Zone1 Disney character says “slaves built this country,”

"The executive producer of this show, Latoya Raveneau—who identifies as a "biromantic asexual"—saying that she is also implementing a "not-at-all-secret gay agenda" and regularly "adding queerness" to children's programming."

Utter poison- directed specifically at children.
...and the pukes at Disney hired the asshole.
The fact is Europeans were the ones that migrated to this country and built it into the great nation it has become.
Sure. Once they got the hang of our new brash go get ‘em zeal.
The fact is Europeans were the ones that migrated to this country and built it into the great nation it has become.

Without the white engineers and white architects, nothing would have been - and certainly not the White House:

No blacks? Then the white laboring class would have done the actual build.

No whites? It wouldn’t have been built at all.
Without the white engineers and white architects, nothing would have been - and certainly not the White House:

No blacks? Then the white laboring class would have done the actual build.

No whites? It wouldn’t have been built at all
The Disney cartoon say that slaves were the inventors and engineers that built this country.
slaves helped build this country, but not alone. To say that would be implying that no other race had jobs or worked, which is preposterous.
Disney has released the second season of “The Proud Family: Louder & Prouder,” a children’s show promoting a Critical Race Theory-inspired interpretation of history.

Clips from the colorful kids cartoon show an ensemble of characters repeating the phrase “slaves built this country,” in reference to the United States.

“Slaves built this country. And we, the descendants of slaves in America, have earned reparations for their suffering. And continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in the systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for,” the characters said.

This is certainly far left racism, and it is certainly false history.
Disney is supposed to be entertainment for children.
But Disney is not safe for children.
Disney is spreading left wing hate, fear and lies.
C'mon, man!

Let Disney say what it wants.

Those poor executives know what they have to propagandize in order to save their jobs.

We all know that reparations are a-coming anyway. Disney or no Disney.

Probably as soon as the Honorable Kamala Harris becomes the 47th president.

(But, please, Madame President, don't use taxpayer money to pay reparations to anyone convicted of a violent crime. That would be so insulting to crime victims.)
C'mon, man!

Let Disney say what it wants.

Those poor executives know what they have to propagandize in order to save their jobs.

We all know that reparations are a-coming anyway. Disney or no Disney.

Probably as soon as the Honorable Kamala Harris becomes the 47th president.

(But, please, Madame President, don't use taxpayer money to pay reparations to anyone convicted of a violent crime. That would be so insulting to crime victims.)
1) Madame President should not use taxpayer money to give out reparations to blacks at all.

2) I was at a store yesterday, looking for an outfit for my niece. I found a cute one and then noticed it has a Disney tag. I put it back and bought something else. Every NORMAL person in this country should boycott all Disney products.

3) I am working on shifting my portfolio into tax-free income, so that by the time reparations come, I will not be an older lady trying to pay for assisted living while having my hard-earned money go to people who were never slaves, and in fact have gained an advantage for having dark skin.
Disney has released the second season of “The Proud Family: Louder & Prouder,” a children’s show promoting a Critical Race Theory-inspired interpretation of history.

Clips from the colorful kids cartoon show an ensemble of characters repeating the phrase “slaves built this country,” in reference to the United States.

“Slaves built this country. And we, the descendants of slaves in America, have earned reparations for their suffering. And continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in the systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for,” the characters said.

This is certainly far left racism, and it is certainly false history.
Disney is supposed to be entertainment for children.
But Disney is not safe for children.
Disney is spreading left wing hate, fear and lies.
I haven't saw this program, "The Proud Family: Louder & Prouder". But everything you quoted them saying is 100% TRUE.
Disney has released the second season of “The Proud Family: Louder & Prouder,” a children’s show promoting a Critical Race Theory-inspired interpretation of history.

Clips from the colorful kids cartoon show an ensemble of characters repeating the phrase “slaves built this country,” in reference to the United States.

“Slaves built this country. And we, the descendants of slaves in America, have earned reparations for their suffering. And continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in the systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for,” the characters said.

This is certainly far left racism, and it is certainly false history.
Disney is supposed to be entertainment for children.
But Disney is not safe for children.
Disney is spreading left wing hate, fear and lies.
But... but....but... CRT doesn't exist!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slaves did some manual labor, but they were certainly not skilled enough to make anything of particular greatness. I mean, is there any structure built solely by slaves in the US that is still standing? If there is, I cant imagine it would be anything very special. Maybe some old log cabins or something? Slaves HELPED build the White House, but they didnt do the skilled labor. Slaves only did unskilled manual labor.

Its like proclaiming that some new kid on the job who moved heavy shit around in wheel barrels, "built this skyscraper". No, he didnt build shit, but he helped the men who did build it.
"Is there anything built by slaves in the US that is still standing?" YES.
1) The White House
2) The Capitol Building
3) Wall Street
4) Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's home)
5) Mount Vernon (George Washington's home)
6) The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home)
7) Most of the old plantation mansions in the South.

The slaves built a lot more than log cabins. This is just a short list of things they built. Most importantly, they created the foundation of America's early wealth. Without the enslavement of Africans, America wouldn't be what it is today.
Slavery was a part of our history and did play a roll in the economy of our society. That is a fact. I don't believe it is the majority of what built this country but it isn't a nonfactor.
It is more of a non factor than you think.
America has been a country now for 247 years.
Slavery was only legal in America 89 of those years, and only in the south. All of the northern states has abolished slavery only 24 years after America was formed.
And in the south, at least 75% of the population never owned a single slave.
Despite the LUDICROUS and outright absurd claim that 80% of America's GDP in 1860s was slave labor that is being taught in CRT... in reality at it's height roughly 18% was slave labor.
If you Google slave labor, you will see all kinds of stories supporting the assertion this hateful cartoon makes. And they all point back to the absurd lie that 80% of America's GDP was slave built.
That on it's face value should be laughable considering half the nation didn't have ANY slaves.

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