An audit that takes 4 years? Do you honestly believe there has been an ongoing 4 year audit? What about the subsequent years?
You tell me. I’ve never been involved in an IRS audit (thankfully). I don’t know what that legal process is like. But I’ll ask again: is the audit over and has anyone requested to see his tax returns again? If the answer is “yes” to both questions then he absolutely lied. And I have no problem acknowledging it.

Legal process? The IRS is on record as saying that an audit doesn’t prevent you from releasing your tax returns. And certainly no audit takes place automatically for any individual.

So he could have released his returns a second after the question came up.

Your move
Legal process? The IRS is on record as saying that an audit doesn’t prevent you from releasing your tax returns. And certainly no audit takes place automatically for any individual.

So he could have released his returns a second after the question came up. Your move
Oh I completely understand that. But according to Trump (and who knows if this is true), his tax attorney's advised him not to release anything until the audit was complete.

1. Do I think most tax attorney's would give that advice? Yes. Absolutely.

2. Do I think Trump used that as an excuse because he didn't want to release his tax returns? Yes. Absolutely.
Legal process? The IRS is on record as saying that an audit doesn’t prevent you from releasing your tax returns. And certainly no audit takes place automatically for any individual.

So he could have released his returns a second after the question came up. Your move
Oh I completely understand that. But according to Trump (and who knows if this is true), his tax attorney's advised him not to release anything until the audit was complete.

1. Do I think most tax attorney's would give that advice? Yes. Absolutely.

2. Do I think Trump used that as an excuse because he didn't want to release his tax returns? Yes. Absolutely.

So now we’re back to the audit supposedly taking 4+ years to complete (if there ever was an audit to start with)?

Do you really think an audit would take 4 years?

Why hasn’t he released the subsequent years that were filed in April 2017 and April 2018?

Do you really want to stand by your, “he was busy” argument?
I don’t particularly agree with any of this (from the left or from him - we should have total transparency from our government) - but - I love the way that he owns the left. I love how they are in a perpetual state of tizzy because he won’t back down from them.

The left has morphed into a bunch of unethical totalitarians. Kudos to President Trump for being willing to take them on and defeat them.

Trump issues a huge threat to Democrats who try to 'play tough' and investigate him
So this kinda stuff is bad when a democratic (ocasio-cortez) does it but good when Cheeto Jesus does it?
Look who votes for trump and that tells you he has the real power and cannot be stopped like pres Andrew Jackson could not be stopped
So this kinda stuff is bad when a democratic (ocasio-cortez) does it but good when Cheeto Jesus does it?
Not nearly as bad as your reading comprehension and literacy... :lmao:
So just what do you find wrong with that statement?
Well...for starters...the fact that I never said that. Never even implied it. In fact, I was crystal clear in stating the polar opposite of your accusation.
So this kinda stuff is bad when a democratic (ocasio-cortez) does it but good when Cheeto Jesus does it?
Not nearly as bad as your reading comprehension and literacy... :lmao:
So just what do you find wrong with that statement?
Well...for starters...the fact that I never said that. Never even implied it. In fact, I was crystal clear in stating the polar opposite of your accusation.
Your conservitard breatheren are having fits over in another thread about "threats" issued by the new rent-free taker of the ample conservative headspace ocasio-cortez.
So this kinda stuff is bad when a democratic (ocasio-cortez) does it but good when Cheeto Jesus does it?
Not nearly as bad as your reading comprehension and literacy... :lmao:
So just what do you find wrong with that statement?
Well...for starters...the fact that I never said that. Never even implied it. In fact, I was crystal clear in stating the polar opposite of your accusation.
Your conservitard breatheren are having fits over in another thread about "threats" issued by the new rent-free taker of the ample conservative headspace ocasio-cortez.
As well they should. She is threatening to abuse the powers of her office to oppress and punish anyone who criticizes her or hold different political views from her. Typical of that side of the aisle.
So this kinda stuff is bad when a democratic (ocasio-cortez) does it but good when Cheeto Jesus does it?
Not nearly as bad as your reading comprehension and literacy... :lmao:
So just what do you find wrong with that statement?
Well...for starters...the fact that I never said that. Never even implied it. In fact, I was crystal clear in stating the polar opposite of your accusation.
Your conservitard breatheren are having fits over in another thread about "threats" issued by the new rent-free taker of the ample conservative headspace ocasio-cortez.
As well they should. She is threatening to abuse the powers of her office to oppress and punish anyone who criticizes her or hold different political views from her. Typical of that side of the aisle.
So, I reiterate, it's bad when she does it, but not when tRump does?
Yeah, he has embellished and lied, just as the others have.

Thanks for confirming Trump is a coward
No more so than any other politician. Your point?
Claudette thinks Trump is brave
The OP thinks Trump has never told a lie in his life.

You’re a useful idiot who has served two purposes.

But claudette is too ashamed to take you to task on this and P@triot is just, well, a pussy.

Trump is going to punch the left in the face, repeatedly. I'll laugh when it happens.
Yeah, he has embellished and lied, just as the others have.

Thanks for confirming Trump is a coward
No more so than any other politician. Your point?
Claudette thinks Trump is brave
The OP thinks Trump has never told a lie in his life.

You’re a useful idiot who has served two purposes.

But claudette is too ashamed to take you to task on this and P@triot is just, well, a pussy.

Trump is going to punch the left in the face, repeatedly. I'll laugh when it happens.

Trump is a coward.
Yeah, he has embellished and lied, just as the others have.

Thanks for confirming Trump is a coward
No more so than any other politician. Your point?
Claudette thinks Trump is brave
The OP thinks Trump has never told a lie in his life.

You’re a useful idiot who has served two purposes.

But claudette is too ashamed to take you to task on this and P@triot is just, well, a pussy.

Trump is going to punch the left in the face, repeatedly. I'll laugh when it happens.

Trump is a coward.

The left will be destroyed, be nice or I won't toss you food scraps.
Thanks for confirming Trump is a coward
No more so than any other politician. Your point?
Claudette thinks Trump is brave
The OP thinks Trump has never told a lie in his life.

You’re a useful idiot who has served two purposes.

But claudette is too ashamed to take you to task on this and P@triot is just, well, a pussy.

Trump is going to punch the left in the face, repeatedly. I'll laugh when it happens.

Trump is a coward.

The left will be destroyed, be nice or I won't toss you food scraps.

Yeah, he has embellished and lied, just as the others have.

Thanks for confirming Trump is a coward
No more so than any other politician. Your point?
Claudette thinks Trump is brave
The OP thinks Trump has never told a lie in his life.

You’re a useful idiot who has served two purposes.

But claudette is too ashamed to take you to task on this and P@triot is just, well, a pussy.
There’s an old saying CC...if everyone in the room is an’s probably you. :laugh:

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