Our aid to Mexico is still our money.
At what point does it become Mexico’s money? You’re playing on semantics here and you know it. True, it is “our” money. But once we hand it over to them, it becomes their money. It is already “earmarked” for them.

By not turning it over, Mexico does in effect, end up paying for the wall. But much more to the point and more cut & dry, threatening to withhold aid permanently will result in Mexico paying for the wall (not via our aid).

Will President Trump have the backbone to do it? I have no idea. But I do know that declaring he “lied” about this issue when it hasn’t even started it beyond bizarre and absurd. Hell, at this point, the lie is much more likely to be that he would even build the wall than it is to be about who paid for it. She’s so desperate for a Trump lie, she won’t even wait for the lie to actually come to fruition. She just arbitrarily declares it in advance.

When they are converted into pesos.
Here’s a big one that would have saved a lot of people I know thousands of dollars.

View attachment 232741

Have you heard one peep about this since he was elected? Me neither. That makes him a liar; right?
I see the problem here. As a MaObama worshipper, you’re just not familiar with the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.

President Trump doesn’t have the power to write tax law (only Congress can do that - the legislative branch). He promised a plan. He delivered that plan. Congress failed to implement his plan (though, to their credit, they did cut taxes per his plan).

He can submit a tax plan. But only Congress can created, abolish, or alter tax laws. Still waiting for you to provide an example of when he actually lied. I’ll be more than happy to admit it if/when you can provide one.

Tax return
I’ll need a little more than that since I’m not sure what you’re referring to here. He lied on his tax returns? If that’s the case - how would any of us know that? We’re not privy to that information (unless it becomes public as part of an indictment).
I see. So you don't care what happens to the country
I absolutely care. That’s why the left disgusts me. They openly admit they want to destroy the U.S.
you don't care about morals or ethics
I absolutely care. That’s why the left disgusts me. They are the most immoral, unethical animals that mankind has ever produced.
right or wrong
I absolutely care. That’s why the left disgusts me. Everything everything about the left is wrong. From their desire to control and oppress others to their desire to destroy the U.S.
you just want to own the libs....
Well “libs” are too dirty and disgusting to “own”. They really are worse than barn yard animals when it comes to their hygiene and their behavior.
I don't hate gays
But you do hate the U.S. Constitution.
I'm an atheist EVIL!
I don't want your christian religion running the US government
No. Instead, you want immoral godlessness controlling everything and everyone.
I love having a president focused more on doing what’s best for taxpayers than what’s good for other countries.

We finally have a president with common sense. A president who isn’t afraid to call BS when he sees it.

A president who won’t bow to democrats or their special interest groups.

A president who loves and understands the foundation this country was built on.
I see. So you don't care what happens to the country
I absolutely care. That’s why the left disgusts me. They openly admit they want to destroy the U.S.
you don't care about morals or ethics
I absolutely care. That’s why the left disgusts me. They are the most immoral, unethical animals that mankind has ever produced.
right or wrong
I absolutely care. That’s why the left disgusts me. Everything everything about the left is wrong. From their desire to control and oppress others to their desire to destroy the U.S.
you just want to own the libs....
Well “libs” are too dirty and disgusting to “own”. They really are worse than barn yard animals when it comes to their hygiene and their behavior.
I don't hate gays
But you do hate the U.S. Constitution.
I'm an atheist EVIL!
I don't want your christian religion running the US government
No. Instead, you want immoral godlessness controlling everything and everyone.
You represent the worst of America!
Here’s a big one that would have saved a lot of people I know thousands of dollars.

View attachment 232741

Have you heard one peep about this since he was elected? Me neither. That makes him a liar; right?
I see the problem here. As a MaObama worshipper, you’re just not familiar with the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.

President Trump doesn’t have the power to write tax law (only Congress can do that - the legislative branch). He promised a plan. He delivered that plan. Congress failed to implement his plan (though, to their credit, they did cut taxes per his plan).

He can submit a tax plan. But only Congress can created, abolish, or alter tax laws. Still waiting for you to provide an example of when he actually lied. I’ll be more than happy to admit it if/when you can provide one.

Tax return
I’ll need a little more than that since I’m not sure what you’re referring to here. He lied on his tax returns? If that’s the case - how would any of us know that? We’re not privy to that information (unless it becomes public as part of an indictment).

