Disney To Boy Scouts: You're Not Welcome

Bodocea , we've already had this discussion on another thread , you lost you got anhilated and stomped on. You want a repeat of that ?

Odd how I recall the ending of that conversation quite differently. I've been to Gay Days...it's about being with people that won't give you dirty looks if you hold hands with your wife or husband. It's comraderie...it's the rides, the fun....

Now...tell me how many Gay Days you've been to at Disneyland or Disney World and what did you personally experience on one of those days.

Odd how I recall the ending of that conversation quite differently.

Ignorance must be Bliss - huh Bodocea, you got the stuffing stomped out of you and your simply too intellectually challenged to even realize it - I hate to tell you this pal - but your inferiority complex is fully justified. Don't worry though Bod. people aren't laughing with you - they're laughing at you. ... fruit cake

“Go get a room."

That’s exactly what I feel like yelling this time every year as Gay Days descend upon Orlando. I know that during the first week in June, unsuspecting families and otherwise good and reasonable people will, at times, be confronted with images and events they would probably rather not see or experience on their family vacation. These people paid to visit Disney World, but during the first week in June, it looks a lot more like South Beach.

For the record, I’m a 42-year old gay man living in Orlando. I’ve been to Gay Days before, and thought it was a little bit over the top, but always bit my lip – especially here on the site. This year though, it just seems completely out of control, and I wanted to get this off my chest.

I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency.

No matter how prudish that last sentence may sound, trust me – I’m no prude. I have a liberal streak that cuts through me like a hot knife through butter, but I like to think that I was raised with a certain sense of decency and a pretty good sense of right and wrong. There is a time and a place for everything, and Disney World is neither in this instance.

Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

I can’t help but think of, and feel sorry for – the unsuspecting family who saved for years for a once in a lifetime trip – only to arrive and find that Disney had in fact, been invaded by he-women and shaved down muscle boys. By itself that would not be a problem, but the sheer number of people who seem to go out of their way to rub their sexuality in everyones face during this ‘event’ is nothing short of disgraceful. Is the Magic Kingdom REALLY the place for a 5 year old to ask his father why those two men are kissing? Is it really up to any person to decide for that parent when, or if, they will have that conversation with their child? I’ve always believed the best way we, as gay men and lesbians, could further our cause was to simply live our lives openly, and with dignity. Not hide in shame, and not force our beliefs or lifestyle down anyone else's throat. I don’t like it when I hear pompous windbags telling me I’m going to burn in hell for being gay, and I’m sure most of the free world would appreciate a visit to Disney World that did not include the vision of grown men in go-go shorts, and ads for lubricant prominently displayed throughout the host hotel. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of ‘image’ at the host hotel (this year it was the Sheraton World on International Drive)– the line of beer trucks outside the resort was a nice touch, and the liquor kiosks and condom ads every 5 feet will certainly not further the image of us as a bunch of drunken sex fiends.

The argument is often put forth that since Christian groups congregate at Disney World, why not us? Fair enough, except that the ‘Night of Joy’ (the Christian concert that takes place at the Magic Kingdom each year) is a hard ticket event – meaning that it’s not open to the public, and requires separate admission. The Magic Kingdom is closed down to the public at a certain time, and only those people that CHOOSE to be there are allowed in. Families that come to the Magic Kingdom on Gay Days are not afforded the luxury of choice. Since Disney does not sanction the event, it’s not mentioned anywhere, or to anyone booking a reservation during that week. If “Gay Day” at the Magic Kingdom was a hard ticket event like the Night of Joy, sign me up. But it’s not – it’s far from it. Trust me, if a religious group organized 100,000 Christians to go and ‘make yourself known’ in the Magic Kingdom one day a year – and began rubbing their lifestyles in the faces of visitors by preaching to them as they tried to ride Space Mountain – plenty of people would be up in arms.

