Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

That's not the point. It's rated G Disney.

That means - or used to - that your kids should be able to watch without coming in and asking what a lesbian is.

That's MY job, not theirs.

You know what you say to your kids if they ask that question?

'A lesbian is a woman who loves other women, just like mummy loves daddy".

Your kid isn't going to ask what a lesbian is - kids care about the show they are watching, not the lifestyles of the characters.
This is necessary to expose American children to this ........... as this will prepare American children in their new profession when guns are gone ........... everyone has to pull their own weight in society ....... even children.
Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

This makes me sick. Why? Why Disney? Money?

In a move that’s being described as chasing “the whims of political correctness,” the Disney Channel reportedly will feature a “married” lesbian couple on a popular kids sitcom in the coming season.

“It’s a disappointment to millions of Americans that Disney would choose to become a groundbreaker in immorality,” commented Movieguide, the organization headed by Christian media critic Ted Baehr. “New concepts of morality have had a very negative impact on marriage, families, and children.”

Movieguide said that instead of “becoming a leader in political correctness, we encourage Disney to hold on to their title as the leader in good, fun and wholesome.”

TV Guide reports the lesbian characters will appear on an episode of “Good Luck Charlie.”
The series, which debuted in 2010, will be canceled after the current fourth season. New episodes, however, will be rolling out through early 2014.

“Good Luck Charlie” stars Bridgit Mendler as Teddy, the second oldest sibling of the Denver-based Duncan family. Jason Dolley plays her older brother P.J., Bradley Steven Perry her younger brother Gabe, Mia Talerico the titular toddler Charlie (short for Charlotte), Logan Moreau is new baby brother Toby and Leigh-Allyn Baker and Eric Allan Kramer play their parents Amy and Bob.

In the lesbian storyline, preschooler Charlie’s parents set up a play date with one of her new friends. When the child arrives, the Duncans learn that Charlie’s pal has two moms.

“The potential new friendship is put to the test as one mom chats with Amy, and the other is stuck listening to Bob’s dull stories,” reported TV Guide.


A long time ago, at least 20 years ago, the Tracy Ulman show had an ongoing skit wherein the daughter had two fathers, a gay couple. It was funny, silly and yet realistic at the same time, and it indicated that there isn't anything to freak out about just because a couple is gay. The times are changing. Deal with it. Learn to accept reality. If you don't believe in homosexuality, then don't be one, don't live the lifestyle, but live and let live. As Jesus would say, we are all God's children. All loved and cherished equally. What are you going to do if one of your kids turns out to be gay?
Why does God hate faggotry?

Why? Because that is now how he created the world. He calls it unnatural, which implies that natural is men with women.

Romans 1.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Circular reasoning.

You hate fags because God says so. Why does God hate faggotry? Because he said so.

No rational basis whatsoever. Just "God Hates Fags".
You are the completely irrational person here and it is clear that YOU are the one that has to damn much hate of those that do not have the same acceptance of gays that you do. You do not seem to understand that you can disagree with sinful acts without hatred for the people that are sinning.

Adultery is a sin and yet I doubt that he hates all adulterers. He can acknowledge that lust is a sin, be lustful himself and yet still not hate those that lust. Considering that EVERYONE sins, and he even mentioned this, I find it highly unlikely that he hates all sinners.

Further, not wishing your children exposed to sinful behavior might be a little silly (the violence on television is everywhere and no outrage there) but it is not a sign of hate but rather a sign of misunderstanding.
That's not the point. It's rated G Disney.

That means - or used to - that your kids should be able to watch without coming in and asking what a lesbian is.

That's MY job, not theirs.

You know what you say to your kids if they ask that question?

'A lesbian is a woman who loves other women, just like mummy loves daddy".

Your kid isn't going to ask what a lesbian is - kids care about the show they are watching, not the lifestyles of the characters.

Well, no actually. That is completely false. You would be absolutely stunned what kids notice. They are FAR more perceptive than their adult counterparts. Some of the things my son has pointed out on the things that he has noticed on television has floored me. I am always surprised at how adults view children as though they are dumber than they are or less perceptive. Children are naive BUT they are FAR smarter than their parents and WAY more perceptive of the world around them. I chalk it up to having an empty brain. Without all the bullshit preconceived notions, useless knowledge and random thoughts that are streaming through all adult minds, children have plenty of brainpower to focus on all those things that we think they are missing.

As far as the move by Disney, you all have some options here. There is always this:

Then they can do what children should be doing anyway – playing in the REAL world. Of course, some might need this considering the particular topic:

There are plenty of other cahnnels to choose from as well. Of course, you MIGHT want to rethink the acceptance of Disney as there are FAR worse than some lesbians:

The Little Mermaid | Top 10 Disney Controversies | TIME.com
Aladdin Subliminal Message Video ?Take Off Your Clothes?

