Disrespect for the office of the Presidency

Obama has no respect for his office, the Constitution, nor the history of the United States.

Respect is earned, and he has not earned it.


And to think that America preferred him to the best candidate Republicans had to offer........TWICE

America.....Obama has no respect for he office, the Constitution or the history of the US......wouldn't you prefer a Republican?


LMAO. Thanks.

Wouldn't you REAL Americans PREFER a Republican??? Fuk no. Twice. Priceless.

That's gotta hurt. Maybe that's the reason Rethugs are such assholes. They are butt hurt
about losing to that guy that has no respect for America, the COTUS or history.

Not once, but TWICE.

Americans chose Bush TWICE.

That tells you exactly how well the American people chose their president and how well the critique the last 4 years of them. Bush the second time around brought no surprises, we knew exactly what we were getting and still chose it…

And to think that America preferred him to the best candidate Republicans had to offer........TWICE

America.....Obama has no respect for he office, the Constitution or the history of the US......wouldn't you prefer a Republican?


LMAO. Thanks.

Wouldn't you REAL Americans PREFER a Republican??? Fuk no. Twice. Priceless.

That's gotta hurt. Maybe that's the reason Rethugs are such assholes. They are butt hurt
about losing to that guy that has no respect for America, the COTUS or history.

Not once, but TWICE.

Americans chose Bush TWICE.

That tells you exactly how well the American people chose their president and how well the critique the last 4 years of them. Bush the second time around brought no surprises, we knew exactly what we were getting and still chose it…

Well, technically the Electoral College chose him the first time, the American people the 2nd.

Republicans have lost the popular vote 5 out of the last 6 Presidential elections.

LMAO. Thanks.

Wouldn't you REAL Americans PREFER a Republican??? Fuk no. Twice. Priceless.

That's gotta hurt. Maybe that's the reason Rethugs are such assholes. They are butt hurt
about losing to that guy that has no respect for America, the COTUS or history.

Not once, but TWICE.

Americans chose Bush TWICE.

That tells you exactly how well the American people chose their president and how well the critique the last 4 years of them. Bush the second time around brought no surprises, we knew exactly what we were getting and still chose it…

Well, technically the Electoral College chose him the first time, the American people the 2nd.

Republicans have lost the popular vote 5 out of the last 6 Presidential elections.

Respect is earned. Its not given just because your the POTUS.

Obama is a jackass and I have not one ounce of repect for this POTUS.

He has done nothing to earn anyones repect.

That is such an odd concept to me.

Respect is not earned. Respect is lost. You respect everyone until such a time as they do something to lose your respect. Once they have done that then it must won back and that can be a long hard road.


Not really, at least for me. I don’t disrespect people I do not know but nor do I respect them to any real degree. True respect IS something earned. Respect is different than simply treating another person decently.
Barack Obama is just another tool for the NWO Global Elites. That whole 'Hope & Change' thing was really just a Bait & Switch. But it has worked. Look at the legion of loyal followers he has? Ignorant cattle being led to slaughter. He's been a very useful NWO tool. It's very sad.

Anyone calling him a failure has no idea how successful he has been.


By what metric are you measuring that?
Respect our Constitution and the People. When i see that, i'll respect the Presidency again. Till then, i'll have to view our President and our Government as a rogue tyranny.
Americans chose Bush TWICE.

That tells you exactly how well the American people chose their president and how well the critique the last 4 years of them. Bush the second time around brought no surprises, we knew exactly what we were getting and still chose it…

Well, technically the Electoral College chose him the first time, the American people the 2nd.

Republicans have lost the popular vote 5 out of the last 6 Presidential elections.


