DNC Chairman Claims ‘No Human Being Is Illegal’

Is this the same guy who declared thete is no room in the DNC for pro-life Democrats?

Oh wait - NO. That was ANOTHER dumbass snowflake... :p
Unless they're here illegally, ya dumb git.

DNC Chairman Claims ‘No Human Being Is Illegal’

The insanity continues. The push further left, past progressive status into full blown unchartered territory. Is this now lawless socialism? Borderless communism? The party of de-nationhood? How about the uncitizenship party?

Without a strong Democratic Party, the right will become less focused. There is a dire need for a real Democratic Party, you even sense it when you hear Pelosi and Schumer speak, it's as if they are wondering what purpose they serve. Are they centralists? Obstructionists? Progressives? Globalists? Socialists? Or just individual opportunists biding time until they lose more seats?

Bill Clinton seems like strong a Democrat, hell, even Carter seems like a strong defender of American Values and the Constitution compared to the new breed. We have a party in Canada called the NDP, or New Democratic Party. They were full blown socialists/neo-communists at one time but have since gone more central economically.

I think this is an apt name for this party come 2020. The NDP. They just seem fully out of touch with mainstream America, bought and paid for by International donors.

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