sign.

I never said God hates fags. Quote me, please, and show where I did. God loves them and wants them to repent.

Of course you didn't...you're too much of a coward. At least fred phelps and his degenerate "church" admits it, but you won't even do that.

You can think that I am a cowarrd. The fact is that I do not hate homosexuals.

No one can show me one place in my life where I have said that.

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