Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

Did he traffic humans OR go to Epstein's island? That would be no. BTW, which wife are you on?
You mean like Trump out slumming in NYC nightclubs hanging out with his chum Epstein, hypocrite?

Which wife am I on? Want to elaborate you pile of shit?
Bring it "Haters". Pack a fucking lunch, and call your friends. It's best if we all assemble in one place, with our positions made clear.

For posterities sake....
LOL you thinking any reasonable person would hang out with the likes of you, talking about kids in a sexually explicit manner. You're sick.
Hunter Biden is a private citizen.
Irrelevant! Y'all leftist keep saying 'Hunter Biden wasn’t in office so what does it matter’ but never acknowledge that Hunter’s bank accounts were filled with tens of millions of Chinese donated dollars after he flew multiple times on Air Force 2 with his pedo father, on the American taxpayers expense.
LOL you thinking any reasonable person would hang out with the likes of you, talking about kids in a sexually explicit manner. You're sick.
Your costume doesn't fit. You'll have to find someone else to take the role. We share no similarity,...
Burns your ass to no end that Biden isn't facing multiple felony indictments, but your boy is, right Trump lackey?
Hunter Biden has been CONVICTED of a FELONY gun crime. Bad orange man, no convictions. ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, NONE. Try again. Please control your frustrations and no talk about human posteriors in a public forum, eh hypocrite?
He made the pornography. It was on his laptop. He trafficked young women. He is under investigation for all of that AND tax evasion, failure to register as a foreign agent and other crimes. He has already been given a slap on the wrist for two other crimes that, if he wasn't the vegetable's son, he would have received a prison sentence. He also has been CONVICTED of a felony gun crime which he has been given a partisan pass on from the DOJ. Go ahead, tell me how he is just a misunderstood fair haired boy. You're a partisan hack--go back and talk about how bad domestic violence is (if you're a conservative) but all of the above is OK and above board because the criminal is a democrat. You're not fooling anyone. Everyone on this board has your number.
Hunter Biden got a light sentence because he cooperated. Copped a plea. Saved the state the cost of a trial. That's just routine in our justice system. As to distribution of porn and trafficking women, please put your vivid imagination on a leash. Frankly you sound hysterical.
He said the let him. Just like the whores Hunter was fucking yet you get all hysterical. TDS on full display.
And of course you believe him cause he just lost his spat with E. Jean Carroll. Cause that somehow makes sense to you.
Hunter Biden got a light sentence because he cooperated. Copped a plea. Saved the state the cost of a trial. That's just routine in our justice system. As to distribution of porn and trafficking women, please put your vivid imagination on a leash. Frankly you sound hysterical.
He got a light sentence because he a Bidumb and the DOJ are partisan hacks.
Hunter Biden has been CONVICTED of a FELONY gun crime. Bad orange man, no convictions. ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, NONE. Try again. Please control your frustrations and no talk about human posteriors in a public forum, eh hypocrite?
Biden will receive probation which burns your ass, while your hero is facing life in prison for his crimes against America.

Be a man & suck it up.

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