'DNA DONNIE' and his HHS have to match 3000 kids & parents using DNA--THEY HAD NO PLAN!!

So... are you aware centerleftFL ....

That the Obama administration simply handed children over to child traffickers FOR YEARS???
Did you know that?

They didn't even apply the most basic checks to see who the people they were handing migrant children over to.

Of course you didn't know that. Obama's administration did it. So you don't care.


That was an accident - Trump will do it on purpose .. watch
You just don't give a damn about your own credibility, or capacity to be taken seriously; do you?
So... are you aware centerleftFL ....

That the Obama administration simply handed children over to child traffickers FOR YEARS???
Did you know that?

They didn't even apply the most basic checks to see who the people they were handing migrant children over to.

Of course you didn't know that. Obama's administration did it. So you don't care.


That was an accident - Trump will do it on purpose .. watch
You just don't give a damn about your own credibility, or capacity to be taken seriously; do you?

I've read your posts - You are projecting ;-)
So... are you aware centerleftFL ....

That the Obama administration simply handed children over to child traffickers FOR YEARS???
Did you know that?

They didn't even apply the most basic checks to see who the people they were handing migrant children over to.

Of course you didn't know that. Obama's administration did it. So you don't care.


That was an accident - Trump will do it on purpose .. watch
You just don't give a damn about your own credibility, or capacity to be taken seriously; do you?

I've read your posts - You are projecting ;-)
I thought not...

THEY HAD NO PLAN TO RETURN THESE KIDS or were so utterly flagrantly INCOMPETENT, they never thought how will match them up later?

They could have gone to ANY hospital supply co. and bought HOSPITAL ID BRACELETS to match mothers and kids. Snap them on and say, do not remove until further notice. FOR PENNIES!! Now they will spend millions on DNA, not to mention, where are the mothers or kids once they have the DNA??

FLAGRANT FUCKING INCOMPETENCE is beyond anything anyone in this country has ever witnessed.

Some 3,000 Migrant Kids Are Still Separated From Their Parents. The Trump Administration Is Using DNA Tests to Match Them
Maya Rhodan
Jul 05, 2018
separated from their parents at the U.S. border remain in federal custody, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Thursday, one week after a federal court ordered the Trump Administration to quickly reunite the separated families. Now, in order to reunify families, HHS is conducting DNA tests to verify family relationships.

Azar told reporters on a conference call on Thursday that "fewer than" 3,000 kids – including around 100 who are under age 5 – are being cared for facilities funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is run out of HHS. There are more than 11,800 minors in their care – most of whom arrived at the border unaccompanied.

The Trump Administration is currently facing a tight deadline to reunite the families who were separated under their "zero tolerance" policy at the border. Last week, a federal judge ordered the Administration to return minors to their parents within 30 days. For children under 5, the timeline is even shorter – the deadline is Tuesday....

Trump Administration Using DNA Tests to Match Separated Migrant Families

A legal DNA paternity test (with court-admissible results) for child support, child visitation, and immigration, typically costs $300 to $500, and includes professional DNA collection.Jun 4, 2018

$300 x 3000 kids x 2 (mothers have to have one too). $1,800,000 MINIMUM using the lowest $ value above.

6000 hospital or baby bracelets

Like anyone but you gives a shit??

Hey genius, TRESPASSING is a legal construct. Legal constructs have 'reasonable man' assumptions. "Man" is not children. Besides BABIES CAN'T TRESPASS, they can't walk.
You want them?
You support them.

Well JEB BUSH said it was an 'act of love' to bring your family here. Did you bitch and complain then? George W. Bush said Texas had 'made it's peace' with it (illegal immigration) a long time ago. (Of course NOT while he was running for president)
I would publicly hang the entire Bush family.

They're yours, not mine!

PS I was in all 4 Florida recounts. BUSH didn't win either.
So... are you aware centerleftFL ....

That the Obama administration simply handed children over to child traffickers FOR YEARS???
Did you know that?

They didn't even apply the most basic checks to see who the people they were handing migrant children over to.

Of course you didn't know that. Obama's administration did it. So you don't care.


That was an accident - Trump will do it on purpose .. watch

With all due respect... do you know how dogshit stupid what you just said is??

