Disney To Boy Scouts: You're Not Welcome

So...gay scoutmasters are child molesters? Really?

Who here was in the scouts? Who here knew what their scoutmaster did in the bedroom and with what sex? And most inportantly, who was molested my their scoutmaster?

Raise of hands please.

What makes you think what happened in the Catholic church can't happen to the scouts? Why can't it?
Democrats and the freedom of speech and expression, first New York State and City, now Disneyland. All within a month..

Light the candles at the internment camps..The freedom loving Democrats are coming for you.

Notice how they are all in love with BIG CORPORATIONS throwing their weight around to squash people's freedoms of speech, Religion and if you have different VIEWS than theirs?
Disney Will End Funding To Boy Scouts Over Anti-Gay Policy

Good. The war against homophobia and hatred continues. Time to embrace the 21st century.

Was thinking about this the other day. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Ban heterosexuals from being scout leaders since men into women are 'half as manly' as mren into other men. And if scouts are a monosex organization teaching boys how to be men, shouldn't that be from men who enjoy sex with men? Two men together is twice as manly as a man+woman right? :)

More realistically, when the US military has gotten over it in policy if not their hearts too, might be time for scouts and everyone else to do similarly.

Lol. ..proves how diverse we are. ..what kind of prissy old fuddy duddy wears sweater shirts anymore????

Yes and those flowers don't even match the dress


Know what?

I'm sitting here in my red t-shirt that we have to wear to make us noticeable during gay days at Disney so you breeders can cover your little shits eyes and rush them off to the protective arms of Goofy (firmly grasping your little daughter's prepubescent boobie) and YES. I'M SERIOUSLY LAUGHING MY QUEER ASS OFF AT YOU BIGOTED, HOMOPHOBIC IDIOTS!


Know what ... Only a true fool would allow Disney to dress them up in a red shirt so they can feel appreciated for a day.
You put the shirt on fool and you don't have to ... If you want to be treated like everyone else then tell them to stuff their shirt where the sun don't shine.

Only a fricken freak would watch an adult fondle a prepubescent child and find it something to laugh their ass off about ... Instead of doing something about it (perhaps they should give you a yellow shirt).
People don't have to be homophobic to be disgusted by the likes of you ... Thank goodness you only represent a small portion of the homosexual community.

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So...gay scoutmasters are child molesters? Really?

Who here was in the scouts? Who here knew what their scoutmaster did in the bedroom and with what sex? And most inportantly, who was molested my their scoutmaster?

Raise of hands please.

What makes you think what happened in the Catholic church can't happen to the scouts? Why can't it?

It already has , and the scouts tried to fight back, but the Liberals and Queers have been beating them up for it.

The liberal left for quite some time has been doing everything within its power to crush the Boy Scouts of America. There has been concerted and orchestrated efforts to bend the Boy Scouts to the demands of Liberalism. Unlike the Girl Scouts which has long since been commandeered by the Leftists and Lesbians, the Boy Scouts have remained steadfast in their opposition to allowing homosexuality to encroach upon their upstanding organization, and rightfully so. Boy Scouts, over the years have been victimized by homosexual pedophiles.

...Boy Scout leader Floyd Slusher allegedly had a strategy of molesting boys: He plied his victims with alcohol, reminiscent of the Michael Jackson 'Jesus Juice', then sodomized them and threatened to kill anyone who talked. Testimony regarding a 1976 case reveals that Slusher told a Boy Scout, as he stripped the child naked that "what I'm going to do now, if I get arrested, ... I'll come after you and your family." There were many other victims, one investigator conceded that there were too many victims to even interview them all.

Floyd Slusher was among those named in 1,247 files on pedophiles that the Boy Scouts kept 'in the closet' until they were released under a Oregon circuit judges orders. The incidents covered only the period between 1965 and 1985 and underlines the Boy Scouts long and tedious struggle to keep pedophiles and perverts out of its ranks.

War against the Boy Scouts.

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Yea my comment wasn't as glamorous as belittling an entire population of people but you know... I can definitely stand behind it :thup:
What does this have to do with homosexuality being a perversion and aberration, or with speaking such truths, while rejecting self-serving allegations of hatred?

You're set in your ways. And that's fine. Thank goodness your ways are a generation or two away from being completely eradicated :thup:
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure... any sign of those Biblical condemnations of homosexuality being completely eradicated yet? Any sign of the ancient thousands-of-years-old condemnatory teachings pertaining to homosexuality, of the mainstream religions of The Book, being eradicated yet? Out amongst the mainstream population, and away from the metrosexual fruitcake urban regions where most of the support/oppose public polling is done.

Don't be deceived by temporary successes on the legal front, nor even the laizze faire attitude of a single Pope or Archbishop or such. And don't count on the support of Generation A or B for very long, as they age and have children of their own, and reach the conclusion that they don't want that vile shit around their own children and other family.

In the end, they're the 97% (hetero), and they, too, will grow tired of the 3% and its petulant whining and vile public manifestations of perverse sexual behaviors and their (for now) bullying political and social agenda. Thought Police - of any kind - never last long, in the face of a vast majority that do not think the same way the Thought Police do.

Enjoy your moments in the sun while they last, because your sun is already setting (Chick Fil A, Duck Dynasty, and other popular uprisings and outpourings of support for the victims of the Gay Lobby's bullying), and sundown (reversals of some of what has been achieved, and viable legal work-arounds)) is not as far off as you delude yourself into believing.
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Don't the boy scouts now admit gays? Or is it that the BSA still won't allow child rapists to be scoutmasters?