Then there is the issue of drugs. It is widely known throughout the gay community in Orlando that if you want good drugs and great sex, the first week of June is a great time to visit. So much so, that the Orange County Sheriff's office found it necessary to station deputies and drug sniffing dogs in the lobby of the host hotel. And before the oppression chorus starts warming up, just get real – we all know that it goes on in droves during gay week – and it’s not ‘oppression’ if it’s justified. I don’t mean to imply that every person attending gay days is a drug crazed lunatic – the vast majority are not – but no one in the gay community can deny how pervasive this problem is, and the problem travels with us.

Now, I have to tell you I’m uncomfortable writing this. In the years I’ve had this site, I’ve never used it to espouse my beliefs – political or otherwise, and I doubt seriously I ever will again. But, I know a little something about Disney, and as a gay man – I feel I had something to say on this issue – something that should be said, something that many good, decent and reasonable people feel – but will never openly express for fear of ‘political incorrectness’.

I’m also more than a little fed up. I’m fed up with the world thinking that this is what being gay in America is all about – it’s not. I’m fed up that those of us with some sense of ourselves outside of circuit parties and body building are painted with this tawdry brush. But most of all, I’m fed up with watching a place I love get defiled by the kind of twisted nonsense that routinely takes place during Gay Days. The Magic Kingdom is not the place to make a stand, or to further an agenda. While Disney does not openly promote or discourage the event, I know that many inside the mouse house dread its arrival every year. It’s a political land mine and Disney does their best to walk it very carefully. In my mind, Disney already does it right. I’ve stayed at Disney hotels, sailed on the Disney Cruise Line and probably eaten in every restaurant on Disney property – on both coasts– and done all of it with my male partner. NEVER ONCE was I treated any differently than any other guest – it was a non issue – the way it should be. That’s Disney's policy and it’s a good one. In return for that, my partner and I act appropriately when we’re in public – the way any couple should – straight or gay.

And before I get any emails from my gay brethren calling me a ‘self loathing aunt tom’ (someone actually called me that once), let me be clear – I’m proud of who and what I am. I just don’t feel the need to force feed it to the world in that way. Disney is a place where reality is suspended, at least for a time. It’s not a place for anyone’s political agenda – right or left. Keep Key West in Key West – and let Disney be Disney.

Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

Lol! That was a type of point-counterpoint discussion on the Disney forum...get this...ADVERTISING GAY DAYS!
I'm confused. Where's the attack?

They said they would no long fund the Boy Scouts. It is their money. Don't they have the right to do with it what they want?

Do the Boy Scouts have the right to demand that Disney continue to fund them forever?

Personally, I think Disney's decision sucks, but it is not my money. I'm not going to boycott Disney because of this decision... of course, I refuse to fork out $100/person/day to go to a theme park that has shitty roller coasters anyway. It is not like they are going to miss any revenue from me. :D

What is a theme park without any roller coasters? :badgrin:

Disney has been on board promoting the Gay Agenda for some time now Have you ever heard of Gay Days at Disney - at the height of tourist season families with young children - the families are not warned by Disney but are ambushed when they arrive at the park and are assaulted by hoards of fruit cakes - try explaining the shit they have to contend with to a 5 or 6 year old. But the faggots get a good laugh at the families expense .

Know what?

I'm sitting here in my red t-shirt that we have to wear to make us noticeable during gay days at Disney so you breeders can cover your little shits eyes and rush them off to the protective arms of Goofy (firmly grasping your little daughter's prepubescent boobie) and YES. I'M SERIOUSLY LAUGHING MY QUEER ASS OFF AT YOU BIGOTED, HOMOPHOBIC IDIOTS!


I have quite a few gay friends. I have posted alongside gay folks for years. Only 1 beats you in the obnoxious department when it comes to message boards. But you are a very close second.

Ever think that your rude attitude is what turns people off...and not your sexual preferences?

With that said....I wonder just how many have actually seen 50,000 couples groping each other. Perhaps it was after graduation day and they were all high schoolers. Or straights. Personally, I have never seen 50,000 gay people acting out in a crude manner. Except when I see NTG's posts.
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Bodocea , we've already had this discussion on another thread , you lost you got anhilated and stomped on. You want a repeat of that ?

