DNC choses Milwaukee over Miami and Houston as site of 2020 convention

College Degrees never impressed me after I got out of college, it just meant someone drank for four years solid.
Maybe you drank for four years but I did not, and neither did any of my friends.

I want a partied, I only went to college to get my degree and left, never like the college atmosphere. I liked the real world better wher I could gather my real skills.
I went to Northern Va. Community College when I was living in DC and working for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and got my Associates degree. Then when I got hired by the airlines and was transferred down here in NC, they set up a program with High Point College (now university) where we could attend there and they would reimburse us a certain percent when we got a certain grade. I got almost all of my money back since I graduated Magna Cum Laude. I did this the entire time I was working full time for the airlines.
Sadly though, my degree in Behavioral Science would have paid me the money I was making working for the airline. and I was in the International Rate Dept. and had to know almost more than some of the top exes did about how we treated out international passengers. I had to know all about baggage, currency conversion, customs and immigration, and help the ticket counters when a person came up and wanted to change their ticket. When that happened, we had to have the ticket itinerary read to us from the beginning and then what they wanted to change it to. We then had to recalculate it in the currency it was written in and converted the difference into USD. All international tickets then were also based on mileage and we also had to calculate that too. I was a lead in that department and was all by myself opening the department on 9/11. One of the other leads called in when the first plane hit and we thought it was an accident. Then when the second plane hit and another hit the Pentagon, we knew what was happening. anyhow, many of the upper management came in to help those in reservations who were talking to the passengers, but no one came down to rates. I was stuck trying to help the numerous ticket counters who were panicking all on my own. Thankfully, my supervisor finally came in and got someone from upper management to come down and help out. My shift that day was supposed to be from 5AM to 1:30 PM, but I didn't get home until after 7 PM.
But, I loved that job and only got y degree to say I had one. I still dream about working rates even after being retired. I dreamed about it every singe night for the first year after I retired. I could still calculate an around the world fare from scratch because it's burned into my mind.

Never used my degree either, I work in transportation, love marketing and as long as I love doing what I do, I’ll never retire. In fact I have looked into consulting for small businesses to help them grow.
I wonder how many graduates never end up using their degrees. Probably more than we know.
My guy has a degree in electrical engineering and has only used it a few times. But he's about as handy with just about anything you can imagine and fixes everything around here from our cars to our roof to our wiring to our plumbing and more. He's a Gulf War Veteran too and is on VA disability for Gulf War Syndrome. His ship was docked off Saudi Arabia when we released canisters of Sarin gas over the ocean and it drifted down to his ship 300 miles away and coated it, got into the air supply, the water supply, and the food supply. It was very diluted by then, but it still did damage and that's how the diagnosis of Gulf War Syndrome came about because almost all of the military then was exposed to chemical warfare. It's what they call as presumptive. War is hell and I only wish we get out of the ones we're still in and not ever get into another one.

Sorry to hear about your guy, that is a shame. My father is in his nineties a WWII vet that served in Europe, he landed on Normandy a week or so after the first wave. He lifted engines into backs of trucks, had a friend blown up by a grenade, not more than 10ft away. He lost partial hearing, had a bad back and he never asked for a dime. He retired from work in the 80’s and it was only in 2009 that he applied for his disabilities brought on by the war. Never really talks much about the war but you can see now what effect it had on him. I would love to bring all the troops home and never have another child die in a war.
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He talks his hate and you talk yours, “rednecks”, “tramp supporters”, and then the only “friends” you have...call it what you want but your hate and intolerance is pretty obvious.
What would you call someone who has a huge pickup with an American flag mounted on one side of the bed and a Confederate flag mounted on the outer side? And who also has a jaw full of chaw tobacco spitting out the window? A Rhodes Scholar?
An improvement... The bar is fucking low. Lol

you should know about a low bar as you're dragging bottom.
You can’t get any lower than a Rhodes scholar... Slick Willy And Rachel mad cow… Now that’s fucking funny
Yeah, I know how you hate brilliant educated people.
They certainly are not brilliant, they are corrupt that’s about it
this is their path to win the midwest, my friends!

Milwaukee hopes to shed 'Rust Belt' label as DNC's host city
But Hillary claimed she stayed away from Wi because these people were all deplorables.

Oh really.

--------- Link?
Got a brain? Hillary never campaigned once in Wi.

Got literacy? I axed you a question.
You asked a stupid question to which you already knew the answer, she considered them to be deplorables. Hillary considered everyone who wouldn't vote for her to be a deplorable.

no she didn't.... only the basket dwellers. the other 1/2 were people who lost faith in their leaders 'cause they feel left behind. you are either leaving out the 2nd part of her quote on purpose , or you haven't been told what the whole quote was ...

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