DNC 2018 Plan: CREATE 'Fatigue', BLAME GOP for the 'Fatigue', 'Reverse Trend of 1,000+ Losses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The DNC's Plan is not a secret - they have openly declared what it is before Trump even won the WH; Through their never-ending un-supported false accusations, 100% commitment to Obstructing EVERYTHING, and their two-pronged effort (Democrats and their Fake News surrogates) to blame everything they are doing on the GOP, they hope to reverse their 'new norm' of losing 1,000+ elections and back-to-back historic, record-setting election...

Democrats now targeting 79 House race, but do they have the money and message?

'Democrats are banking on Trump fatigue and discontent with the GOP-led Congress as they vow to compete in 79 House races next year, but the ambitious plan to retake the chamber will also require a big dose of cash.'

Despite more recent election losses, the Democratic Party is trying to convince their usual donors, who are NOT handing over the amounts of cash they have in the past, that 'all is well' and that they have an extremely good chance of taking back many seats in 2018.

So far the donors aren't buying it. Keep blowing sunshine up their asses, though snowflakes, and perhaps the money will start eventually flowing. Of course offering more that just seditious attacks against Trump, continued false allegations supported by no evidence, and complete commitment to Obstructionism will NOT win you back many seats...if any.

Yeah, now we hate obstruction don't we. Fuck the DNC, one party down, one to go.
Putin is going to fuck the DNC in 2018. Uninformed sources tell me he's aiming to flip 100% of all Democrat seats, even in the House
I heard a rumor, based on anonymous sources who provided a letter that I can not release / show, that the Russians are in secret talks with Obama's shadow government for Obama to provide the type of election results he is known for during his 8 year time in office (1,000+ lost elections). With the near collapse on the Democratic Party as a result of the 2018 election losses, Obama will return - with Putin's help - Russian-provided evidence - showing Trump and the majority of his team, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and other GOP leaders are 'bought and paid for' Russian pawns, causing massive upheaval, Trump's Impeachment, and the opportunity for Obama to return, run again in 2020 as 'America's savior / hero', and win a 3rd term.

You're just going to have to trust me on my sources though - like the WaPo did with their recent story - because, like with the WaPo, I can't reveal my sources or show the letter.

I heard a rumor, based on anonymous sources who provided a letter that I can not release / show, that the Russians are in secret talks with Obama's shadow government for Obama to provide the type of election results he is known for during his 8 year time in office (1,000+ lost elections). With the near collapse on the Democratic Party as a result of the 2018 election losses, Obama will return - with Putin's help - Russian-provided evidence - showing Trump and the majority of his team, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and other GOP leaders are 'bought and paid for' Russian pawns, causing massive upheaval, Trump's Impeachment, and the opportunity for Obama to return, run again in 2020 as 'America's savior / hero', and win a 3rd term.

You're just going to have to trust me on my sources though - like the WaPo did with their recent story - because, like with the WaPo, I can't reveal my sources or show the letter.


Doesn't matter. Obama Good, Trump Bad.
DNC's plan:

Where did it go? It was right here a minute ago? *scratches head*
I think my dog ate it.
Oh well the DNC will just copy the independnt candidates agenda and refuse them airtime on DNC controlled media and debate formats, so nobody will ever know.
DNC's plan:

Where did it go? It was right here a minute ago? *scratches head*
I think my dog ate it.
Oh well the DNC will just copy the independnt candidates agenda and refuse them airtime on DNC controlled media and debate formats, so nobody will ever know.

That looks remarkably like their list of "Russia hacked the election" evidence

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