Odd how I recall the ending of that conversation quite differently. I've been to Gay Days...it's about being with people that won't give you dirty looks if you hold hands with your wife or husband. It's comraderie...it's the rides, the fun....

Now...tell me how many Gay Days you've been to at Disneyland or Disney World and what did you personally experience on one of those days.

Odd how I recall the ending of that conversation quite differently.

Ignorance must be Bliss - huh Bodocea, you got the stuffing stomped out of you and your simply too intellectually challenged to even realize it - I hate to tell you this pal - but your inferiority complex is fully justified. Don't worry though Bod. people aren't laughing with you - they're laughing at you. ... fruit cake

“Go get a room."

That’s exactly what I feel like yelling this time every year as Gay Days descend upon Orlando. I know that during the first week in June, unsuspecting families and otherwise good and reasonable people will, at times, be confronted with images and events they would probably rather not see or experience on their family vacation. These people paid to visit Disney World, but during the first week in June, it looks a lot more like South Beach.

For the record, I’m a 42-year old gay man living in Orlando. I’ve been to Gay Days before, and thought it was a little bit over the top, but always bit my lip – especially here on the site. This year though, it just seems completely out of control, and I wanted to get this off my chest.

I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency.

No matter how prudish that last sentence may sound, trust me – I’m no prude. I have a liberal streak that cuts through me like a hot knife through butter, but I like to think that I was raised with a certain sense of decency and a pretty good sense of right and wrong. There is a time and a place for everything, and Disney World is neither in this instance.

Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

I can’t help but think of, and feel sorry for – the unsuspecting family who saved for years for a once in a lifetime trip – only to arrive and find that Disney had in fact, been invaded by he-women and shaved down muscle boys. By itself that would not be a problem, but the sheer number of people who seem to go out of their way to rub their sexuality in everyones face during this ‘event’ is nothing short of disgraceful. Is the Magic Kingdom REALLY the place for a 5 year old to ask his father why those two men are kissing? Is it really up to any person to decide for that parent when, or if, they will have that conversation with their child? I’ve always believed the best way we, as gay men and lesbians, could further our cause was to simply live our lives openly, and with dignity. Not hide in shame, and not force our beliefs or lifestyle down anyone else's throat. I don’t like it when I hear pompous windbags telling me I’m going to burn in hell for being gay, and I’m sure most of the free world would appreciate a visit to Disney World that did not include the vision of grown men in go-go shorts, and ads for lubricant prominently displayed throughout the host hotel. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of ‘image’ at the host hotel (this year it was the Sheraton World on International Drive)– the line of beer trucks outside the resort was a nice touch, and the liquor kiosks and condom ads every 5 feet will certainly not further the image of us as a bunch of drunken sex fiends.

The argument is often put forth that since Christian groups congregate at Disney World, why not us? Fair enough, except that the ‘Night of Joy’ (the Christian concert that takes place at the Magic Kingdom each year) is a hard ticket event – meaning that it’s not open to the public, and requires separate admission. The Magic Kingdom is closed down to the public at a certain time, and only those people that CHOOSE to be there are allowed in. Families that come to the Magic Kingdom on Gay Days are not afforded the luxury of choice. Since Disney does not sanction the event, it’s not mentioned anywhere, or to anyone booking a reservation during that week. If “Gay Day” at the Magic Kingdom was a hard ticket event like the Night of Joy, sign me up. But it’s not – it’s far from it. Trust me, if a religious group organized 100,000 Christians to go and ‘make yourself known’ in the Magic Kingdom one day a year – and began rubbing their lifestyles in the faces of visitors by preaching to them as they tried to ride Space Mountain – plenty of people would be up in arms.

Then there is the issue of drugs. It is widely known throughout the gay community in Orlando that if you want good drugs and great sex, the first week of June is a great time to visit. So much so, that the Orange County Sheriff's office found it necessary to station deputies and drug sniffing dogs in the lobby of the host hotel. And before the oppression chorus starts warming up, just get real – we all know that it goes on in droves during gay week – and it’s not ‘oppression’ if it’s justified. I don’t mean to imply that every person attending gay days is a drug crazed lunatic – the vast majority are not – but no one in the gay community can deny how pervasive this problem is, and the problem travels with us.