Accident???.... if you would have read the report, or any portion of it, you would have seen that it was a failure of the Obama administration to perform even the most basic checks on just who they were turning these kids over to. They were used as slave laborers on various farms... FOR SEVERAL YEARS!!!
These small children were sold just like blacks during slavery...and it happened all the way up to 2014.
And the media buried it. The New York Times ran a story buried deep in their Sunday Edition.
This was a national travesty of unparalleled embarrassment and monumental lack of responsibility.
had Trump done this.... it would have ran as headlines for weeks.
Republicans just don't care.

As long as they are in office, they will hurt people. Even their own.
With all due respect... do you know how dogshit stupid what you just said is??

Accident???.... if you would have read the report, or any portion of it, you would have seen that it was a failure of the Obama administration to perform even the most basic checks on just who they were turning these kids over to. They were used as slave laborers on various farms... FOR SEVERAL YEARS!!!
These small children were sold just like blacks during slavery...and it happened all the way up to 2014.
And the media buried it. The New York Times ran a story buried deep in their Sunday Edition.
This was a national travesty of unparalleled embarrassment and monumental lack of responsibility.
had Trump done this.... it would have ran as headlines for weeks.

So you have faith he will meet the deadline and make an honest attempt at reunifying 3,000 snatched babies with their families?
Meh - He'll put most of 'em on the auction block and sell to the highest bidder.

The few lucky ones will be returned unbathed and crawling with lice
Lawsuit alleges boy separated at border left unbathed for 85 days:...
Meh - He'll put most of 'em on the auction block and sell to the highest bidder.

No that is what Obama did... that is the point.
But, it isn't as if I thought you would care about what happened before Trump.
You need an alternate reality, and you are sticking to it.
Just as anyone would think.
Hey...if they can profit from trafficking children........

No, again that is what happened during the Obama admin.
You guys don't know about it, because you don;t care about the mistreatment of illegals before Trump.
THEY HAD NO PLAN TO RETURN THESE KIDS or were so utterly flagrantly INCOMPETENT, they never thought how will match them up later?

They could have gone to ANY hospital supply co. and bought HOSPITAL ID BRACELETS to match mothers and kids. Snap them on and say, do not remove until further notice. FOR PENNIES!! Now they will spend millions on DNA, not to mention, where are the mothers or kids once they have the DNA??

FLAGRANT FUCKING INCOMPETENCE is beyond anything anyone in this country has ever witnessed.

Some 3,000 Migrant Kids Are Still Separated From Their Parents. The Trump Administration Is Using DNA Tests to Match Them
Maya Rhodan
Jul 05, 2018
separated from their parents at the U.S. border remain in federal custody, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Thursday, one week after a federal court ordered the Trump Administration to quickly reunite the separated families. Now, in order to reunify families, HHS is conducting DNA tests to verify family relationships.

Azar told reporters on a conference call on Thursday that "fewer than" 3,000 kids – including around 100 who are under age 5 – are being cared for facilities funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is run out of HHS. There are more than 11,800 minors in their care – most of whom arrived at the border unaccompanied.

The Trump Administration is currently facing a tight deadline to reunite the families who were separated under their "zero tolerance" policy at the border. Last week, a federal judge ordered the Administration to return minors to their parents within 30 days. For children under 5, the timeline is even shorter – the deadline is Tuesday....

Trump Administration Using DNA Tests to Match Separated Migrant Families

Would you want to give an illegal immigrant child back to a child trafficker would you. You do understand that not all the adult illegals are the kids parents?

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Would you want to give an illegal immigrant child back to a child trafficker would you. You do understand that not all the adult illegals are the kids parents?

These details do not matter to them. It isn't as if they care about the children, only in what way can they be used as hate bait against Trump.
Like reported, and an investigation by the Justice Department successfully shown that "untold number of children were handed over to child traffickers" as late as 2014. And the media buried the story.
They have no way of knowing just how many migrant children were sold as slave laborers, and that the whereabouts TO THIS DAY of many of these kids are not known.
But that is all OK, in fact you can see that leftist make jokes about it.
We would not have this problem had Repubtard President Ronald Reagan hadn't rolled out the Amnesty Welcome Mat Inviting them all to flood into the USA!!! Fu©k Reagan!!!

