Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

How come they don't know what a lesbian is? Why is a mom and dad rated G, but a mom and mom is not?

It's not a mom and mom. It's a mom and her lesbian fuck partner.

How do you walk around with so much hate inside you?

She was taught to hate, likely as a child in the context of some religious dogma.

As an adult she’s now the typical arrogant, authoritarian conservative, hostile toward diversity and dissent, seeking to compel conformity.
That's not the point. It's rated G Disney.

That means - or used to - that your kids should be able to watch without coming in and asking what a lesbian is.

That's MY job, not theirs.


“I don’t want Disney telling my children that families headed by same-sex parents are normal and healthy after I’ve taught them to hate homosexuals.”

Do not put words in my mouth Asshole.
It's not a mom and mom. It's a mom and her lesbian fuck partner.

How do you walk around with so much hate inside you?

She was taught to hate, likely as a child in the context of some religious dogma.

As an adult she’s now the typical arrogant, authoritarian conservative, hostile toward diversity and dissent, seeking to compel conformity.

Odd. My parents never mentioned God. Never went to any Church not one time and I don't to this very day.

My study was of history and that is not on your side.
That's not the point. It's rated G Disney.

That means - or used to - that your kids should be able to watch without coming in and asking what a lesbian is.

That's MY job, not theirs.

How come they don't know what a lesbian is? Why is a mom and dad rated G, but a mom and mom is not?

It's not a mom and mom. It's a mom and her lesbian fuck partner.

Typical of the ignorance and hate exhibited by most conservatives, where same-sex couples are perceived only in the context of sex, when in fact their relationships are much more than just physical intimacy.
Any company that has the balls to charge a captive audiance in an amusement park $12 for a hot dog, 1/2 oz. of chips and a fountain drink is not going to be too intimidated by threats of boycotting their TV station.


That does take some balls. Don’t forget to include the fact that you had to pay at least 300 bucks (parents with 1 kid) to walk in the damn door and have the privilege of purchasing that 1w2 dollar dog.

I fucking HATE Disneyland. A bunch of long lines and no fun…

I got paid $1 per hour to chop the roots of the orange trees taken off the property before construction even began.

I was at Disneyland on opening day in a choir that was part of the mass that entertained before Walt and Ronnie cut the ribbon.

I went to Disneyland at least once every three months with my high school choir.

Every time I went home for leave, I made it a point to visit the park.

I've even been to Disney World.

Last time I was there was about 20 years ago and I saw the rust and paint-chipped surfaces then. Haven't been back since and don't plan to go in the future.

The upkeep is pretty damn good at least now but the hype, crowds and cost have all gone through the roof. I remember paying 60 bucks a person (still a lot) and getting access to the entire park. Now they divided the park in 2, charge 2 separate entry fees (or more for a ‘hopper’ pass) and try and bilk you for everything you have.

Last year, I took my son to the LA county fair. He liked the rides BETTER, we all got in for 10 bucks a piece, got a pass for all the rides AND were able to skip all the lines for 100 bucks total. He had a damn BLAST.

Then we went to Disneyland and he fell asleep he was so bored. Un-fucking-believable.
You certainly would! You would be guilty of the worst kind of sin. But that doesn't mean that you can judge someone else as a sinner.

What I believe is that my personal judgment as to what is a sin or not is a judgment of my own actions. I would not accept homosexuality as normal because it would be very sinful for me to do that. However, I do not get to judge someone else as a sinner because they engage in homosexual acts.

That's why I never do that.

um--ok--another reason I am going to H@LL. sort of loling.

but maybe not. Christianity is broad. Guess in my part of H@LL I'll be seeing some pretty nice people of all kinds.

I'm really tired of saying this--but one more time--30%, at least of my neighborhood is gay or lesbian. I just don't care --I don't care---I don't care. Socially liberal and fiscally conservative --make of that what you will.

Don't worry. Presbyterians now ordain noncelebate gays, so if you join one of their churches, you are in tight with god!

lol--living in Atlanta--I have many options/denominations. You could find a specific church in any denomination and hear 'anything'. It has always been this way. 'To love one another'--and certainly you are allowed to decide 'what the Bible says'. So I did.

I've got your history right here!

"The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay community[note 1] against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City. They are widely considered to constitute the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement and the modern fight for gay and lesbian rights in the United States.[2][3]

American gays and lesbians in the 1950s and 1960s faced a legal system more anti-homosexual than those of some Warsaw Pact countries.[note 2][4] Early homophile groups in the U.S. sought to prove that gay people could be assimilated into society, and they favored non-confrontational education for homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. The last years of the 1960s, however, were very contentious, as many social movements were active, including the African American Civil Rights Movement, the Counterculture of the 1960s, and antiwar demonstrations. These influences, along with the liberal environment of Greenwich Village, served as catalysts for the Stonewall riots.