Now, I have to tell you I’m uncomfortable writing this. In the years I’ve had this site, I’ve never used it to espouse my beliefs – political or otherwise, and I doubt seriously I ever will again. But, I know a little something about Disney, and as a gay man – I feel I had something to say on this issue – something that should be said, something that many good, decent and reasonable people feel – but will never openly express for fear of ‘political incorrectness’.

I’m also more than a little fed up. I’m fed up with the world thinking that this is what being gay in America is all about – it’s not. I’m fed up that those of us with some sense of ourselves outside of circuit parties and body building are painted with this tawdry brush. But most of all, I’m fed up with watching a place I love get defiled by the kind of twisted nonsense that routinely takes place during Gay Days. The Magic Kingdom is not the place to make a stand, or to further an agenda. While Disney does not openly promote or discourage the event, I know that many inside the mouse house dread its arrival every year. It’s a political land mine and Disney does their best to walk it very carefully. In my mind, Disney already does it right. I’ve stayed at Disney hotels, sailed on the Disney Cruise Line and probably eaten in every restaurant on Disney property – on both coasts– and done all of it with my male partner. NEVER ONCE was I treated any differently than any other guest – it was a non issue – the way it should be. That’s Disney's policy and it’s a good one. In return for that, my partner and I act appropriately when we’re in public – the way any couple should – straight or gay.

And before I get any emails from my gay brethren calling me a ‘self loathing aunt tom’ (someone actually called me that once), let me be clear – I’m proud of who and what I am. I just don’t feel the need to force feed it to the world in that way. Disney is a place where reality is suspended, at least for a time. It’s not a place for anyone’s political agenda – right or left. Keep Key West in Key West – and let Disney be Disney.

Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

I notice that you have not yet told us how many Gay Days you personally have gone to and seen what goes on at Disneyland or Disney World.

As for your quote....anyone can make anything up they want to....can't they? :D
Disney has been on board promoting the Gay Agenda for some time now Have you ever heard of Gay Days at Disney - at the height of tourist season families with young children - the families are not warned by Disney but are ambushed when they arrive at the park and are assaulted by hoards of fruit cakes - try explaining the shit they have to contend with to a 5 or 6 year old. But the faggots get a good laugh at the families expense .

Know what?

I'm sitting here in my red t-shirt that we have to wear to make us noticeable during gay days at Disney so you breeders can cover your little shits eyes and rush them off to the protective arms of Goofy (firmly grasping your little daughter's prepubescent boobie) and YES. I'M SERIOUSLY LAUGHING MY QUEER ASS OFF AT YOU BIGOTED, HOMOPHOBIC IDIOTS!


I have quite a few gay friends. I have posted alongside gay folks for years. Only 1 beats you in the obnoxious department when it comes to message boards. But you are a very close second.

Ever think that your rude attitude is what turns people off...and not your sexual preferences?

With that said....I wonder just how many have actually seen 50,000 couples groping each other. Perhaps it was after graduation day and they were all high schoolers. Or straights. Personally, I have never seen 50,000 gay people acting out in a crude manner. Except when I see NTG's posts.

Neither have I...except in the imagination of those against gays..... You know. The same ones who think and talk about gay sex more than gays even do.
I notice that you have not yet told us how many Gay Days you personally have gone to and seen what goes on at Disneyland or Disney World.

As for your quote....anyone can make anything up they want to....can't they? :D

I have heard about it.

I was downtown at a food court in the mall and a woman saw us praying so she asked if she could sit with us because a man threatened to punch her if he saw her praying. So we told her she could sit with us.

Why would you go somewhere if someone or some people were threatening to you?
I notice that you have not yet told us how many Gay Days you personally have gone to and seen what goes on at Disneyland or Disney World.

As for your quote....anyone can make anything up they want to....can't they? :D

I have heard about it.