Either you're stupid or you're playing stupid.

He promised to release his tax returns once the audit was over.
You represent the worst of America!
That’s exactly what every frustrated fascist says after being owned with facts. You want an oppressive totalitarian government so you can get handouts. You’re pissed off that I exposed that and the failures of your ideology.
He promised to release his tax returns once the audit was over.
Yes he did. Is the audit over? I honestly don’t know. If it is, then he absolutely lied (assuming that he didn’t just forget about it since he is a little busy running the executive branch of the most powerful nation in the history of the world).

So far you’ve yet to prove a single lie. This might the best you have and it’s pretty damn weak (especially compared to MaObama). If the audit is in fact over, has anyone requested to see his taxes since then?
Nutbags LOVE it when normal, law abiding people are upset by a corrupt president.
Well that explains you people when the American people were disgusted with MaObama and his Administration. The most corrupt in U.S. history.

Ever notice that we can rattle off dozens of MaObama scandals backed with facts while you people just whine without making a specific accusation or posting a single link to back up your bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories? :dunno:
As predicted, the OP has largely abandoned his own thread rather than be truthful. Some guys just can't be honest.
“Abandoned”? Sweetheart, I posted yesterday and here I am again today. I’m sorry I can’t post all day long, but I don’t live off of government handouts like you do. In any case, I’ve responded to everything and caught you lying. Not only were you not mature enough to admit, but now you want to declare “victory” with yet another lie - that I “abandoned” the thread? Um...do you not realize that everyone can see my posts and they are all time stamped and dated?
He promised to release his tax returns once the audit was over.
Yes he did. Is the audit over? I honestly don’t know. If it is, then he absolutely lied (assuming that he didn’t just forget about it since he is a little busy running the executive branch of the most powerful nation in the history of the world).

So far you’ve yet to prove a single lie. This might the best you have and it’s pretty damn weak (especially compared to MaObama). If the audit is in fact over, has anyone requested to see his taxes since then?

An audit that takes 4 years? Do you honestly believe there has been an ongoing 4 year audit?

What about the subsequent years?
As predicted, the OP has largely abandoned his own thread rather than be truthful. Some guys just can't be honest.
“Abandoned”? Sweetheart, I posted yesterday and here I am again today. I’m sorry I can’t post all day long, but I don’t live off of government handouts like you do. In any case, I’ve responded to everything and caught you lying. Not only were you not mature enough to admit, but now you want to declare “victory” with yet another lie - that I “abandoned” the thread? Um...do you not realize that everyone can see my posts and they are all time stamped and dated?

No, you’ve contorted reality into your own personal lie fest. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall. He lied about it.

He’s gone back (lied) about numerous campaign promises.

And he lied about releasing his taxes.

He lied when he said he didn’t know his AG.

None of this is in dispute from anyone with a shred of honesty
Nutbags LOVE it when normal, law abiding people are upset by a corrupt president.
Well that explains you people when the American people were disgusted with MaObama and his Administration. The most corrupt in U.S. history.

Ever notice that we can rattle off dozens of MaObama scandals backed with facts while you people just whine without making a specific accusation or posting a single link to back up your bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories? :dunno:

Of course you can. You live in a fantasy land where Obama is corrupt and incompetent and Trump is a genius who is unable to tell a lie.
An audit that takes 4 years? Do you honestly believe there has been an ongoing 4 year audit? What about the subsequent years?
You tell me. I’ve never been involved in an IRS audit (thankfully). I don’t know what that legal process is like. But I’ll ask again: is the audit over and has anyone requested to see his tax returns again? If the answer is “yes” to both questions then he absolutely lied. And I have no problem acknowledging it.
Nutbags LOVE it when normal, law abiding people are upset by a corrupt president.
Well that explains you people when the American people were disgusted with MaObama and his Administration. The most corrupt in U.S. history.

Ever notice that we can rattle off dozens of MaObama scandals backed with facts while you people just whine without making a specific accusation or posting a single link to back up your bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories? :dunno:

Of course you can. You live in a fantasy land where Obama is corrupt and incompetent and Trump is a genius who is unable to tell a lie.
Well...you got half of your statement correct. That’s the first time that has ever happened. Usually it’s 100% wrong. Progress!

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