Distilled water.

It has been a while since I drank distilled water. It was not the taste that I did not like, it caused an unpleasant physical feeling for a few seconds the couple of times that I tried it, and so, I do not drink it.
To paraphrase Paul C. Bragg: "Your body wasn't rejecting the distilled water, the distilled water was rejecting your body."
I've always considered distilled water more of a product for lab use, not for drinking.

But then I'm kinda spoiled. Two friends of mine from elementary inherited a local deep rock bottled water company from their father. Very good tasting water. The best tasting water I've ever had. Many local businesses and households pay a premium price for their water.

Years ago they decided to save money in fuel, breakage, and save their backs, by switching from delivering the old heavy 5 gallon glass jugs, to using the lighter more durable plastic jugs. And they let me have all the old glass jugs that I wanted for free. Well, not for free. I just don't charge them for concrete work. It's more of a barter. They didn't want those glass carboys anymore. They were just taking up space at their facility.

Well, I'm a prepper, so I took thousands of them. If we ever have a SHTF scenario, I will not have to worry about having potable water for many years. And those things are also perfect for making homemade wines.

And actually back in 2014 that water came in very handy. None of my close family, friends or neighbors had to buy any drinking water when our municipal water supply was poisoned by a massive amount of cyanobacteria from a huge algal bloom in Lake Erie. Everyone in the city got a notice on their front door saying not to drink or cook with the municipal tap water, not even if you boil it first. I had plenty of potable water for everyone.

And since all those jugs were filled with that delicious water, my buddies gained some new regular customers.
What's wrong with drinking distilled water???
Aside from a total lack of minerals your body needs and expects to get in water, distilled water has an ionic imbalance to it so it tends to actually leech those minerals back out of your body in order to satisfy the imbalance, and your hair, teeth, fingernails, and bones are all full of minerals.
It does not quench your thirst quite the same way. Being thirsty is not only about needing H2O. it's also about replenishing minerals and electrolytes, those are not present in distilled water.
I'm just the opposite. I love distilled water, and it makes pure coffee outstanding. Well, imho, of course.
Drinking distilled water will remove minerals from your body. You need potassium, sodium and magnesium. Distilled water will remove them from your body.
I have to take supplements, but do so every day without any ill effects unless I skip supplements, then the payback is severe leg cramps, and it's worse if I skip 2 days. lol
Tap water has little or no potassium, thus the electrolytes in tap water are not balanced. Excess minerals are removed through your urine regardless of the kind of water you drink. Also, inorganic minerals found in most tap water cannot be used by the body. These minerals are excreted in your urine. Food is the best source of these minerals as they are organic.
Bananas and sweet potatoes are my favorite sources for potassium. But I still have to take potassium supplements. My physician sez so. :thup:
I've always considered distilled water more of a product for lab use, not for drinking.

But then I'm kinda spoiled. Two friends of mine from elementary inherited a local deep rock bottled water company from their father. Very good tasting water. The best tasting water I've ever had. Many local businesses and households pay a premium price for their water.

Years ago they decided to save money in fuel, breakage, and save their backs, by switching from delivering the old heavy 5 gallon glass jugs, to using the lighter more durable plastic jugs. And they let me have all the old glass jugs that I wanted for free. Well, not for free. I just don't charge them for concrete work. It's more of a barter. They didn't want those glass carboys anymore. They were just taking up space at their facility.

Well, I'm a prepper, so I took thousands of them. If we ever have a SHTF scenario, I will not have to worry about having potable water for many years. And those things are also perfect for making homemade wines.

And actually back in 2014 that water came in very handy. None of my close family, friends or neighbors had to buy any drinking water when our municipal water supply was poisoned by a massive amount of cyanobacteria from a huge algal bloom in Lake Erie. Everyone in the city got a notice on their front door saying not to drink or cook with the municipal tap water, not even if you boil it first. I had plenty of potable water for everyone.

And since all those jugs were filled with that delicious water, my buddies gained some new regular customers.
In case SHTF, can you pm me your address?
Have you noticed the taste difference between distilled, tap, etc. in your coffee?
Never tried that. I only drink rainforest spring water (wells in fl-stan)
Bananas and sweet potatoes are my favorite sources for potassium. But I still have to take potassium supplements. My physician sez so. :thup:
I'm allergic to tap water and some well waters too. I have no choice but to drink distilled water or suffer the consequences of being allergic to most tap waters. It's not cheap.
Lots of inexpensive countertop distillers out there. Makes distilled water really cheap. Also eliminates the plastic bottle that can affect the taste.
What is below (well water) is corrupted by dissolved inorganic minerals, chemicals, and the fossil remains of long (and recently) dead creatures. What is above (rainwater) is purified by natural distillation. Of all the things we ingest ground water is high on the danger list.

There is a spiritual metaphor there as well, for those who are interested in such things.
Rain water falls though all the particulate matter suspended in the atmosphere so it isn't exactly pure
Aside from a total lack of minerals your body needs and expects to get in water, distilled water has an ionic imbalance to it so it tends to actually leech those minerals back out of your body in order to satisfy the imbalance, and your hair, teeth, fingernails, and bones are all full of minerals.
And yet no warning labels in this regard on distilled water sold commercially. My countertop distiller also didn't have any warnings about drinking it. I don't think the FDA or the AMA has declared that drinking distilled water is a major cause of osteoporosis.
I'm allergic to tap water and some well waters too. I have no choice but to drink distilled water or suffer the consequences of being allergic to most tap waters. It's not cheap.

Have you tried Zero Water? They make a 5-stage filter that is better than anything else I have tried that literally has zero particulates in it---- they even give you the water tester to see for yourself.

Literally no dissolved solids. You can actually taste how clean the water is.
And yet no warning labels in this regard on distilled water sold commercially. My countertop distiller also didn't have any warnings about drinking it. I don't think the FDA or the AMA has declared that drinking distilled water is a major cause of osteoporosis.
That's because no particular lobby group has made it an issue for government to address. And I for one don't need yet another warning stick on my products. To be sure, nothing bad will happen drinking distilled water, I have a water distiller and have tasted it, but frankly, I don't like its taste. But I wouldn't recommend drinking it exclusively over months and years because it does deplete minerals from the body throwing ones electrolytes off balance making the rest of your diet more imperative as the means of replacing what the water didn't have.

My water is very hard. A ZeroWater filter would need to be replaced every 8-15 gallons. Way too expensive.
That's because no particular lobby group has made it an issue for government to address. And I for one don't need yet another warning stick on my products. To be sure, nothing bad will happen drinking distilled water, I have a water distiller and have tasted it, but frankly, I don't like its taste. But I wouldn't recommend drinking it exclusively over months and years because it does deplete minerals from the body throwing ones electrolytes off balance making the rest of your diet more imperative as the means of replacing what the water didn't have.

Thanks. Your link reinforces the benefits of drinking distilled water.

Regarding the lack of minerals in distilled water simply brewing coffee with it provides several beneficial ones.

My late sister and brother both suffered from severe osteoporosis. Neither drank distilled water (but neither cared for their health very well either). I do and am pretty healthy all things considered (no bone problems).

What is unique about we who drink distilled water is that we are more health-conscious than most. In fact drinking distilled water is a sign of a healthy person, or one who is concerned about their health.
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