Saints are infallible. You didn't get the memo?
THEY HAD NO PLAN TO RETURN THESE KIDS or were so utterly flagrantly INCOMPETENT, they never thought how will match them up later?

They could have gone to ANY hospital supply co. and bought HOSPITAL ID BRACELETS to match mothers and kids. Snap them on and say, do not remove until further notice. FOR PENNIES!! Now they will spend millions on DNA, not to mention, where are the mothers or kids once they have the DNA??

FLAGRANT FUCKING INCOMPETENCE is beyond anything anyone in this country has ever witnessed.

Some 3,000 Migrant Kids Are Still Separated From Their Parents. The Trump Administration Is Using DNA Tests to Match Them
Maya Rhodan
Jul 05, 2018
separated from their parents at the U.S. border remain in federal custody, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Thursday, one week after a federal court ordered the Trump Administration to quickly reunite the separated families. Now, in order to reunify families, HHS is conducting DNA tests to verify family relationships.

Azar told reporters on a conference call on Thursday that "fewer than" 3,000 kids – including around 100 who are under age 5 – are being cared for facilities funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is run out of HHS. There are more than 11,800 minors in their care – most of whom arrived at the border unaccompanied.

The Trump Administration is currently facing a tight deadline to reunite the families who were separated under their "zero tolerance" policy at the border. Last week, a federal judge ordered the Administration to return minors to their parents within 30 days. For children under 5, the timeline is even shorter – the deadline is Tuesday....

Trump Administration Using DNA Tests to Match Separated Migrant Families
Bullshit. They want to do DNA to make sure those kids are really family. Are you not aware of the child trafficking going on?????
Would you want to give an illegal immigrant child back to a child trafficker would you. You do understand that not all the adult illegals are the kids parents?

These details do not matter to them. It isn't as if they care about the children, only in what way can they be used as hate bait against Trump.
Like reported, and an investigation by the Justice Department successfully shown that "untold number of children were handed over to child traffickers" as late as 2014. And the media buried the story.

They have no way of knowing just how many migrant children were sold as slave laborers, and that the whereabouts TO THIS DAY of many of these kids are not known.
But that is all OK, in fact you can see that leftist make jokes about it.

And who said it was okay? Who the F do you think you are kidding? Anyone? Anyone on this board? Do you care about details? FUCK NO but I'm putting them up anyway. YES, the media covered it, extensively.

It's very simple. OBAMA's team made a grave mistake and a CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY ENSUED. Trump had a plan to do EXACTLY what he is doing! This was NOT the law of unintended consequences like Obama's. He got caught OPEN HANDED RED FACED in his cruelty. He didn't expect rank and decent humans to be outraged. He didn't expect 300 of us to walk across the street of our fancy hotel on the ocean in Ft. Lauderdale and demonstrate last SAT morning because these kids were INTENTIONALLY separated with CRUEL INTENT from their parents by YOUR president.

Got his attention didn't it! NOW comes the millions wasted because he INTENTIONALLY decided to inflict CRUELTY!

Did the Obama Administration Place Immigrant Children With Human Traffickers?
A congressional report and criminal indictment resulted from a 2014 incident in which multiple immigrant children were handed off to a human trafficking ring.

On 17 June 2018, right-wing blogs published a flurry of stories reporting that the administration of former United States President Barack Obama had handed immigrant children over to human traffickers.

The reports were posted in response to the public outcry over a policy enacted by Obama’s successor, Donald Trump, whose administration in April 2018 announced a “zero tolerance” immigration policy. Under this policy, all adults who are caught crossing the southern U.S. border between ports of entry are being charged with federal crimes and then separated from accompanying children.

As the policy went into effect, news reports documenting scenes of distraught, traumatized children being torn from their parents by immigration authorities, and images migrant children being held in cages, created a backlash from both sides of the political spectrum against the Trump administration.

In response to the growing fallout, the president’s supporters wrote up stories criticizing his predecessor based on a 2015 criminal case and 2016 Senate report stemming from a Marion, Ohio human trafficking ring that used migrant children for forced labor on an egg farm. Right-leaning blogs like WesternJournal.com’s Conservative Tribune for example confusingly reported the media was “silent” about the case while aggregating their story from a New York Magazine report:

The left-leaning media stayed strangely silent when the detention of migrant children went on for years before Trump took office… and now it looks like they also kept quiet when Barack Obama’s administration literally placed immigrant children in the hands of human traffickers just a few years ago.

