Disney To Boy Scouts: You're Not Welcome

Disney Will End Funding To Boy Scouts Over Anti-Gay Policy

Good. The war against homophobia and hatred continues. Time to embrace the 21st century.

I have no problem with it, Disney can do whatever they want with their money. This thread is proof positive again though, that liberals love their own forms of discrimination.... :thup:

Always have...Gay hair stylist drops New Mexico governor as client because she opposes same-sex marriage* - NY Daily News
Disney Will End Funding To Boy Scouts Over Anti-Gay Policy

Good. The war against homophobia and hatred continues. Time to embrace the 21st century.

I have no problem with it, Disney can do whatever they want with their money. This thread is proof positive again though, that liberals love their own forms of discrimination.... :thup:

Just curious, would you have a problem with the Boy Scouts if they denied entry to black boys?

Curious or itching to play the race card? To answer your question, yep, i'd have a big problem with it.

I've had a problem with Disney in general though ever since the Ravens won the Super Bowl in 2001 and they wouldn't let Ray Lewis (the game MVP) do the going to Disney World commercial, fucking racists........
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Just curious, would you have a problem with the Boy Scouts if they denied entry to black boys?

who is Disney denying entrance too?...

Disney is ending their funding to the Boy Scouts due to the Boy Scouts treatment of gay members. Why are you lost on this? A lot of people think it's okay for an organization to deny gays membership, so shouldn't organizations also be permitted to deny blacks membership?

Private association can deny entrance to anyone.

When a private organization like BSA, though, accepts donations from public and private organizations, those organizations can stop giving for any or no reason.
Could one of these children be your?

Kids React to Gay Marriage - YouTube

Are you ^^ celebrating the indoctrinization of children into liking homosexuality? Are you celebrating the slow seeping of the LGBT cult values into subsequent generations via youth? Are you happy their little minds are softening against their visceral reactions to that which is unseemly behind the backs and protection of their custodians and parents?

That's just like what a pedophile does and celebrates when grooming his targets to accept mentally what will eventually be done to them physically. In fact, "grooming" is such an art form to pedophiles that they will sometimes devote years to a specific target or targets while pretending to have that child or children's best interest in mind.

Hmmm... Teaching kids to like homosexuality to "prevent bullying" in schools starts to sound like a trojan horse to me..

The worship of the cult of LGBT of the serial pedophile Harvey Milk is starting to make sense now...

Gays forcing kids in California in schools every May 22nd to worship that pedophile Harvey Milk is taking on a very insidious hue...
Carry on.

You continue to stroll in la la land.
Disney Will End Funding To Boy Scouts Over Anti-Gay Policy

Good. The war against homophobia and hatred continues. Time to embrace the 21st century.
Homophobia and hatred.....nope, I have gay friends. But, my beliefs lie in line with the Bible. Sorry to burst you bubble.

And the 1st Amendment protects those beliefs. The warnings in Jude 1 and Romans 1 are nothing to mess around with. Good for you. Stand your ground without hating. :eusa_hand:

...and, I should add, without fear of being labeled as a 'hater' (or worse) - simply because you are standing up for what you believe to be right - guided by thousands of years of religious teachings and interpretation - by those with a vested interest in seeing your viewpoint silenced or discredited.
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Walt Disney was a devout Nazi. He'd have probably hired the boy scouts to start heating up the ovens

"devout"? No. His interest in Germany and its politics was probably related to his desire to expand his film business. Your comment about Boy Scouts and ovens is ludicrous.

He was anti-Semitic, anti-communist, anti-union.

He was a far right reactonary of the time.

Mary Poppins was about a street beggar giving children LSD while the jews (the bankers in the film) ruined the characters lives.

Sounds like dimocrap libturd propaganda to me. NAMBLA probably funded the whole thing

wtf??? you need psychiatric help ASAP.
Disney has been on board promoting the Gay Agenda for some time now Have you ever heard of Gay Days at Disney - at the height of tourist season families with young children - the families are not warned by Disney but are ambushed when they arrive at the park and are assaulted by hoards of fruit cakes - try explaining the shit they have to contend with to a 5 or 6 year old. But the faggots get a good laugh at the families expense .

Have you ever been to Florida? Early June is not the "height of the tourist season" by any stretch of the imagination.

Disney World Attendance: Busiest (and Least Crowded) Times of the Year

And Gay Days have been going on since 1991. If you don't know they go on, move out from the rock you've been living under.

SeaHag, I see you're done licking your wounds -or whatever it is you've been licking and decided to crawl out from under that Rock you've been hiding under :badgrin:

Walt Disney World's Best Times to Visit

Walt Disney World® has peak and off-peak times of the year:

Highest Attendance:

Mid-June through Labor Day

Close Enough Sweety

I don't lick wounds, (especially when none have been inflicted) I lick pussy.

No, it's not "close enough". Close only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes. The first week in June is not the "height of tourist season" and repeating the lie does not make it true.
"devout"? No. His interest in Germany and its politics was probably related to his desire to expand his film business. Your comment about Boy Scouts and ovens is ludicrous.

He was anti-Semitic, anti-communist, anti-union.

