Zone1 Disney character says “slaves built this country,”

It is more of a non factor than you think.
America has been a country now for 247 years.
Slavery was only legal in America 89 of those years, and only in the south. All of the northern states has abolished slavery only 24 years after America was formed.
And in the south, at least 75% of the population never owned a single slave.
Despite the LUDICROUS and outright absurd claim that 80% of America's GDP in 1860s was slave labor that is being taught in CRT... in reality at it's height roughly 18% was slave labor.
If you Google slave labor, you will see all kinds of stories supporting the assertion this hateful cartoon makes. And they all point back to the absurd lie that 80% of America's GDP was slave built.
That on it's face value should be laughable considering half the nation didn't have ANY slaves.
If slavery was so unimportant to the South, why did they fight a bloody Civil War to keep it? Why did the poor Whites fight to help the rich Whites maintain their slave owning lifestyle?
If slavery was so unimportant to the South, why did they fight a bloody Civil War to keep it? Why did the poor Whites fight to help the rich Whites maintain their slave owning lifestyle?
Where did I say it was unimportant?
Anymore assertions you want to apply to me that I didn't say?

This is what you people do. Someone comes at you with nothing but facts, and you immediately seek to deflect it by applying what you WANT them to say - and then proceed to admonish then for having said it.

Grow up.
If slavery was so unimportant to the South, why did they fight a bloody Civil War to keep it? Why did the poor Whites fight to help the rich Whites maintain their slave owning lifestyle?
Slavery was ending the war was about taxes, and how slavery should eventually end, and culture
Where did I say it was unimportant?
Anymore assertions you want to apply to me that I didn't say?

This is what you people do. Someone comes at you with nothing but facts, and you immediately seek to deflect it by applying what you WANT them to say - and then proceed to admonish then for having said it.

Grow up.
Can't answer the question, huh? If you can't back up what you say, you should keep your mouth shut. :45: Get back to me when you have a good response.
With the undefinable horror of "white supremacy" hanging over "our" heads, it has become impolitic to point out that 90% (or so) of everything worthwhile in this country was created by "white" people. Look at the arts, the sciences, the crafts, literature, music, the infrastructure, architecture, engineering, machinery, name it. It was created and mainly built by "white" people. That doesn't mean that non-"white" people couldn't have contributed - they did - but most of it was by whites. And a lot of what POC's did contribute was facilitated by "white" people who created the venues, reproduced the work product, promoted the work, and made it valuable.

Slaves didn't build anything lasting, or noteworthy. They didn't make the country rich - not even the slave owners. They were rich before they got their slaves.

There is no reason why anyone should be bothered by this. No one who is not "white" is prevented from doing anything creative, productive, or otherwise worthwhile. They are doing it all the time. It just pales in comparison with what has been accomplished by "white" people.
It is more of a non factor than you think.
America has been a country now for 247 years.
Slavery was only legal in America 89 of those years, and only in the south. All of the northern states has abolished slavery only 24 years after America was formed.
And in the south, at least 75% of the population never owned a single slave.
Despite the LUDICROUS and outright absurd claim that 80% of America's GDP in 1860s was slave labor that is being taught in CRT... in reality at it's height roughly 18% was slave labor.
If you Google slave labor, you will see all kinds of stories supporting the assertion this hateful cartoon makes. And they all point back to the absurd lie that 80% of America's GDP was slave built.
That on it's face value should be laughable considering half the nation didn't have ANY slaves.
Much more than half the nation didn’t have slaves. In 1860, there were around 30 million Americans, and 400,000 owned slaves. That would mean that 1.5% owned slaves, and 98.5% did not.

Of course, about 4 million of the 30 million were slaves themselves, meaning it’s 400,000 slaves and 26 million non-enslaved. Still only about 2% owned slaves.
Can't answer the question, huh? If you can't back up what you say, you should keep your mouth shut. :45: Get back to me when you have a good response.
Haha... I posted a paragraph of facts... you try to plant words in my mouth I didn't say, and now go Karen because I won't answer your fallacy!!

Slavery was ending the war was about taxes, and how slavery should eventually end, and culture
:abgg2q.jpg: Slavery was about lots of things, mainly it was about the South wanting the new states (Missouri, Kansas) to be slave states. The South wanted more slave states, and the North didn't. The South did NOT want slavery to end---the system of slavery made lots of millionaires. That's why they fought to keep it.
Much more than half the nation didn’t have slaves. In 1860, there were around 30 million Americans, and 400,000 owned slaves. That would mean that 1.5% owned slaves, and 98.5% did not.

Of course, about 4 million of the 30 million were slaves themselves, meaning it’s 400,000 slaves and 26 million non-enslaved. Still only about 2% owned slaves.
What? I literally said the entire Northern half of the country had ZERO slaves, and at least 75% of the south, where slavery was legal, didnt have slaves.
Can't answer the question, huh? If you can't back up what you say, you should keep your mouth shut. :45: Get back to me when you have a good response.
What the fuck are you talking about, ma'am?
He NEVER SAID that slavery was unimportant thus he has no responsibility to answer your stupid question.
What the fuck are you talking about, ma'am?
He NEVER SAID that slavery was unimportant thus he has no responsibility to answer your stupid question.
Agree. He never said it wasn’t important. But to hear some leftists carry on, it was the most important aspect of American history.
What the fuck are you talking about, ma'am?
He NEVER SAID that slavery was unimportant thus he has no responsibility to answer your stupid question.
probably some snot nosed kid, first year liberal arts major who thinks they know everything.
I would like to share a few facts with you folks. These are things that are in the future of the USA:
1) The descendants of African enslaved people will receive reparations. I don't know exactly when, but it will happen.
2) Whites will become a minority in the USA by 2043. In the under 5 years old category, Whites are already a minority.
3) Fear, ignorance and malice will not help any of us. As Rodney King said, "Can't we all get along?" :11_2_1043:
I would like to share a few facts with you folks. These are things that are in the future of the USA:
1) The descendants of African enslaved people will receive reparations. I don't know exactly when, but it will happen.
2) Whites will become a minority in the USA by 2043. In the under 5 years old category, Whites are already a minority.
3) Fear, ignorance and malice will not help any of us. As Rodney King said, "Can't we all get along?" :11_2_1043:
Less than half of the black population in America have a single ancestor who was a slave in America.
So... they just get free shit? Because?
Secondly... if you think racial problems exist today... if reparations passed and blacks started receiving cash... holy hell.. it would set racial relations all the way back to 1950.

Grow up.
:abgg2q.jpg: Slavery was about lots of things, mainly it was about the South wanting the new states (Missouri, Kansas) to be slave states. The South wanted more slave states, and the North didn't. The South did NOT want slavery to end---the system of slavery made lots of millionaires. That's why they fought to keep it.
Yes ppl wanted to Move to Kansas, blacks were living with them, and by 1860’s many slaves were with the family as family. MAME etc. who was the north to say the baby sitter couldn’t go to Kansas?
If slavery was so unimportant to the South, why did they fight a bloody Civil War to keep it? Why did the poor Whites fight to help the rich Whites maintain their slave owning lifestyle?
The majority of the southerners were fighting because they were told the North invaded.
"Is there anything built by slaves in the US that is still standing?" YES.
1) The White House
2) The Capitol Building
3) Wall Street
4) Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's home)
5) Mount Vernon (George Washington's home)
6) The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home)
7) Most of the old plantation mansions in the South.

The slaves built a lot more than log cabins. This is just a short list of things they built. Most importantly, they created the foundation of America's early wealth. Without the enslavement of Africans, America wouldn't be what it is today.
They didnt "build" them. They did manual labor.

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