“The United States government placed an unknown number of Central American migrant children into the custody of human traffickers after neglecting to run the most basic checks on these so-called ‘caregivers,’” New York magazine reported in 2016, based on a Senate report.

It’s an obviously false statement that the “left-leaning media stayed strangely silent” about the case, because a simple Google search reveals it has been thoroughly reported on by local and nationaloutlets and is the subject of a PBS documentary film. As the text notes, Conservative Tribune’s own story was based on such reporting.

In July 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted a ring of traffickers led by Aroldo Castillo-Serrano and accused them of smuggling children into the United States. They were also accused of lying to Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) by posing as relatives in order to gain custody of children in its care and use them for forced labor in Marion, a city north of Columbus. The federal indictment, filed in U.S. district court in Ohio accuses Castillo-Serrano and his conspirators of forcing the children to live in squalid trailers and work six or seven 12-hour days a week, using threats and physical violence as coercion.

According to the Justice Department, Castillo-Serrano pleaded guilty in August 2015 to counts related to trafficking. He was sentenced to more than 15 years in prison and ordered to pay restitution to the victims.

The case spurred a Senate subcommittee investigation led by Rob Portman (R-Ohio) which concluded the processes used by ORR to screen sponsors “are inadequate to protect the children in the agency’s care.” At the time, HHS lacked a system to screen potential sponsors for signs of trafficking, like accumulating multiple unrelated children. It did not physically assess homes children were being placed in and did not do adequate background checks on adults residing in those homes. The report found that in 2014, “HHS permitted a sponsor to block a child-welfare case worker from visiting with one of the victims, even after the case worker discovered the child was not living at the address on file with HHS.”

As a result of the investigation, HHS and the Department of Homeland Security entered into an agreement to hammer out a joint plan that would address the issues raised in the report. As of 26 April 2018, that still had not happened according to Portman, who released a statement blasting the agencies for their failure to take action. He wrote:

The agreement said the agencies would enter into a detailed “Joint Concept of Operations” that would spell out what the agencies would do to fix the problems. They gave themselves a deadline of February 2017. That was over a year ago.

It’s now April 2018. We still don’t have that Joint Concept of Operations — the JCO — and despite repeated questions from Sen. Carper and me, as well as our staffs, over the past year, we don’t have any answers about why that is.

In fact, in a recent meeting, a DHS official asked our investigators why we even cared about the JCO.
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THEY HAD NO PLAN TO RETURN THESE KIDS or were so utterly flagrantly INCOMPETENT, they never thought how will match them up later?

They could have gone to ANY hospital supply co. and bought HOSPITAL ID BRACELETS to match mothers and kids. Snap them on and say, do not remove until further notice. FOR PENNIES!! Now they will spend millions on DNA, not to mention, where are the mothers or kids once they have the DNA??

FLAGRANT FUCKING INCOMPETENCE is beyond anything anyone in this country has ever witnessed.

Some 3,000 Migrant Kids Are Still Separated From Their Parents. The Trump Administration Is Using DNA Tests to Match Them
Maya Rhodan
Jul 05, 2018
separated from their parents at the U.S. border remain in federal custody, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Thursday, one week after a federal court ordered the Trump Administration to quickly reunite the separated families. Now, in order to reunify families, HHS is conducting DNA tests to verify family relationships.

Azar told reporters on a conference call on Thursday that "fewer than" 3,000 kids – including around 100 who are under age 5 – are being cared for facilities funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is run out of HHS. There are more than 11,800 minors in their care – most of whom arrived at the border unaccompanied.

The Trump Administration is currently facing a tight deadline to reunite the families who were separated under their "zero tolerance" policy at the border. Last week, a federal judge ordered the Administration to return minors to their parents within 30 days. For children under 5, the timeline is even shorter – the deadline is Tuesday....

Trump Administration Using DNA Tests to Match Separated Migrant Families
They are illegal aliens, they have no right to be here...
fuck them

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