Very few establishments welcomed openly gay people in the 1950s and 1960s. Those that did were often bars, although bar owners and managers were rarely gay. The Stonewall Inn, at the time, was owned by the Mafia.[5][6] It catered to an assortment of patrons, but it was known to be popular with the poorest and most marginalized people in the gay community: drag queens, representatives of a newly self-aware transgender community, effeminate young men, male prostitutes, and homeless youth. Police raids on gay bars were routine in the 1960s, but officers quickly lost control of the situation at the Stonewall Inn, and attracted a crowd that was incited to riot. Tensions between New York City police and gay residents of Greenwich Village erupted into more protests the next evening, and again several nights later. Within weeks, Village residents quickly organized into activist groups to concentrate efforts on establishing places for gays and lesbians to be open about their sexual orientation without fear of being arrested.

After the Stonewall riots, gays and lesbians in New York City faced gender, race, class, and generational obstacles to becoming a cohesive community. Within six months, two gay activist organizations were formed in New York, concentrating on confrontational tactics, and three newspapers were established to promote rights for gays and lesbians. Within a few years, gay rights organizations were founded across the U.S. and the world. On June 28, 1970, the first Gay Pride marches took place in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York commemorating the anniversary of the riots. Similar marches were organized in other cities. Today, Gay Pride events are held annually throughout the world toward the end of June to mark the Stonewall riots.[7]

We now know that gays and lesbians cannot be assimilated into society. It is the entire societyy thst has to change to accommodate them. They cannot exist in a healthy stable society which the historical record proves. Each and every culture that normalized same sex relationships collapsed soon after. More importantly, that value has never been paased on as beneficial. Not once. The healthy culture replaacing the sick one has always prohibited homosexuality usually with an initial slaughter.

Homosexuality does not cause the socital collapse. It's the other way around. By the time a culture accepts and normalizes same sex relationship it is already quite sick and terminal. We all don't have to participate in the corruption. Take care of yourself and move away from the putrid. Don't let it in your home. Don't participate. Use your v chip for Disney.
lol--previous post.

My neighbor is a realtor, among other things. He is selling his house--a Tuscan villa. right in the middle of 50's homes. the neighborhood --happily gentrified.

He has 3 or 4 sisters--best brother in the world. Babysits whenever the need arises. Well loved. Couldn't be kinder.

He is gay.

around here---respect for others--always has been the way and will continue to be the way.
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lol--previous post.

My neighbor is a realtor, among other things. He is selling his house--a Tuscan villa. right in the middle of 50's homes. the neighborhood --happily gentrified.

He has 3 or 4 sisters--best brother in the world. Babysits whenever the need arises. Well loved. Couldn't be kinder.

He is gay.

around here---respect for others--always has been the way and will continue to be the way.

We have a gay couple down the street. The house is known all over the street as the ‘gay house.’ Rather funny to be honest as they have the best lawn and are the go to house on Halloween. They give the real candy bars out – not that fun size garbage. Perfectly integrated and the neighborhood is perfectly happy with them there. Even our religious neighbors like them even though the likes of the people here demand that their opposition to gay marriage is an indication that they ‘hate’ gays.

It is amazing how well people get along with each other as a matter of civility in the real world where political and spiritual beliefs don’t actually translate into visceral hatred.
Homosexuals are not bad people. They are in the main very nice people and homosexuality itself is benign.
Libruls demand to indoctrinate your kids , they know best.. Homosexuality is about the act of sodomy, other sexual perversions.. it's not a race..it's not a biological marker.. it's a lifestyle.. These radical leftists have pushed their agenda and demand complete control over your lives and your kids lives.. Don't buy in to it..Disney depends upon sponsors.. Sponsors depend upon viewers.. if Disney goes ahead with turning a children's channel that has no business selling the sexual lifestyle of others, in to some thing political, time to boycott the channel.
lol--previous post.

My neighbor is a realtor, among other things. He is selling his house--a Tuscan villa. right in the middle of 50's homes. the neighborhood --happily gentrified.

He has 3 or 4 sisters--best brother in the world. Babysits whenever the need arises. Well loved. Couldn't be kinder.

He is gay.

around here---respect for others--always has been the way and will continue to be the way.

We have a gay couple down the street. The house is known all over the street as the ‘gay house.’ Rather funny to be honest as they have the best lawn and are the go to house on Halloween. They give the real candy bars out – not that fun size garbage. Perfectly integrated and the neighborhood is perfectly happy with them there. Even our religious neighbors like them even though the likes of the people here demand that their opposition to gay marriage is an indication that they ‘hate’ gays.

It is amazing how well people get along with each other as a matter of civility in the real world where political and spiritual beliefs don’t actually translate into visceral hatred.

My immediate neighbors are gay. And we like them. And my kids mow their grass and shovel their snow. And they are very nice.