This one even includes a TOPLESS WOMAN in one frame!
Top Five Family Animations That Have Caused Controversy

All in all, this really parallels this mime (at least for me):
10 Disney Characters Who Stirred Up Controversy

where Disney is attacked for racism with 10 example characters – virtually all of the charges utter and complete bullshit. People are WAY to easily offended for absolutely no reason. There is nothing offensive about lesbians; they are a fact of life and I certainly do not expect TV to try and work around reality to make it into some fanatical illusion where gays do not exist. I would MUCH prefer that they curb violence and hate rather than sex from children’s viewing. Violence is by far the more grievous exposure. All in all, children are going to be exposed to the world no matter how hard you try and control it. It seems silly to me to be so protective over the mere appearance of a lesbian.
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That's not the point. It's rated G Disney.

That means - or used to - that your kids should be able to watch without coming in and asking what a lesbian is.

That's MY job, not theirs.

You know what you say to your kids if they ask that question?

'A lesbian is a woman who loves other women, just like mummy loves daddy".

Your kid isn't going to ask what a lesbian is - kids care about the show they are watching, not the lifestyles of the characters.

Then what would be the importance of portraying it? Personally, this does not bother as much as it might bother some, but honestly, if the issue is that the kids don't care about the lifestyles of the characters, then what's the point of doing it? Meaningless premise.
You can think that I am a cowarrd.(sic) The fact is that I do not hate homosexuals.


No one can show me one place in my life where I have said that.

It comes through loud and clear in your posts. We all know you hate gays, dude...own it!

Thrilling exchange between you two.

"You hate gays."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Do not do not do not."

"Do too, double stamped it."

"Do not, triple stamped it. No erasies. Touch blue make it true."

Are you stoned, child?
That's not the point. It's rated G Disney.

That means - or used to - that your kids should be able to watch without coming in and asking what a lesbian is.

That's MY job, not theirs.

You know what you say to your kids if they ask that question?

'A lesbian is a woman who loves other women, just like mummy loves daddy".

Your kid isn't going to ask what a lesbian is - kids care about the show they are watching, not the lifestyles of the characters.

Then what would be the importance of portraying it? Personally, this does not bother as much as it might bother some, but honestly, if the issue is that the kids don't care about the lifestyles of the characters, then what's the point of doing it? Meaningless premise.

Yep. Pretty much.

Disney: let's go ahead and throw X into one of our kid shows just for the hell of it. See if it stirs up some batshit crazy on the Internetz or something.
While Unclke Walt knew of the homos in Hollywood, he always arged that it be kept private. His ideal was presenting entertainment for families.

He's turning over in his grave at watching this.

While Unclke Walt knew of the homos in Hollywood, he always arged that it be kept private. His ideal was presenting entertainment for families.

He's turning over in his grave at watching this.


You stole my post! :)

Walt is rolling over in his grave.

M-I-C K-E-Y.

Y? Because we like you!

While Unclke Walt knew of the homos in Hollywood, he always arged that it be kept private. His ideal was presenting entertainment for families.

He's turning over in his grave at watching this.


And that idea was so popular he was able to build a kingdom. And make billions to boot. It is, what I perceive, the majority opinion in America. Normal families living right.
They own ABC, that shit bleeds over.

Disney has changed. Their target audience marketing and who they market has changed tremendously over the last few years. They're busy running a money machine and Walt's vision is buried in it.

I have a few long term friends that were head web programmers over there for years. They all left 2 years ago because Disney outsourced programming out of country for 2 bucks an hour and all the head programmers were doing was fixing fucked up $2 code day in and day out.
The "boycott list" on the Right is getting pretty long. We already know about Jane Fonda, the Teletubbies, CNN, MSN, the movie about Hillary, etc. I can remember the 70's when my brother would not allow his family to watch "Maude". Disney has already been boycotted several times, especially when they started having "Gat days" at Disneyland and Disney World (complete failures, as I recall). There is talk about boycotting the Scouts for allowing gay boys to join. There are also gay cruises.

I've decided to invest my money in a time machine, so that all of the Right can pay me, and I will send them all back to 1955 so that they can live happily ever after with June, Ward, Wally and the Beaver, and their next door neighbors, the Nelsons.
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The harm that it does to children is to make homosexuality acceptable and normal. The parent is in charge of the television. Televisions have parental controls. Use them. Parental controls are to be used to screen out objectionable material. Use them for their intended purpose.

You might want to let Disney know that they have been V-Chipped.

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