Ah, so it is true! Facts do make "conservatives" cry.
You can't buy or be elected to receive respect, your actions and conduct earn it! Something these jokers on the left have no concept of. As for the office of the President, when one disgraces the office they receive what they deserve. So remind me how this moron was elected and reelected in the first place, oh, he ran against McCain and Romney.
Inherent in the concept of respect is the simple fact that true respect is always earned, and cannot be given - ever. Its the notion that a person is entitled to respect because of the job he holds, or that the job itself is inherently entitled to respect, that is wrong and dangerous and regardless of who the president is.
Barack Obama is just another tool for the NWO Global Elites. That whole 'Hope & Change' thing was really just a Bait & Switch. But it has worked. Look at the legion of loyal followers he has? Ignorant cattle being led to slaughter. He's been a very useful NWO tool. It's very sad.

Anyone calling him a failure has no idea how successful he has been.


By what metric are you measuring that?

The ONLY promise he made that he has faithfully followed up on was his promise to fundamentally change this Nation. And the changes are not for the best, either.
The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.

Once AGAIN for the slow readers...

You're talking about the individual person holding the office at the time. He's talking about the office itself.
Which is, amazingly, the topic of this thread.
Who knew.

You asked, "the office's respect comes and goes depending on who's in it?
Based on what? The polls at the time?

I know you are a bit slow, but do try and keep up. It's especially sad when you can't even follow your own questions in your responses.

That's what I wrote. What part of it is sailing over your head?

The fact remains I never got an answer to that question. As I said before, it's one of those unanswerables that shows that the premise is bullshit.
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The President who respects the Constitution, abides by the powers granted to him established by our Founders, seeks to serve the will of the people over his own self ruling ambitions, and doesn't seek to empower himself beyond what his position allows, deserves the utmost respect. Those who desire to step beyond those boundaries seeking greater power is unworthy of it.

Once AGAIN for the slow readers...

You're talking about the individual person holding the office at the time. He's talking about the office itself.
Which is, amazingly, the topic of this thread.
Who knew.

For those of you (like Pogo) who have never read the United States Constitution, nor heard the oath of office being taken during the newly elected President's inauguration, those taking the position of the executive branch must "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of their Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." That oath coincides with my previous reply of respecting the Constitution and abiding by its powers granted to him.... not exceeding those boundaries. The one who respects that office and its authority granted to him "BY THE PEOPLE", will gain the utmost respect for his position.

Better take a reading comprehension course before you embarrass yourself yet again.
The thread is about the office -- not the person who's in it.
Respect for the office of the Presidency by most Americans comes by default. However, respect for who is in it does not. It has to be earned. For many of us, the issue is we do hold the office in such high regard it is intolerable to have a POTUS such we currently have who does not respect America.

Respect for the office of the Presidency by most Americans comes by default. However, respect for who is in it does not. It has to be earned. For many of us, the issue is we do hold the office in such high regard it is intolerable to have a POTUS such we currently have who does not respect America.


Obama personifies a person that is where he is solely for the title and perks. I don't think I have thought that about any other President that has held office in my lifetime.

There is not much to respect.
Once AGAIN for the slow readers...

You're talking about the individual person holding the office at the time. He's talking about the office itself.
Which is, amazingly, the topic of this thread.
Who knew.

For those of you (like Pogo) who have never read the United States Constitution, nor heard the oath of office being taken during the newly elected President's inauguration, those taking the position of the executive branch must "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of their Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." That oath coincides with my previous reply of respecting the Constitution and abiding by its powers granted to him.... not exceeding those boundaries. The one who respects that office and its authority granted to him "BY THE PEOPLE", will gain the utmost respect for his position.

Better take a reading comprehension course before you embarrass yourself yet again.
The thread is about the office -- not the person who's in it.

Interesting. You are trying to demand that the thread is about the OFFICE of the presidency and yet there has not been a single piece of evidence that the republicans are disparaging the office and not the occupant. Every single example is against Obama and not the office.

Try again before disparaging everyone’s reading comprehension.
We should all respect the office. Respecting the office tells us we need to get rid of lying scumbuckets like the occupant we have now!

If we REALLY respected the office of the presidency, we'd be in the streets demanding his resignation just like they are in Cairo. We would not permit a disgrace to occupy that respected office.

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