He was a far right reactonary of the time.

Mary Poppins was about a street beggar giving children LSD while the jews (the bankers in the film) ruined the characters lives.

Sounds like dimocrap libturd propaganda to me. NAMBLA probably funded the whole thing

wtf??? you need psychiatric help ASAP.

I was role playing
SO Disney is willing to hurt gay boys who are Scouts because there aren't Gay leaders.


I know I'm done spending any money that goes to Disney's coffers.
who is Disney denying entrance too?...

Disney is ending their funding to the Boy Scouts due to the Boy Scouts treatment of gay members. Why are you lost on this? A lot of people think it's okay for an organization to deny gays membership, so shouldn't organizations also be permitted to deny blacks membership?

Blacks are a race, Gays are a Dementia


The way I'd explain the difference:
for the homosexual behavior that isn't natural but caused by sexual abuse,
spiritual healing of the abuse has been applied to heal people who were naturally heterosexual, and return them to their original state as they were spiritually born.

(NOTE: This does not necessarily work for people who were spiritually made to live out their lives as homosexual and not change from that orientation.)

However, when spiritual healing is applied to racial injuries and injustice,
the INJURIES are healed as with other forms of abuse, but the person

So in both cases, spiritual healing works to heal people,
but I have never heard of anyone changing to another race after they were healed
as I have of people changing from homosexual back to heterosexual if that was their normal state. (And I have a friend who changed and came out as transgender as his natural state after he went through spiritual healing. orientation can change but not race.)
who is Disney denying entrance too?...

Disney is ending their funding to the Boy Scouts due to the Boy Scouts treatment of gay members. Why are you lost on this? A lot of people think it's okay for an organization to deny gays membership, so shouldn't organizations also be permitted to deny blacks membership?

Blacks are a race, Gays are a Dementia


dementia? really? wow. so much for progress. lets implement slavery again.:cuckoo:
Have you ever been to Florida? Early June is not the "height of the tourist season" by any stretch of the imagination.

Disney World Attendance: Busiest (and Least Crowded) Times of the Year

And Gay Days have been going on since 1991. If you don't know they go on, move out from the rock you've been living under.

SeaHag, I see you're done licking your wounds -or whatever it is you've been licking and decided to crawl out from under that Rock you've been hiding under :badgrin:

Walt Disney World's Best Times to Visit

Walt Disney World® has peak and off-peak times of the year:

Highest Attendance:

Mid-June through Labor Day

Close Enough Sweety

I don't lick wounds, (especially when none have been inflicted) I lick pussy.

No, it's not "close enough". Close only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes. The first week in June is not the "height of tourist season" and repeating the lie does not make it true.

As usual the queer girl ignores the facts so long as she doesn't feel guilty sucking on her sushi . You know damn well the queers are working feverishly to infiltrate and commandeer upstanding organizations such as the Boy Scouts . They already done it with the Gil SCouts and now they are even attempting to take over NASA The word is they want to get to Uranus !!!!
Disney is ending their funding to the Boy Scouts due to the Boy Scouts treatment of gay members. Why are you lost on this? A lot of people think it's okay for an organization to deny gays membership, so shouldn't organizations also be permitted to deny blacks membership?

Blacks are a race, Gays are a Dementia


dementia? really? wow. so much for progress. lets implement slavery again.:cuckoo:

Oh here we go again- another ignorant pompous Libtard -thats another thread sweety - try looking up "Is homosexuality a mental disorder" on USMB perhaps you could be enlightened a tad . Hey you aren't another SeaHag sock puppet are you ?

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SeaHag, I see you're done licking your wounds -or whatever it is you've been licking and decided to crawl out from under that Rock you've been hiding under :badgrin:

Walt Disney World's Best Times to Visit

Walt Disney World® has peak and off-peak times of the year:

Highest Attendance:

Mid-June through Labor Day

Close Enough Sweety

I don't lick wounds, (especially when none have been inflicted) I lick pussy.

No, it's not "close enough". Close only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes. The first week in June is not the "height of tourist season" and repeating the lie does not make it true.

As usual the queer girl ignores the facts so long as she doesn't feel guilty sucking on her sushi . You know damn well the queers are working feverishly to infiltrate and commandeer upstanding organizations such as the Boy Scouts . They already done it with the Gil SCouts and now they are even attempting to take over NASA The word is they want to get to Uranus !!!!

They're just doing the same thing they do every night pinky, trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!
I don't lick wounds, (especially when none have been inflicted) I lick pussy.

No, it's not "close enough". Close only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes. The first week in June is not the "height of tourist season" and repeating the lie does not make it true.

As usual the queer girl ignores the facts so long as she doesn't feel guilty sucking on her sushi . You know damn well the queers are working feverishly to infiltrate and commandeer upstanding organizations such as the Boy Scouts . They already done it with the Gil SCouts and now they are even attempting to take over NASA The word is they want to get to Uranus !!!!

They're just doing the same thing they do every night pinky, trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!

Hey Old School - I gotta admit your posts are generally a crock of shit but that last one was finally a hit.

Ya See - It's like the old adage about a Million Monkeys at a Million Typewriters - eventually they come up with something good

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