That does not translate into me denying what the Bible clearly says, that their lifestyle is sinful.
lol--previous post.

My neighbor is a realtor, among other things. He is selling his house--a Tuscan villa. right in the middle of 50's homes. the neighborhood --happily gentrified.

He has 3 or 4 sisters--best brother in the world. Babysits whenever the need arises. Well loved. Couldn't be kinder.

He is gay.

around here---respect for others--always has been the way and will continue to be the way.

We have a gay couple down the street. The house is known all over the street as the ‘gay house.’ Rather funny to be honest as they have the best lawn and are the go to house on Halloween. They give the real candy bars out – not that fun size garbage. Perfectly integrated and the neighborhood is perfectly happy with them there. Even our religious neighbors like them even though the likes of the people here demand that their opposition to gay marriage is an indication that they ‘hate’ gays.

It is amazing how well people get along with each other as a matter of civility in the real world where political and spiritual beliefs don’t actually translate into visceral hatred.

My immediate neighbors are gay. And we like them. And my kids mow their grass and shovel their snow. And they are very nice.

That does not translate into me denying what the Bible clearly says, that their lifestyle is sinful.

Never said it did just as my neighbors that are religious do not make any excuses for believing that the lifestyle is a sin.

I was the one that said such belief has nothing to do with hate or dislike considering ALL are sinners. I have no problem with your faith and its views on gay people as long as you do not tray and legislate that belief on the rest of us (something that I have not seen you attempt).
Homosexuals are not bad people. They are in the main very nice people and homosexuality itself is benign.

It is certainly not going to be 'my business'.

The list of things that will never be my business continues to grow.
We have a gay couple down the street. The house is known all over the street as the ‘gay house.’ Rather funny to be honest as they have the best lawn and are the go to house on Halloween. They give the real candy bars out – not that fun size garbage. Perfectly integrated and the neighborhood is perfectly happy with them there. Even our religious neighbors like them even though the likes of the people here demand that their opposition to gay marriage is an indication that they ‘hate’ gays.

It is amazing how well people get along with each other as a matter of civility in the real world where political and spiritual beliefs don’t actually translate into visceral hatred.

My immediate neighbors are gay. And we like them. And my kids mow their grass and shovel their snow. And they are very nice.

That does not translate into me denying what the Bible clearly says, that their lifestyle is sinful.

Never said it did just as my neighbors that are religious do not make any excuses for believing that the lifestyle is a sin.

I was the one that said such belief has nothing to do with hate or dislike considering ALL are sinners. I have no problem with your faith and its views on gay people as long as you do not tray and legislate that belief on the rest of us (something that I have not seen you attempt).

The idea of SIN has to do with religion. In America, you cannot force your religious ideology on others; you get to live by your religious or spiritual beliefs and must allow others to do the same. That's what America is all about,.
My immediate neighbors are gay. And we like them. And my kids mow their grass and shovel their snow. And they are very nice.

That does not translate into me denying what the Bible clearly says, that their lifestyle is sinful.

Never said it did just as my neighbors that are religious do not make any excuses for believing that the lifestyle is a sin.

I was the one that said such belief has nothing to do with hate or dislike considering ALL are sinners. I have no problem with your faith and its views on gay people as long as you do not tray and legislate that belief on the rest of us (something that I have not seen you attempt).

The idea of SIN has to do with religion. In America, you cannot force your religious ideology on others; you get to live by your religious or spiritual beliefs and must allow others to do the same. That's what America is all about,.

We're talking about something Disney is supposedly doing and people of faith saying they don't like it. So what? I'm not religious, but I have no problem with religious people going on line and saying something about it. I have seen nothing in this thread that suggests people are saying Disney should be legislated against doing it. Have you?
Never said it did just as my neighbors that are religious do not make any excuses for believing that the lifestyle is a sin.

I was the one that said such belief has nothing to do with hate or dislike considering ALL are sinners. I have no problem with your faith and its views on gay people as long as you do not tray and legislate that belief on the rest of us (something that I have not seen you attempt).

The idea of SIN has to do with religion. In America, you cannot force your religious ideology on others; you get to live by your religious or spiritual beliefs and must allow others to do the same. That's what America is all about,.

We're talking about something Disney is supposedly doing and people of faith saying they don't like it. So what? I'm not religious, but I have no problem with religious people going on line and saying something about it. I have seen nothing in this thread that suggests people are saying Disney should be legislated against doing it. Have you?


One problem with that, however. Today, when anyone "religious" and by that I mean "Christian" - no other faith is treated like Christians are - speaks out with an opinion contrary to these "enlightened" a&*holes, they go ballistic and begin their "scorched earth" crap.

Christians today are not entitled to an "opinion". If they express one, the left starts that "separation of church and state" crap that they inevitably throw out there to stifle free expression.

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