Disrespect for the office of the Presidency

Obama was disrespectful to ALL white people when he used the term "typical white person" among other various racist insults

So there's a problem with my thinking like a typical white person that when I see a tall thin young black kid with a hoodie walking down a sidewalk towards me, I get a little nervous?
Obama was disrespectful to ALL white people when he used the term "typical white person" among other various racist insults

So there's a problem with my thinking like a typical white person that when I see a tall thin young black kid with a hoodie walking down a sidewalk towards me, I get a little nervous?

you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery
I saw this and thought it was funny as hell. I have been made fun many times over the years and have always found it better to laugh WITH THEM when I am the target of something funny.
Bush, Ford, Reagan all were fair game.
Democrats are sissy ass milk weak PC frauds. They can dish it out and can not take it.
Obama was disrespectful to ALL white people when he used the term "typical white person" among other various racist insults

So there's a problem with my thinking like a typical white person that when I see a tall thin young black kid with a hoodie walking down a sidewalk towards me, I get a little nervous?

you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery

Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL
So there's a problem with my thinking like a typical white person that when I see a tall thin young black kid with a hoodie walking down a sidewalk towards me, I get a little nervous?

you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery

Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL

He specifically stated, and for political gain only, WHITE PERSON.
EVERYONE that sees someone with a covered hoodie walking in their neighborhood in the rain as suspicious.
Obama made it about race when it had nothing to do with race.
Depends on the party label holding the White House. A Republican in the WH, one can paint a Hitler mustache on a GOP President and you hear crickets. THe same ones then whine like 10 year olds at clown masks with Obama on them.
Respect begets respect.

To Obama I am the enemy, why the fuck would I respect someone who disrespects the very people that pays his salary?
So there's a problem with my thinking like a typical white person that when I see a tall thin young black kid with a hoodie walking down a sidewalk towards me, I get a little nervous?

you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery

Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL

I'm referring to the time he threw his grandmother as well as all white people under the bus

faux outrage, guess I'm a typical white cracker


shove your double standards up your ass
So there's a problem with my thinking like a typical white person that when I see a tall thin young black kid with a hoodie walking down a sidewalk towards me, I get a little nervous?

you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery

Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL

Whoa, now wait just a minute. I've read several times in various threads that white people can have no understanding how a black person feels about being racially profiled, because white people are, well, white. Yet you would have us believe that a black guy (POTUS) knows just how "most white people view race". This guy spent most of his formative years living in predominantly non-white countries, raised by non-white "father figures", and who, by his own admission, spent most of his college years allying himself with the most radical black groups and individuals he could find. He denies his white heritage except when it is politically expedient not to. Instead of using his mixed racial heritage to unite this nation, he plays to his slavishly enraptured black audience to promote racial tensions and hatred between black and white. Whether he is racist, or not, he has effectively used racism to divide the people of this nation, to wage war on our way of life and our prosperity, to the detriment of ALL of us, black, white, Hispanic...everyone.
He deserves only the respect he gives...
obama does not see himself as the representative of ALL Americans, which necessarily means the descendants of slave holders as well as the descendants of slaves.

Neither does the left.
obama does not see himself as the representative of ALL Americans, which necessarily means the descendants of slave holders as well as the descendants of slaves.

Neither does the left.

as far as I'm concerned he is the pot


all he has done is come down against white people at every opportinity
you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery

Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL

Whoa, now wait just a minute. I've read several times in various threads that white people can have no understanding how a black person feels about being racially profiled, because white people are, well, white. Yet you would have us believe that a black guy (POTUS) knows just how "most white people view race". This guy spent most of his formative years living in predominantly non-white countries, raised by non-white "father figures", and who, by his own admission, spent most of his college years allying himself with the most radical black groups and individuals he could find. He denies his white heritage except when it is politically expedient not to. Instead of using his mixed racial heritage to unite this nation, he plays to his slavishly enraptured black audience to promote racial tensions and hatred between black and white. Whether he is racist, or not, he has effectively used racism to divide the people of this nation, to wage war on our way of life and our prosperity, to the detriment of ALL of us, black, white, Hispanic...everyone.
He deserves only the respect he gives...




you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery

Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL

Whoa, now wait just a minute. I've read several times in various threads that white people can have no understanding how a black person feels about being racially profiled, because white people are, well, white. Yet you would have us believe that a black guy (POTUS) knows just how "most white people view race". This guy spent most of his formative years living in predominantly non-white countries, raised by non-white "father figures", and who, by his own admission, spent most of his college years allying himself with the most radical black groups and individuals he could find. He denies his white heritage except when it is politically expedient not to. Instead of using his mixed racial heritage to unite this nation, he plays to his slavishly enraptured black audience to promote racial tensions and hatred between black and white. Whether he is racist, or not, he has effectively used racism to divide the people of this nation, to wage war on our way of life and our prosperity, to the detriment of ALL of us, black, white, Hispanic...everyone.
He deserves only the respect he gives...

Oh, he's a racist. And a liar.

Gutsy Call: Obama Couldn't Bear to Watch Live Feed from Bin Ladin Raid; Instead Left the Room to Play "At Least Fifteen" Rounds of Spades with Bodyman Reggie Love


I guess this picture...


...is rather misleading, is it not?
you should willingly sacrifice your life on the altar of slavery

Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL

Whoa, now wait just a minute. I've read several times in various threads that white people can have no understanding how a black person feels about being racially profiled, because white people are, well, white. Yet you would have us believe that a black guy (POTUS) knows just how "most white people view race". This guy spent most of his formative years living in predominantly non-white countries, raised by non-white "father figures", and who, by his own admission, spent most of his college years allying himself with the most radical black groups and individuals he could find. He denies his white heritage except when it is politically expedient not to. Instead of using his mixed racial heritage to unite this nation, he plays to his slavishly enraptured black audience to promote racial tensions and hatred between black and white. Whether he is racist, or not, he has effectively used racism to divide the people of this nation, to wage war on our way of life and our prosperity, to the detriment of ALL of us, black, white, Hispanic...everyone.
He deserves only the respect he gives...

