Diversity happy hour cancelled after revealed whites were excluded

From the article...

Karama Blackhorn, program coordinator for the school's Diversity and Equity Center, helped write the invitation.

She said it could have been worded differently, but she maintains the staff members of color would have a more honest discussion about race without white employees.

"When trying to explicitly talk about race it can be a really difficult conversation for a lot of people," said Blackhorn.

So racism is only by whites ehh? And only people of color can fix it or discuss it successfully? Diversity? She means segregation and racism.
If the excluded whites had their own happy hour and discussion that would have been racist.
Isn't the whole point of the story because the thing was cancelled? Why is everyone who is replying totally ignoring that fact?
Yeah, I tried to walk into the 'Black Studies Building' one time on a University Campus just to look, see and learn -- and was told in no uncertain terms that I was the wrong color.

But we all need to get along, right?

This is what happens when the left takes over, people. Hate. Pure, unadulterated hate

College Bans “White Folks” From Attending “Diversity Happy Hour”…


“That space is not for white people, that space is for people of color,”
said Blackhorn, asserting that staff members cannot discuss
race issues with white people present.​

Shockingly, this didn’t go over so well.

Via King 5 News:

A group of employees at South Puget Sound Community College sent out an invitation to all 300 staffers.

The “Staff, Faculty and Administrators of Color” encouraged employees to reply to the invitation to find out the confidential date and time of what was being called a “happy hour” to “build support and community” for people of color.

The invite made it clear white people were not invited.

The email read: “If you want to create space for white folks to meet and work on racism, white supremacy, and white privilege to better our campus community and yourselves, please feel free to do just that.”

liberalism is a disease
"Diversity" is known by any astute observer as the promotion of the interests of anyone who is not a white male. "Diversity" initiatives may benefit, women, Blacks, Hispanics, handicapped, gays/lesbians.etc. It is not for the benefit of white males.

There are African American clubs, and no one questions that whites are not welcome. Same with Hispanic organizations, gay organizations, womens' clubs, and so on.

A "diversity" event is for the joint benefit of many people and associations which are each - rightly in my view - exclusive of white males. So that event should also be exclusive of white males.

What, exactly, is the problem? This is not a touchy-feely, "let's get along with everybody" event, it is a "diversity" event.

Deal with it.
OP: This one time....at band camp...

No one believe that you were 1. Walking anywhere or 2. Attempting to learn or 3. telling a true story and 4. Spoke to a black person without some pee coming out
Two threads on same topic merged. :)

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