Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

White Trash Margie displayed it & you condone it. Speaks volumes about her. And you.
HaHaHa, the guy that makes the pornography gets a partisan pass, but the person who presents the REDACTED evidence of the crime in the proper venue is the villain. You really have a skewed view of reality.
The fact that having failed to prove any crime on Hunter's part, you are reduced to trying to embarrass him by showing intimate photos, shows how badly you failed.

The photos were evidence of a crime, the crackhead paid to fly a whore from LA to DC for the acts he was engaged in. That's a federal felony.

Showing democrats in their environment is whoreish? How do you figure that? MTG is the whore for showing the Bidumb family at its best. It’s her fault.

You woman blaming misogynistic fucking prick. What a piece of shit you are.
For what purpose? Sensationalism? Political gamesmanship? They are not going to charge that asshole with having dickpics, and you know it. That is Congress, not the corner bar.
She did it. She gets the blame, and I guess she is publicly into dickpicks, even dickpics in the workplace. I tend to believe the articles that suggest she was fking at least two different guys at the gym she worked at, while married, and I have not seen her successfully suing the major newspapers that published the stories or even insisting on a retraction. If that is misogynistic, so be it. But be advised, I have also called Trump a whore monger as, he is known to fk other women while married, and you have to admit, any woman that fks around with a known married man is of decidedly low morals, so at least I am equal opportunity. It does not matter though. Many GOP supporters support that kind of thing, not caring much about morals or oaths taken. Do you support politicians that do that sort of thing? I don't.
Hunter Biden got a light sentence because he cooperated.
OK, even if I agreed with you--would you say the same thing if the domestic abusing politician admitted it and got a light sentence? HaHaHa, you don't have to answer, I've got your partisan hack number---oh nooooo, that's different--he's a republican. How about this hypocrite, they're both criminals and should suffer the consequences.
What a whore. We don't even allow the members here to post sexually explicit photos on this internet discussion board, and she's dragging them into Congress, the people's house. I could understand (not support) on TV if the broadcasters let it go unedited, but in Congress, that is just some low class trailer trash crap.

They were blocked out in all the right places, kind of like the avatar of one of our frequent posters.

For what purpose? Sensationalism? Political gamesmanship? They are not going to charge that asshole with having dickpics, and you know it. That is Congress, not the corner bar.
She did it. She gets the blame, and I guess she is publicly into dickpicks, even dickpics in the workplace. I tend to believe the articles that suggest she was fking at least two different guys at the gym she worked at, while married, and I have not seen her successfully suing the major newspapers that published the stories or even insisting on a retraction. If that is misogynistic, so be it. But be advised, I have also called Trump a whore monger as, he is known to fk other women while married, and you have to admit, any woman that fks around with a known married man is of decidedly low morals, so at least I am equal opportunity. It does not matter though. Many GOP supporters support that kind of thing, not caring much about morals or oaths taken. Do you support politicians that do that sort of thing? I don't.
If you’re a democrat you absolutely support that. You’re willing to woman shame to keep your democrat men protected. It started with the Clintons. It’s not his fault for being a shit person or his dads fault for protecting him but her fault for showing the kind of people they are.

You will absolutely stoop to the lowest level to protect these people. It can’t feel good to be you.
OK, even if I agreed with you--would you say the same thing if the domestic abusing politician admitted it and got a light sentence? HaHaHa, you don't have to answer, I've got your partisan hack number---oh nooooo, that's different--he's a republican. How about this hypocrite, they're both criminals and should suffer the consequences.
The chipmunk got a light sentence too. A fine and probation.
Dems opposing her presenting sexually explicit and degenerate photos of Huter Biden kinda equate to Democrats opposing parents reading sexually explicit material from books because children are present when the books are the ones liberals put in those same school childrens' school libraries.

The Democrats are horrified and offended at MTG showing photos of a naked Hunyer Biden but not outraged / offended by Hunter in photos naked, doing Crack, wirh hookers or making homemade incestuous porn films he shared wth his pop, Joe Biden.

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