I could not agree more.

This President is only too willing to jump in and try to divide us based upon race, he hasn't changed since the "beer summit". He takes no shame in making speeches which divide this great nation of ours, in order to further advance his ideological goals and policies in the wake of it. The fact that our nation has even become more polarizing, only gives him someone to blame when he can't simply get his way. Checks and balances only equates to a lack of a liberal edge or majority to go along with his vision for "change" in this country, not so much for the respect of a Constitution imposing the need to work with those whose beliefs are often different from his own..... he equates it to more of an inconvenience based upon his response of "dictating" through executive orders.
For those of you (like Pogo) who have never read the United States Constitution, nor heard the oath of office being taken during the newly elected President's inauguration, those taking the position of the executive branch must "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of their Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." That oath coincides with my previous reply of respecting the Constitution and abiding by its powers granted to him.... not exceeding those boundaries. The one who respects that office and its authority granted to him "BY THE PEOPLE", will gain the utmost respect for his position.

Better take a reading comprehension course before you embarrass yourself yet again.
The thread is about the office -- not the person who's in it.

Interesting. You are trying to demand that the thread is about the OFFICE of the presidency and yet there has not been a single piece of evidence that the republicans are disparaging the office and not the occupant. Every single example is against Obama and not the office.

Try again before disparaging everyone’s reading comprehension.

Come on, you're a better reader than that... :rolleyes:

This went back to Jon Berzerk who put forth the proposition that "respect for the office" varies depending on who's in it. I simply shot holes through that impetuous reasoning. That's all there was to it.

Nobody in this exchange said diddly about Republicans, or anyone else, disparaging any office. We've got Shakles in here setting up strawmen that have zero to do with the commentary. That's because he can't handle where the discussion was and needs to redefine to a whole new discussion that I was never in. For whatever reason, this board software drops off the older quotes, and Shakles knows that, so he's inserting new stuff to so he can pretend this discussion is about apples when it was always about oranges.

And yes, the examples in most of the thread are about O'bama and not the office, which means they're off the topic. That's my whole point.
Last edited:
Bull hokey. Obama said nothing racist when generalizing how most white people would view a black kid in a hoodie. But your post does point out something about the thread.

The thread itself is ludicrous in that guys like Lincoln, Cleveland, Jackson were personally villified. Nothing new here. Hell, the gop even impeached one guy for lying about getting a bimbo blowjob ... in a deposition even. My God, can you imagine a person lying about that! Shocking.

but as your faux/fox outrage illustrates, it's horrible to have a person who as a potus would comment upon how most white people view race. It seems .... unamerican. LoL

Whoa, now wait just a minute. I've read several times in various threads that white people can have no understanding how a black person feels about being racially profiled, because white people are, well, white. Yet you would have us believe that a black guy (POTUS) knows just how "most white people view race". This guy spent most of his formative years living in predominantly non-white countries, raised by non-white "father figures", and who, by his own admission, spent most of his college years allying himself with the most radical black groups and individuals he could find. He denies his white heritage except when it is politically expedient not to. Instead of using his mixed racial heritage to unite this nation, he plays to his slavishly enraptured black audience to promote racial tensions and hatred between black and white. Whether he is racist, or not, he has effectively used racism to divide the people of this nation, to wage war on our way of life and our prosperity, to the detriment of ALL of us, black, white, Hispanic...everyone.
He deserves only the respect he gives...

Oh, he's a racist. And a liar.

Gutsy Call: Obama Couldn't Bear to Watch Live Feed from Bin Ladin Raid; Instead Left the Room to Play "At Least Fifteen" Rounds of Spades with Bodyman Reggie Love


I guess this picture...


...is rather misleading, is it not?

...is rather misleading, is it not?

read on

May 23, 2012
The Illusion of Obama's Bin Laden Raid Situation Room Leadership

Apparently, my previous article on the famous "Situation Room" photo tapped a nationwide nerve. The response ranged from some eye-opening tips on other photos to a few perplexed criticisms as to the motivation for Photoshopping a Situation Room photo.
The answer to that latter question can be summed up in one simple thought: To hide the truth.

Obama's entire "Composite Presidency" and administration are orchestrated in this fashion. Not only is the photo's legitimacy in question, but so is the narrative illusion behind it. Obama knew of OBL's location for a year and refused to act. The CIA admits that there was "no live video feed," as implied by the iconic White House photo. It is anyone's guess what the captive audience was looking at, but it wasn't the OBL raid. It was recently reported that a highly lawyered CYA memo was drafted that made it clear that the military would take all blame for any errors, while Obama would claim all glory for successes. Not surprisingly, the real heroes seem to have a problem with this form of spiking the ball and using our brave SEALs for political gain. Why would Obama need to Photoshop the Situation Room photos? For the same reason behind everything else he does: to influence perception in which everything is about Obama.
As a follow-up to the previous article, a second "Situation Room" photo will be the target of discussion here. For those who would like to download the image, a high-resolution version can be found here. This White House Flickr link is a great place to check for high-resolution sizes of many of the White House photo sets released.

Articles: The Illusion of Obama's Bin Laden Raid Situation Room Leadership
Obama was disrespectful to ALL white people when he used the term "typical white person" among other various racist insults

So there's a problem with my thinking like a typical white person that when I see a tall thin young black kid with a hoodie walking down a sidewalk towards me, I get a little nervous?

I don't, because I carry a firearm


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