Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

The fact that having failed to prove any crime on Hunter's part, you are reduced to trying to embarrass him by showing intimate photos, shows how badly you failed.

He's a convicted FELON! DUMBFUCK!
So, since he took pics you all have to look?

Whatever turns you, I am good with

Shaming people for trying to make Biden-supporters realize what a scumbag the President's son really is? You do know that many of them still believe what's on Hunter's laptop is "fake", right? Would you rather that everyone just shut up about it it, sweep it all under the rug, and pretend like it never happened? That's not very "libertarian" of you. I thought you guys and girls were all about exposing government corruption. Or was I wrong about that?
The photos were evidence of a crime, the crackhead paid to fly a whore from LA to DC for the acts he was engaged in. That's a federal felony.

And wrote it off as a deduction on his taxes. Committing tax fraud ( and we all know how much lefties hate rich people that commit tax fraud).
Hell yeah. I'm definitely better off
I’m kind of thinking the rest of us would have been better off with the kid instead of you. You probably should have done us all a favor and give birth, sent the child to be adopted and committed suicide. We certainly wouldn’t miss you but your child may have been good to know. You killed the wrong person.
Not my bag, I will leave dick picks to Marjory Taylor Green and whore/whore mongering supporters of the far Right GOP. Hopefully in the future they can resist bringing them in to congress to flash, but what do you expect from trailer trash that was supposedly fking two guys at the gym she worked with, while married, although not married anymore. Yet she is the toast of the far right. I suppose, like trump, even supported by the Christian right, more right than Christian anymore, as Christians used to look down on that sort of thing.

That's your President's son there. Now use your imagination and think of how big a scandal it would be if that were one of Trump's kids.

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