Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

Dems opposing her presenting sexually explicit and degenerate photos of Huter Biden kinda equate to Democrats opposing parents reading sexually explicit material from books because children are present when the books are the ones liberals put in those same school childrens' school libraries.

The Democrats are horrified and offended at MTG showing photos of a naked Hunyer Biden but not outraged / offended by Hunter in photos naked, doing Crack, wirh hookers or making homemade incestuous porn films he shared wth his pop, Joe Biden.
Or homos helicoptering their dicks in front of children, at parades. Yet they clutch pearls at the thought of children watching Congressional hearings.
Show of hands... How's buying this shit..?
Six weeks now in Texas. Mine was before the Heartbeat Act
Oh, well congrats on getting that done before the laws of man changed. That should make you feel fine. Do you ever think about the child you killed and what they may be like today?

I’ve often wondered how you deal with that. Does it ever cross your mind the life you chose to kill that child to have, was it worth it? Are you that much better off that murder was a plus in your life?
So you murdered your child so they didn’t have to deal with you. You’re such a shit person people are better off dead than associating with you. That’s how toxic you people know you are. Murder is a better option than being around you. According to you.
Just busy a vessel over it. I don't care
Oh, well congrats on getting that done before the laws of man changed. That should make you feel fine. Do you ever think about the child you killed and what they may be like today?

I’ve often wondered how you deal with that. Does it ever cross your mind the life you chose to kill that child to have, was it worth it? Are you that much better off that murder was a plus in your life?
Hell yeah. I'm definitely better off
Oh, well congrats on getting that done before the laws of man changed. That should make you feel fine. Do you ever think about the child you killed and what they may be like today?

I’ve often wondered how you deal with that. Does it ever cross your mind the life you chose to kill that child to have, was it worth it? Are you that much better off that murder was a plus in your life?
She's worse than pond scum.

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