I was downtown at a food court in the mall and a woman saw us praying so she asked if she could sit with us because a man threatened to punch her if he saw her praying. So we told her she could sit with us.

Why would you go somewhere if someone or some people were threatening to you?
I feel for that woman. Now...what does this man, this woman, and you and group have to do with gays at Disneyland?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDA1RAq_F64]Kingdom Party - Gay Days DisneyLand 2010 Anaheim - YouTube[/ame]
Thank you for your feedback.

Yea my comment wasn't as glamorous as belittling an entire population of people but you know... I can definitely stand behind it :thup:
What does this have to do with homosexuality being a perversion and aberration, or with speaking such truths, while rejecting self-serving allegations of hatred?

You're set in your ways. And that's fine. Thank goodness your ways are a generation or two away from being completely eradicated :thup:
I notice that you have not yet told us how many Gay Days you personally have gone to and seen what goes on at Disneyland or Disney World.

As for your quote....anyone can make anything up they want to....can't they? :D

I have heard about it.

I was downtown at a food court in the mall and a woman saw us praying so she asked if she could sit with us because a man threatened to punch her if he saw her praying. So we told her she could sit with us.

Why would you go somewhere if someone or some people were threatening to you?
I feel for that woman. Now...what does this man, this woman, and you and group have to do with gays at Disneyland?

Let me ask you a question. There was a prostitute that use to rent the house in front of my parents house and she was fighting custody against her ex which wouldn't let her see her child. She had lawyers entertaining her. Do you ever think she would win in court? In other words, do you ever expect a court or jury to believe that a Dad didn't love his children and do you expect them to give sole custody of the child to the woman?

The gays aren't pressuring Disney on the basis that heterosexual kids are harmful to Disney and need to be defunded. But the fight has come down to children which I think is wrong. I think they should leave the children out of it. But if you think Heterosexual parents don't care about their children, think again.

One group wants to protect their children. The other group is using children to fight their battle in the media. One of them is wrong.

If there is a social media fight or any fight, don't you think you should stay out of it? And if you don't, don't you think someone might get hurt? And if someone might get hurt, don't you think you should stay away for the protection of your family?
Who doesn't? Can we really blame Disney for doing what is in its best interest?

However, how does the scout's ban on gay scoutmasters affect Disney at all?

If you want to attack 48 percent of the non-adult market and go after 52 percent then you don't have 100 percent of the market. It means you are losing money because you take sides.

I'm confused. Where's the attack?

They said they would no longer fund the Boy Scouts. It is their money. Don't they have the right to do with it what they want?

Do the Boy Scouts have the right to demand that Disney continue to fund them forever?

Personally, I think Disney's decision sucks, but it is not my money. I'm not going to boycott Disney because of this decision... of course, I refuse to fork out $100/person/day to go to a theme park that has shitty roller coasters anyway. It is not like they are going to miss any revenue from me. :D

What is a theme park without any roller coasters? :badgrin:

they are not funding them because of the Scouts decision not to let gay men be leaders.....Disney has a large amount of gays who work for them and always have....
That's a pretty stupid marketing move. You are going to piss off children and teens, your source of revenue, for homosexuals.

That's alright. We don't need Disney support.
Yea my comment wasn't as glamorous as belittling an entire population of people but you know... I can definitely stand behind it :thup:
What does this have to do with homosexuality being a perversion and aberration, or with speaking such truths, while rejecting self-serving allegations of hatred?

You're set in your ways. And that's fine. Thank goodness your ways are a generation or two away from being completely eradicated :thup:

And replaced by what? An iron-fisted cult that worships the pedophile Harvey Milk as their cultural icon? One that has zero tolerance for heresy? One that threatens, blackmails, sues and silences free speech?

Oh, we can hardly wait for that. :eusa_hand:
The boy scouts are supposed to allow child molesters to be scoutmasters. That's supposed to be the way it works.
So...gay scoutmasters are child molesters? Really?

Who here was in the scouts? Who here knew what their scoutmaster did in the bedroom and with what sex? And most inportantly, who was molested my their scoutmaster?

Raise of hands please.

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