Djokovic kicked out of Aus.

Fit in or fuck off is a clear message from the Land Down Under. I thimk we can see the power of celebrity at work here. They should have booted him out a week ago. And now he is Deportovic.

He knew the rules and his status as number one impressed no one.

He is now "Novax"
He knew the rules and his status as number one impressed no one.

He is now "Novax"
Authoritarians love tyranny, until it comes for them.

Of course they’re too stupid to understand they aren’t immune from tyranny.
He knew the rules and his status as number one impressed no one.

He is now "Novax"
I suspect that our fellow posters dont give a fuxk about Novax. It is more like projection as they realise that they themselves would be barred from Oz.
We should nuke Australia.
You might get your wish soon, as China is preparing for war, it said.


According to a person close to him, da joker could be getting vaccinated soon.
The sight of a smiling Nadal relaxing on lawn with his 21st title trophy "is driving him" the person is quoted as saying.
You might get your wish soon, as China is preparing for war, it said.


According to a person close to him, da joker could be getting vaccinated soon.
The sight of a smiling Nadal relaxing on lawn with his 21st title trophy "is driving him" the person is quoted as saying.
That person has no clue. He'll wait for everyone to drop their mandates and either be retired on keep on playing. Novax won the Oz Open like, 8 times. Nadal doesn't win if Novax is there, so it's a fake Slam.
That person has no clue. He'll wait for everyone to drop their mandates and either be retired on keep on playing. Novax won the Oz Open like, 8 times. Nadal doesn't win if Novax is there, so it's a fake Slam.
Not in the eyes of the tournament.
Djokovic didn't want it enough to enter the country/tournament under the rules of the day, so he forfeited by his own hand.
He could've pulled a muscle in round 3 and been ruled out of the competition, even if he had competed.
To win you have to win in the final.
To win skating at the Olympics you must cross the finish line first. Steven Bradbury did that in Salt Lake City in 2002. The others went helter skelter and crashed out.

Wanna win Olympic medals, tennis tournaments etc, you have to obey the rules.
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Not in the eyes of the tournament.
Djokovic didn't want it enough to enter the country/tournament under the rules of the day, so he forfeited by his own hand.
He could've pulled a muscle in round 3 and been ruled out of the competition, even if he had competed.
To win you have to win in the final.
To win skating at the Olympics you must cross the finish line first. Steven Bradbury did that in Salt Lake City in 2002. The others went helter skelter and crashed out.

Wanna win Olympic medals, tennis tournaments etc, you have to obey the rules.
Novax is worth around $300 million. He's probably thinking: bite me everyone.

Bobby Orr didn't play nearly as long as others or win as many Cups as others, but he's still the best D-man to ever play the game.
Novax is worth around $300 million. He's probably thinking: bite me everyone.

Bobby Orr didn't play nearly as long as others or win as many Cups as others, but he's still the best D-man to ever play the game.
There are more important things in life than money.
Integrity is one.
Having the most titles seems to be another.
There are more important things in life than money.
Integrity is one.
Having the most titles seems to be another.
I bet you couldn't even name the player who won the most Stanley Cups. It's the same in all sports. If the media doesn't hype it, nobody knows or cares.
It seems to matter to Djokovic.
He'll decide what's best for him. Like everyone should. Mandates and vaxpasses are starting to disappear all over the world. Would make sense that he waits, or gets covid again, lol. I bet he gets a pass to play at the US Open, I can't imagine us being that petty and dumb.

Fit in or fuck off is a clear message from the Land Down Under. I thimk we can see the power of celebrity at work here. They should have booted him out a week ago. And now he is Deportovic.

He is why I'm rooting for Nadal to win another Major this year instead of a young up and comer like I usually root for.

Djokovic has 20

Nadal 21

If Nadal wins this one it will put him 2 ahead

Djokovic is 35. Hopefully the new kids start beating him like the kids in the NBA are doing to Lebron James now.

Hopefully him not getting vaccinated ruined his mojo because now we all know he's truly an idiot. And about to be down 2 majors to Nadal. Hopefully.
He'll decide what's best for him. Like everyone should. Mandates and vaxpasses are starting to disappear all over the world. Would make sense that he waits, or gets covid again, lol. I bet he gets a pass to play at the US Open, I can't imagine us being that petty and dumb.
The French let him play

Rafael Nadal beats rival Novak Djokovic in 4-set quarterfinal showdown at French Open​


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