It’s because you and the BSA exhibit the same ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

yes the BSA is a hate group.

All the other good that they do and stand for is meaningless b/c they refuse to conform to 3% of the society.

and they really should let convicted child molesters be scout leaders, it's just another for of hate and discrimination to not let them
If you want to attack 48 percent of the non-adult market and go after 52 percent then you don't have 100 percent of the market. It means you are losing money because you take sides.

I'm confused. Where's the attack?

They said they would no long fund the Boy Scouts. It is their money. Don't they have the right to do with it what they want?

Do the Boy Scouts have the right to demand that Disney continue to fund them forever?

Personally, I think Disney's decision sucks, but it is not my money. I'm not going to boycott Disney because of this decision... of course, I refuse to fork out $100/person/day to go to a theme park that has shitty roller coasters anyway. It is not like they are going to miss any revenue from me. :D

What is a theme park without any roller coasters? :badgrin:

Disney has been on board promoting the Gay Agenda for some time now Have you ever heard of Gay Days at Disney - at the height of tourist season families with young children - the families are not warned by Disney but are ambushed when they arrive at the park and are assaulted by hoards of fruit cakes - try explaining the shit they have to contend with to a 5 or 6 year old. But the faggots get a good laugh at the families expense .

Have you ever been to Florida? Early June is not the "height of the tourist season" by any stretch of the imagination.

Disney World Attendance: Busiest (and Least Crowded) Times of the Year

And Gay Days have been going on since 1991. If you don't know they go on, move out from the rock you've been living under.
Know what?

I'm sitting here in my red t-shirt that we have to wear to make us noticeable during gay days at Disney so you breeders can cover your little shits eyes and rush them off to the protective arms of Goofy (firmly grasping your little daughter's prepubescent boobie) and YES. I'M SERIOUSLY LAUGHING MY QUEER ASS OFF AT YOU BIGOTED, HOMOPHOBIC IDIOTS!


Know what ... Only a true fool would allow Disney to dress them up in a red shirt so they can feel appreciated for a day.
You put the shirt on fool and you don't have to ... If you want to be treated like everyone else then tell them to stuff their shirt where the sun don't shine.

Only a fricken freak would watch an adult fondle a prepubescent child and find it something to laugh their ass off about ... Instead of doing something about it (perhaps they should give you a yellow shirt).
People don't have to be homophobic to be disgusted by the likes of you ... Thank goodness you only represent a small portion of the homosexual community.


What's sad is they either don't know or care Disney is USING them to make millions off of them

Letting Disney dictate and dress them up.... doesn't speak, PRIDE to me...It speak's being USED
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Don't the boy scouts now admit gays? Or is it that the BSA still won't allow child rapists to be scoutmasters?

It’s because you and the BSA exhibit the same ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

yes the BSA is a hate group.

All the other good that they do and stand for is meaningless b/c they refuse to conform to 3% of the society.

and they really should let convicted child molesters be scout leaders, it's just another for of hate and discrimination to not let them

Gosh, attempting to equate gays with pedophiles. How original. Did you come up with that all on your own?
I'd like to point out some standard hypocrassy of liberals.

They demand the BSA allow 3% of the population in, while allowing the NAACP to keep 70% of the population out.

Just keep in mind that liberals don't give a fuck about equality, it's all about tearing down an honorable organisation, and nothing else.
It’s because you and the BSA exhibit the same ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

yes the BSA is a hate group.

All the other good that they do and stand for is meaningless b/c they refuse to conform to 3% of the society.

and they really should let convicted child molesters be scout leaders, it's just another for of hate and discrimination to not let them

Gosh, attempting to equate gays with pedophiles. How original. Did you come up with that all on your own?

I didn't.

I pointed out the fact that they don't allow such people in either. Even though there are very few of them, they still have a standing policy of discrimination against them.

and let me know when you are ready to demand the naacp give scholarships to white kids
yes the BSA is a hate group.

All the other good that they do and stand for is meaningless b/c they refuse to conform to 3% of the society.

and they really should let convicted child molesters be scout leaders, it's just another for of hate and discrimination to not let them

Gosh, attempting to equate gays with pedophiles. How original. Did you come up with that all on your own?

I didn't.

I pointed out the fact that they don't allow such people in either. Even though there are very few of them, they still have a standing policy of discrimination against them.

and let me know when you are ready to demand the naacp give scholarships to white kids

But when you say "either" you are equating the two. There is no reason to keep gay scoutleaders out. It's even more ridiculous to let a gay kid be a scout...just to kick them out of the group when they turn 18.

Does Disney give the NAACP money? I'm not sure what the point of your non sequitur is.
Gosh, attempting to equate gays with pedophiles. How original. Did you come up with that all on your own?

I didn't.

I pointed out the fact that they don't allow such people in either. Even though there are very few of them, they still have a standing policy of discrimination against them.

and let me know when you are ready to demand the naacp give scholarships to white kids

But when you say "either" you are equating the two. There is no reason to keep gay scoutleaders out. It's even more ridiculous to let a gay kid be a scout...just to kick them out of the group when they turn 18.

Does Disney give the NAACP money? I'm not sure what the point of your non sequitur is.

you're not that dim

The only reason the BSA gets shit on is b/c gays are a dem special interest group like minorities are, so the naacp gets a pass for discriminating against 70% of use while the BSA get shit on for discrimination against 3%

oh and fyi; Freedom of association

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